Classic Rock Bottom

The thread title is self-explanatory for the most part, but there are a few rules:


1. No solo material (yes, that includes the '78 solo albums).

2. No covers, only original Kiss tunes (outside co-writes are okay).

3. No live material, only studio recordings that made an official album.

4. Studio recordings that are on live or greatest hits albums are okay (stuff from Killers, Alive

    II and Smashes, Thrashes and Hits).


I think that's all of the rules.  These songs basically represent the material that you could easily do without ever having heard on a Kiss album.  Don't include stuff just because you may be tired of it, only if you think it's a crappy song (like for me, Beth and RARAN are two songs I'm pretty tired of, but I'm very glad Kiss wrote them and put 'em on an album).  Here's my Top 10:


1. Bang Bang You (Crazy Nights)

2. Little Caesar (Hot In The Shade)

3. (You Make Me) Rock Hard (Smashes, Thrashes and Hits)

4. I Finally Found My Way (Psycho Circus)

5. Read My Body (Hot In The Shade)

6. Every Time I Look At You (Revenge)

7. Down On Your Knees (Killers)

8. Get All You Can Take (Animalize)

9. My Way (Crazy Nights)

10. You Wanted The Best (Psycho Circus)

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In no particular order...


Two Timer

Ladies In Waiting

I Want You

I Pledge Allegiance to the State of Rock and Roll

Anyway You Slice It

Got Love For Sale

(You Make Me) Rock Hard

You Wanted The Best (I almost had this mentally blocked out until RJ mentioned it)

Im An Animal

And lastly, pick any song, except Forever, off of Hot In The Shade.


FYI: I like "My Way"

Wow!  Four classic Kiss songs on your list...

"Two Timer

Ladies In Waiting

I Want You" 

They don't work for me. No offense
I totally forgot about Odyssey.  Yep, that one stinks!
What?? Odyssey is THE best track on The Elder.  And I'm NOT kidding!!!!! It has one of those good simple guitar-solo's. "A World Without Heroes" is probably the second-best track, and then "Just A Boy".

Love Theme From Kiss


Young And Wasted

Burn Bitch Burn

Under The Gun

Secretly Cruel

Good Girl Gone Bad

Thief In The Night

The Street Giveth and The Street Taketh It Away (probably the stupidest song-title ever!!)



I don't have Revenge, Carnival of Souls and Sonic Boom, but pretty much everything from Psycho Cirkus could have been on my list.

Secretly Cruel is a favorite of mine
You're kiddin', right? The guitars are a "Mr. Speed"-rip off, and...well, it sucks!!!! What do you mean "a favorite of mine". Do ya think, it's better than "Flaming Youth" fx?

One of the reasons I like it is the guitar tone that is reminiscent of Mr. Speed.  It's probably my favorite Gene song from the 80's, except maybe Naked City.  That's right, I don't like I Love It Loud.


By the way, I like a lot of Gene's 80's stuff, but the two above are definitely tops for me.


Oh yeah, I'm not saying it's better than Flaming Youth, but it is better than Beth, Great Expectations and Sweet Pain off of everybody's sweetheart Destroyer album.


And you may wanna sit down before you read this......I like Love Theme From Kiss, especially the little live clip from Kissology (One I think).

It hasn't got THAT much to do with the track "Love Theme From Kiss" other than the first few seconds.


And YOU may wanna sit down before YOU read this:

I also like Naked City, but the best Gene-song on Unmasked is She's So European, probably my favorite track from that album, and one of the last REALLY good Gene-songs at all(?!) At the end of the song, Gene proves to me, that he is/was in fact a better singer than Paul!! Wait a sec. I forgot, that he had a few good ones on COTN and LIU as well.

I think Paul and Gene are both excellent vocalists, but I like Paul's voice better.  That's just a matter of opinion.  Peter had a cool, raspy voice, but, because I just listened to all of the solo albums in the last 3 days, I think he may be a little tone deaf.  And Ace does not have a good singing voice, but because it's something different, it worked well when he sang 1-3 songs on an album.


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