Classic Rock Bottom

I am putting this show up now.
As the week goes on you will see why.

I think I can guarantee you a fun time with this one,
it was a treat for me to do!
The music of that 60’s British Invasion group, Manfred Mann.
Just wait till you hear these songs- the memory section of your brain will be in overdrive.
We will start off with a countdown, 5-4-3-2-1.
The band was asked to provide a new theme for the famous British TV music show, Ready, Steady, Go.
That was what they came up with, and it was their first hit.
Then it is on to two nonsense titled songs, including their biggest ever hit, Do Wa Diddy Diddy- and listen closely, I have a rare TRUE stereo version that you don’t usually hear.
As usual, I will be telling you a bit about the band throughout.
Next up, the recipe that made ME- Hubble Bubble, Toil & Trouble.
Followed by a racy song for its time, written by Bob Dylan, though not released by him.
A song I first heard in FRENCH- by the old Fairport Convention, called by them, Si Tu Doir Partir.
Well, here is the first English version I heard. If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Or Else You’ll Have To Stay All Night). My sentiments exactly!
If I didn’t outright say it, I suggested as much many times in my lifelong bachelor life, lol!
The tune reached # 2 on the British charts despite being banned or edited by many stations.
Then one of the most autobiographical songs I have ever heard, The One In The Middle.
Listen closely to those lyrics- they name NAMES!
Of course they are their OWN names, but still…
Got their version of the old Coasters song after that, Poison Ivy- and a damn good version it is.
We will close this episode out with one I’ll bet you haven’t heard in years, Ha Ha Said The Clown- and a song that always make me really laugh out loud, thinking of those folks who are afraid of clowns.
That calls for another Mike Pell Moment Of Clarity.
People, now hear this. There are many things in the world to fear.
Clowns are NOT one of them, LOL!!!
By the way, Engineer Ken said he was dedicating that clown song to me.
Wonder why?
There will be more Manfred forthcoming in Part Two.

Here's the link to WLSO.FM:


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Comment by Mike Pell on October 4, 2010 at 1:58pm
Come on...think about it, lol!
At any rate, the answer will be here probably late tonight.
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on October 4, 2010 at 1:54pm
I have to be honest and say I'm stumped...
Comment by Mike Pell on October 4, 2010 at 12:22pm
Dear RJ,
Thanks pal, for the kind words.
But I can't believe you didn't know there was a Manfred Mann before there was a Manfred Mann's Earth Band!
Good thing you met me, lol!
Aha, we both think of Stripes with that song- but I guess since you didn't know about the band, you never knew who did the song.
If You've Got To Go for that time is a helluva sexy song, credit to Bob Dylan.
Funny line about the story of your life, lol!
The song is titled The One In The Middle.
Yeah those Rappers and Hip-Hop artists do it- but it is much more of a "Look at me, I'm so wonderful" kind of deal.
With Manfred Mann it's simply a fun song.
As for Manfred Mann's Earth Band...are you reading my mind?
I said I had a reason for putting this show here now, lol!
Thanks for listening, and as always, for writing,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on October 4, 2010 at 9:20am

Cool and educational show. I like the little biography that you do along with the music. I never knew there was anything other than Manfred Mann's Earth Band, so I enjoyed this.

As for the songs, "5-4-3-2-1" was very high energy and a really good song.

And you stole my comment on Do-Wa-Diddy, 'cause I always think of Stripes when I hear that song.

If You've Got To Go is a good song as well, and I liked their version of Poison Ivy.

My last comment is on the auto-biographical song, I can't remember it's name (which is my autobiography, because not remembering is the story of my life. It's a cool and interesting song. Rappers and Hip-Hop artists do their own name checking in almost every song these days, so look how far ahead of their time this band was.

Great show, going to part 2 now.

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