Classic Rock Bottom


It's Music for the Past, Present and Future, continuing with the Future.
The main thing to tell you about this Chapter is that 2...TWO... songs I thought of while planning the Series I couldn't find.
As in I don't HAVE them!
So I dropped the word to Paul, my very good old friend in Ireland, and he made sure I got them.
They will both be heard in this episode.
Thanks again Paul my man!
Another thing maybe worth mentioning is, included in here, I did a two-song Point/Counterpoint  regarding the Future- haven't done one of those in a while.
And to carry us to next week, I'l play a very surprising song that not only genuinely fits this topic of the Future, but is also a comment on how I feel this Past, Present and Future Series is going to play out.
All in all, a mixed bag of tunes.
Here are the links to go Back to the Future (WHAT?), at Mike Pell Rockollections:

At Podomatic:


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Comment by Mike Pell on January 9, 2014 at 7:25pm
It's not like I was outsourcing!
I know the guy and he offered.
Happy to hear that you know of cheer up and get out of your Blue Period, lol!
Frankie? You call him Frankie?
What...did you KNOW him...hehehehehe?
Jonny's 2014...come back to us ...and care, lol!
Thanks for the listen, and writing with such passion- see what happens when I say you are a good writer, lol,
Comment by Mike Pell on January 9, 2014 at 3:39pm
Well the whole show is the two parts, although certain halves are better than others, lol!
But the Donald Fagen song struck me as a real good opener for the 2nd half.
And you have that album and could have sent it to me?
Maybe I'll start asking when I run into a wall.
The thing is, Irish Paul and I were talking recently and he offered to send any songs I might ever need, so he was the first guy I thought of.
We both, probably all of us here too, have huge collections of CD's, albums, cassettes, etc.
But as you know, you can't have them ALL dammit, lol!
So I took him up on the offer...twice!
It's very effective how context can make such a difference, and I play on that.
And I swear, I had a feeling you didn't particularly care for the Timbuk 3 song, I just felt it!
That's the good wavelength we are getting to, lol!
And it's always a pleasure when its placement can make a song mean more.
It was funny when I found out how long that Nektar song, I didn't at all remember it being a whole album side, never mind two sides, lol!
Those guys like prog rock so they ought to like Nektar, but Jon is going through his Blue Period, lol!
Another thing is that because I was listening when that whole FM thing started, Progressive Rock was anything they played, and now when I use the phrase it has a different meaning.
Oh I wasn't sure about Sinatra...but now I might even play some of the other Rat Pack guys.
And I don't like Sinatra personally, his attitude- anybody can be a tough guy with bodyguards, know what I mean?
But I try to seperate the Art from the Artisit.
I first did that point/counterpoint thing MANY years ago, back when I had to go to the radio station.
And it was met with a yawn by everybody there, even Engineer Ken.
But I never forgot it, and now and then go back to it.
The Future's Not What It Used To Be is by Mickey Newbury- he wrote San Francisco Mabel Joy, and many other good songs, plus put together and originally did that "American Trilogy" before Elvis.
He's still around...I think.
Wow,  one of the absolute best "new to you" songs I've ever played.
I got it, and you might have it before you read this, lol!
Thanks as always for the intelligent listen and writing, I couldn't ask for more,
Comment by Jon on January 8, 2014 at 11:18am

Sigh. Had to go outside the states to get songs. That's why our economy is bust. Is it? I don't know, and actually don't care.

When I do the upcoming album posts, i9t seems that Nektar always shows up. I don't know if they release their albums for a week, pull them back and then release them a month or so later, but there seems to be a lot of Nektar albums out there. Maybe I'm wrong and am thinking of someone else. Again, I don't actually care. 

Nice show, liked all the songs. Quite nice that you ended with Frankie. But, the more I think abut it, I don't actually care. 

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on January 8, 2014 at 10:06am

Hey brother Mike, I liked this show a lot.

I think every song you played was good.  The Donald Fagen song was a great lead off track.  I think I have that album, I could have sent it to you.  Never was crazy about that Timbuk 3 song, but it worked really well in this context.  It's amazing how that happens.

I've been thinking about checking out this band Nektar.  Jon, Niels and Scott are big time prog fans so I'm sure they would like it.  Heck, I did and I'm a small time prog fan.

It never hurts to close a show with Sinatra.  Another good choice.

My favorite section was the point/counter point.  Probably because I thought that song "The Future's Not What It Used To Be" by Nikki Newberry (or something like that) was fantastic.  Maybe one of the absolute best "new to me" songs you've ever played.  I mean I really, really, really, really like it.  Of course it wins the coveted Golden Pell.  Man, that's a great song.  You do still have my email, right? 

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