Classic Rock Bottom


Strange, but blocks of ten years always seem to go by fast...real fast.
In this instance, I can remember every feeling, every reaction, even every smell regarding the attacks on the World Trade Center and the other atrocities.
And truthfully, time has not diminished my anger at all.
You know what happened 10 years ago- almost 3,000 people got up, went to work and never came home again, so I'll keep this short.
This will be a series, one that will take each of us through a gamut of places inside ourselves.
Hopefully, I myself will be a better person by the end, gaining intellectual and emotional profit from the music- be more wise, optimistic, thankful, accepting, brotherly.
We'll see.
In this opening episode, a listen to mostly songs written after Sept 11th, inspired by or directly about the events of that day.
It is simply some of the best music I could find regarding the chosen topic, and please listen to the lyrics.

Here's that necessary link to click on and listen, at WLSO.FM:

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Comment by Mike Pell on September 11, 2011 at 12:00pm
Thanks Niels, hope you like it, think you will.
To me it is not a scar but an open wound.
Amazing how much I can remember and how vivid the memories are.
Jeff Beck, well he did make a few classic albums- Truth & Beck-Ola come immediately to mind.
But he almost seemed to back off or lose interest, although remaining a great guitarist.
Guess he is as famous as he wanted to be!
It always impressed me that the 3 lead guitarists the Yardbirds had were Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page...they are their own Hall Of Fame, lol!
We'll take all 100% of you Niels, I welcome you as an American for as long as you like.
Good to hear from you, and thanks,
Comment by Niels (Mod) on September 11, 2011 at 11:04am

Been a while, Mike, but I'm still here. Since it's 10 years ago today, I'll listen to your show, and give a few thoughts:


A terrible, terrible thing, that happend 10 years ago. I remember watching all night on the TV in shock. I just got home from work, minutes after the second plane had hit the building.


Cool that Page and Beck share lead guitar on that track. "and Beck has always been Beck, quirky and doing what he wants, lol!" Yeah, I've got a feeling that Jeff Beck could had made or been on some pretty classical albums. Maybe he should have joined the Stones? One of the most talented guitarist, but not know to others but music-lovers like us.



Let me finnish off by saying, that on a day like this, I'm 100% american in my mind.

Comment by Mike Pell on September 11, 2011 at 10:43am

Forgot to mention about that Yardbirds song from 1966, Happenings Ten Years Time Ago.
Maybe the only time Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page shared lead guitar on the same song.

Page of course went on to form Led Zepplin, and Beck has always been Beck, quirky and doing what he wants, lol!


Comment by Mike Pell on September 8, 2011 at 11:35pm
My intention is for it to be emotional.
It was the darkest day in my life.

I was at work that day.  Somebody from the receiving department (I was working in a grocery store pharmacy at the time) came up and said a plane had hit the WTC.  Honestly, I remember not thinking much about it, but a small plane had hit another building not too long before that, and I mistakenly thought it was the same type thing.  I had no idea it was what it was.  But as the reports kept filtering in, I just remember not being able to believe it.  I watched the news all evening that day and the next few.

What you wrote is almost precisely the same reaction I had, at first thinking it was just an accident, then realizing it wasn't and being glued to the television for days.
There were some cops and firemen that I have as friends I was worried about, but thankfully I received no calls saying they were harmed.
Odd, I was normally supposed to be in Manhattan that day, but for some reason I pre-recorded a show and didn't have to go to the radio station.
And I used to pass the WTC on the Express Bus on Church St., so close I could almost touch it.
I was angry as hell at those evil bastards who did this and those who supported them, and after 10 years it has not lessened a bit- think I stated as much in what I wrote.
It was very tough for us in NYC, and even out in Brooklyn that night I could smell the foul odor of toxic things that one should not be around when they are burning...and death!
As you say my friend, with that time heals all wounds but this is a tough one.
I am a New Yorker, grew up on the streets here with all the rough and tumble, and well aware of our not always sweet reputation.
For me, and I am not alone, it is not a scar, but still an open wound that I can't imagine ever healing.
Thanks for sharing RJ, and Part Two will be here shortly,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on September 8, 2011 at 6:30am


What an emotional show.  Like Scott, the vast majority of the songs you played were new to me, but they were all very effective. 


I was at work that day.  Somebody from the receiving department (I was working in a grocery store pharmacy at the time) came up and said a plane had hit the WTC.  Honestly, I remember not thinking much about it, but a small plane had hit another building not too long before that, and I mistakenly thought it was the same type thing.  I had no idea it was what it was.  But as the reports kept filtering in, I just remember not being able to believe it.  I watched the news all evening that day and the next few.


I can only imagine what it was like for folks who lost loved ones and even for someone who lived in that city and really knew those buildings.  My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those people and to you Mike.  They say time heals all wounds, but this one is so tough that I just don't know if that will hold true.


Take care my friend and keep the shows coming.

Comment by Mike Pell on September 8, 2011 at 12:57am
That was one helluva day, burned into my brain!
I will NEVER forget!
It's amazing how the ripples were felt all through the nation, extending to the Raleigh airport.
I was there once, in the smallest plane I was ever in...felt every damn bump & rattle from turbulence.
Not to nitpick, but my opening track was Try To Remember by Barry McGuire.
I have had that version for over 30 years and I remember being shocked that a guy with his voice would attempt it- but he does a nice job.
And I knew months ago it would be the FIRST song I would play to make my point, still don't know what will be last!
Music has been my Western Union, I send out messages with it.
It can be very effective in bringing out emotions, and that's what I intend to do in this this series!
As always, I appreciate your openness to the music, even though the songs were new to you, and particularly glad you found them effective.
How about that Yardbirds song from 1966, Happenings Ten Years Time Ago?
That was a last secong decision, just came to me.
I meant to get that Eagles song out, but you can't think of them all, and I have a ton of songs to choose from- always hate it when I have to cut so many out as I don't have unlimited time.
One I want I am still looking for, lol!
Don't thank me yet my friend, I have a long way to go with this, that is just the beginning,
Comment by Scott on September 7, 2011 at 6:14am

I too remember that day in detail.  My family was in town and we were just finishing a great week of vacation, I was actually in the Raleigh airport when they shut all the monitors down. No informaiotn was availble, it was surreal.  Airplanes started landing one after another, all gates were filled, and people were packed in.  Just unreal!


Great opening track, very poignant!  I have told you several times that Im not a Bruce fan, but I do like this track, in this shows context it was very emotional and appropriate!  I love how music can do that! 


Ive never heard of the rest of the artists that were played, but did very much appreciate listening to them!  But I do know that the Eagles recorded "Hole In The World" which is also a very cool song about 9/11.


Thanks Mike! Your show is a great way to pay respects and never forget...

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