It has occurred to me that this Rockollections Show will not go on forever. Some day, for some reason, it will end, as everything does. So rather than wait to play particular songs in a Theme, or finding a reason to play them, I have decided to go for myself and just play them because I want to! These are Favorites of mine encountered over the many years I've been listening to Music, and some may be just Guilty Pleasures on my part. Included in this opening half are some what I named "Rock Me Out Bed Songs". Because they literally would do just that, lol! I invite you to my home, sit anywhere, and listen while I play some tunes for Valued Guests! Here are the links to what promises to be even more Free-Form than usual, at Mike Pell Rockollections: At Podomatic: At Soundcloud: Mike
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  • Mike Pell

    Then what the fuck IS a Rocker, some heavy metal Iron Maiden?
  • Jon

    Sure! You know, Megadeth, The Carpenters.....

  • Mike Pell

    That's just silly!