Classic Rock Bottom

As I have stated, here in the Northeast we have had major Blackouts in 1965, 1977 and 2003.
In each case, and for the future, there are certain essentials you should have.
But there was one always dependable, vital, irreplaceable item you HAVE to have.
And that will be the subject of this Part Two of our musical look at Blackouts.
Enough said!
On to the Music!
Here are the links to listen to the Radio, at Mike Pell Rockollections:
At Podomatic

Or at Soundcloud:


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Comment by Mike Pell on December 7, 2012 at 10:35pm
ELO and Harry Nilsson get a Golden Pell each!
They were two of the better songs in there so I can't argue with that.
I would have given it to Tommy West for 2 reasons- his is a GREAT song, and it is so very difficult to get!
But it is all subjective to our individual tastes.
Yeah, I do go off on my own here- played some old Radio favories of mine.
All part of the journey though, stops along the way taking us to the end.
I don't have and have never heard that one by the Oak Ridge Boys.
Do you have it?
And have you heard anything lately you might want, I forget to ask?
Oh no, another alphabetizer, LOL!
Although I am confused at Rock Bottom again.
But I keep mine in CD cases in the closet, I don't have room to keep them in the cases.
Not sure what you mean with the have them in cases but not enough room for the cases?
If I ever get a house, definitely at least one room is the Music Room, lol!
Thanks for the listen and writing,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on December 7, 2012 at 2:18pm

I hate to say this, but I sort of agree with Jon on this one.  The best two songs for me were the ELO and the Harry Nilsson tunes.  So I'm giving a Golden Pell to each of them.

I did like the spoken tracks by Stan Freeberg.  Very funny.

That last song is something I've heard before, but not this version.  Maybe a country cover of that song somewhere along the line, maybe 90's era country.  Not sure.

The Oak Ridge Boys have a song called My Radio Sure Sounds Good To Me, it would have fit well here.

And finally, like Scott, I alphabetize and then put those in chronological order for each band.  But I keep mine in CD cases in the closet, I don't have room to keep them in the cases.  When we buy a larger house, I get a room.

Comment by Mike Pell on December 7, 2012 at 12:45pm

Jon, you are RIGHT!

It's NOT another dead cat, LOL!

Comment by Jon on December 7, 2012 at 7:31am

Not another dead cat??? The showed one on Hoarders, really sad.

Comment by Mike Pell on December 6, 2012 at 11:02pm

Not a badger, but there is a scene in that Vinyl movie...!

Comment by Jon on December 6, 2012 at 9:33pm

Well, as long as you don't clean up your mess and tell us you found a dead badger underneath one of the piles, it'll be ok!

Comment by Mike Pell on December 6, 2012 at 8:48pm

I have tried to put my CD's and Albums in Alphabetical order, but it is only partial and only goes to about C, lol!

I rely on that inner feeling I thought you guys had too- where I just somehow KNOW where a song is, that's why I am so shocked when it is NOT there!

Many times that shock makes me realize where it really is in another section, but other times I am LOST and have to just start somewhere with the looking.

I am impressed you both are able to alphabetize your collections, which I am sure is substantial.

But maybe mine is so big it would just take too much time...I'd have to hire a team!

Oh shit, Hoarders...I can't watch that show, even though I am not nearly as bad as they are.

I am a bit of a hoarder though, thinking someday I'll NEED that- but man, I DO throw a lot of crap out  lol!

Comment by Jon on December 6, 2012 at 8:15pm

Yep, have mine arranged the same way. See? Great reality show! Even better than Hoarders!

Comment by Scott on December 6, 2012 at 7:17pm

My CD and Albums are in Alphabetical order and where I have more than one release from an artist they are placed in chronological order (oldest to newest).  Its the one collection my kids knew not to rifle through, and when they did I knew exactly what missing or placed back incorrectly!  Sick I tell you! SICK!!

Comment by Mike Pell on December 6, 2012 at 6:55pm

Well that's the way I do my show.

I think of all the songs I can about a theme and bring a stack of CD's & records over to the computer.

If a song pops into my head it is usually there.

There are times it isn't and I have until the end of the song to find it.

But we probably all know by some sort of osmosis just what pile the song is in.

If it isn't there I am sometimes lost, lol!
When I did shows live, I would settle on the NEXT best song I could think of.

Now fortunately I can just stop recording the show until I find the song I am looking for.

But I do try to keep that live, free-form thinking alive and in-the-moment!

It's more fun, real and challenging- although I don't always make the best, pleasing picks, lol!
That's why I could do the show at one time, and then if I did the same show 3 hours later it would be very different.

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