Classic Rock Bottom


I started this 2nd half of the show with a song I thought of because of the weather.
Hint: It was 98 degrees out, lol!
With the always comforting Temperature Humidity Index stat, it was well over 100!
I was so happy I was doing the show from home, and didn't have to go out into that sweltering heat and humidity.
As the song was playing however, I realized just how broad a topic this was- I had picked a YEAR...1967!
Not just ANY year, but one with a massive amount of Music of all types to choose from.
Where would I go next with this, what would I play?
I was almost frozen by the possibilities, lol!
So I grabbed a vinyl album, any album.
After all, I must have brought the albums over near me for a reason, plus that usually means it's something I don't have on CD, and is probably rare or interesting.
Whatever I grabbed, the next song I played would be contained on it somewhere- hey, I was running out of time.
And that's quite simply how I ended up beginning the set of songs I eventually played.
It's that kind of careful planning that makes this Rockollections thing so tightly produced and hailed as hugely educational, LOL!
After that panicky moment, I decided a LONG song was in order- one that would take me to the end of the show, with no more choosing on my part until the next time I return to this series.
So I'll close this chapter out with a song from the FIRST album by a huge, Hall Of Fame Band!
Did you know it was about the Oedipus Complex, and that if you listen to the music you will hear the thrusting sound of sex, complete with climax?
Enough said.
More 1967 as this Summer proceeds.
Here's the link to get on the Time Traveling Van, at WLSO.FM:

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Comment by Mike Pell on July 1, 2012 at 10:23pm
Yes, I believe it.
I only did it once as a teenager.
Then about 3 times after that when girls told me sex was better when you smoked pot- it wasn't, lol!
You would think I would have gotten the message before the 3rd time...but just shows how co-operative I can be when in a bedroom with a female, lol!
What a jerk I can be!
Man, I won't even drink that non-alchoholic beer...why take the chance of triggering something?
Got nothing to gain, a helluva lot to lose!
You are better off the way you are pal!
I am not sure what my favorite war movie is, but Full Metal Jacket would be right up there.
That one with Charlie Sheen too...and of course Apocalypse Now just for the sheer madness in that northern zone in the nighttime scene...NOBODY is in charge.
Comment by Mike Pell on July 1, 2012 at 9:53pm
I'd believe he was drunk, and I am pretty sure I saw Hearts Of Darkness, think it was in progress but I caught most of it.
About Kurtz, I STILL don't understand WHY he needed to be killed!
So what if he's a psycho, he's MY pyscho...killing people who want to kill me and who I want dead.
Let him go on, I'd worry about him later.
He may have been like a king to those tribesmen, but he wasn't taking over the freakin' country or government, lol!
It took forever just to GET to where he WAS!
Still seems counter-productive to me.
Go ahead, watch it.
It's too hot to do anything else- I was walking around today, stopped to buy stuff at CVS, bought a coffee in another place, carrying all this stuff around then sat in the park listening to music and the sweat was just dripping off me.
Couldn't wait to get home and peel off my shirt- sonofabitch...even the paper money in my pants was WET, lol!
No that's humid and HOT! watch that and "Full Metal Jacket" least once a year?
It's like making a religious pilgrimage...hahahahahahahahaha!!!
You are a character, lol!
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 30, 2012 at 10:08am

No pot for me, ever.  Can you believe it?  It's true.  Never smoked a single time either.  Just nasty stuff to me. But drinking, I had my time at that.  But I got real tired of the hangovers.  I could probably drink 2 beers now without a hangover, but that's it.  Any more than that and I'd be out of commission for at least 2 days.  Yep, I have really long hangovers.  Just can't do it anymore.

Jon, Full Metal Jacket is my favorite war movie.

Comment by Jon on June 30, 2012 at 8:00am

I believe he was also drunk when he did that scene at the beginning. If you haven't yet, find "Hearts Of Dakrness", it's a doc on the making of "Apocalypse Now". Fascinating stuff, if you get the blu-ray, there is a version that included different versions of the movie plus the doc. If you're not interested in buying the bd, I actually have a DVD copy of HOD, still wrapped.

