Free Page Themes

Background themes to decorate your profile pages.

"How To Install A Profile Page Theme"

 These themes are easy to install on your page. Here is the step by step instructions.

Find a theme you want to use by clicking links to the preview pages in the index.

Click the link beside "Click To Get Code" to open the theme code page.

Right click anywhere on that page to open Context Menu. Left Click "Select All" to highlight all text. Right click again then left click "Copy" to copy the whole code.

Now go to your page.

Click "Customize" to go to your Settings Appearance page.

Scroll down & click the "Advanced" tab.

Right click anywhere in the white code box, then left click "Select All" to highlight all the text.

Right click in the white box again, then left click "Delete" to clear all the text in the box.

Right click in the white box a third time, then click "Paste" to paste in the new code. Then scroll to the bottom of the page & click "Save"

That's it! You can change your page theme whenever you want.

If you ever want to change the page back to the look of the main site:

Click "Customize" on your page.

Right click in the white box, then click "Select All" to Highlight the text. Then in the upper left click the "Apply Classic Rock Bottom's Theme" to change the code back to the main theme. Scroll Down & click "Save" to apply the main site's theme back to your page.

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    Mike Pell

    I dunno, not sure, lol!

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      OK Mike,

       Going to bed now. I will try to catch you on chat sometime & step you through it.

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        Mike Pell

        Aright Rich, I'm not sure I'd ever actually use it.
