Classic Rock Bottom

Cedar Rapids stars Ed Helms (of The Hangover) and John C Reilly as insurance agents attending a convention in Cedar Rapids (actually most of the film was actually shot in Ann Arbor if memory serves correctly). Helms plays Tim Lippe, a easy going and pretty much socially inexperienced man that has never really been out of his hometown to speak of. Due to the untimely death of the star salesman of the agency he works at, he is forced into the position of going to the annual convention.


He arrives in Cedar Rapids and is on guard as its all pretty new to him, even when checking in he's overly cautious about the clerk at the hotel wanting a credit card to cover the incidentals... just in case. As you might imagine, there are a number of hijinks that go on at the convention during the off time and needless to say, Tim comes out of his shell by the end of the movie having drank, done drugs and slept with a married woman.


I liked the movie, it was pretty much what I was expecting which in this case was a good thing. I will forewarn that the movie isn't going to have you rolling in the aisles like say the Hangover might of. The humor can be a little dark at times but you will still find yourself at least laughing to yourself if not out loud on a few occasions. This movie didn't get a wide release but generally got decent reviews. If you like John C. Reilly or Ed Helms films then most likely this movie will be up your alley and worth renting at least.


I'm giving this movie a 8 1/2 out of 10!


Now available on DVD

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