You're right about killing Kurtz. The first few times I couldn't understand WHY he needed to be killed, but the more I watch the movie, the more I understand why it needed to be done. They guy was kinda psycho.

And now you've made me want to watch the movie again, I watch that and "Full Metal Jacket" at least once a year. Ahh, to have a life....

Comment by Mike Pell on June 29, 2012 at 11:44pm
That's incredible and must be a first, you knowing all the songs I played but one...probably the Leaving On A Jet Plane different version!
But on my shelf, there is a gaping hole where this week's Golden Pell is SUPPOSED TO GO, LOL!
That seems to be everyone's memory for that Doors song, even my own self- though I had first heard it many, many years before.
I think it IS the opening scene- unforgettable in it's dark, cheap, hot damp Saigon hotel room with the fan spinning but doing nothing, Sheen drenched in sweat, shirtless, and pantless too I think, wasted out of his gourd...kind of like you the first time you ever heard the song, lol!
I just wrote to Jon about Apocalypse Now and it bears repeating.
I have seen Apocalypse Now a number of times, including Coppola's Director's Cut, and I still don't know why the hell they would want to kill Kurtz!
If a guy is killing your enemies, why off him?
When I first saw it, I didn't understand any of it, but there were some haunting, crazy scenes in it that made me want to see it again.
I understand in the scene you are talking about, Sheen is supposed to be drunk, high and just totally gone.
And doing the karate thing in front of the mirror, Sheen threw that punch and REALLY hit and broke the glass, and REALLY cut himself.
But being a dedicated actor, he kept on going, even using his own real blood as a prop!
And didn't he have a heart attack making that movie?
Must be a fond memory for him- that damn movie almost killed him, lol!
I love "The End" by The Doors...from well before that movie- when that kind of music was still considered underground, and a secret between a small amount of us, almost a secret society, who had FM radios later to be stereos, and listened to the hip DJ's on the dial!
We were hearing this new amazing stuff every day!
And I have known about that sexual reference to the mother for a long time too.
In the course of a song, you can hear a guy have a mental meltdown!
Truthfully, I had forgotten him killing his brother and sister though, until I heard it while playing it. 
That's some story from your college days my friend.
I was a professional drinker and know the close every bar and spinning feeling later well.
But only on pot has time ever slowed for me, never beer or booze.
And I mean really slowed down...a three-minute song seemed like The wait...seemed like the movie Apocalypse Now, LOL!
I have a vivid memory of peeing seeming as long as Apocalypse Now too, I couldn't believe how long I was standing there, and wondering when it would end- and there is no repeat on peeing, lol!
Now I should point out, you can still count on your fingers- and barely needing the other hand- the number of times I have smoked pot in my life.
And I am done with the drinking- just a clean-cut All-American guy now, who was a nicer guy when he was drinking I am told, lol!
Thanks for the listen and writing, though there is a missing Golden Pell,
Comment by Mike Pell on June 29, 2012 at 10:47pm
DJ's call songs like that "relief breaks".
I wanted to talk about how the song is featured prominently in Apocalypse Now, but I was running out of time.
And I had already talked about the other movie, Coming Home- embarrassingly later realizing I had given away the ending, lol!
I have seen Apocalypse Now a number of times, including Coppola's Director's Cut, and I still don't know why the hell they would want to kill Kurtz!
If a guy is killing your enemies, why off him? The enemy of my enemy is freakin' ok with me, lol!
Like you, when I first saw it, I didn't understand any of it, but there were some haunting, crazy scenes in it that made me want to see it again.
Now I understand in the scene both you and RJ are talking about, and me too lol, Sheen is supposed to be drunk, high and just totally shitfaced!
And doing the karate thing in front of the mirror, Sheen threw that punch and REALLY hit and broke the glass, and REALLY cut himself.
But being a dedicated actor, he kept on going, even using his own real blood as a prop!
And didn't he have a heart attack making that movie?
Must be a fond memory for him- that damn movie almost killed him, lol!
I love "The End" by The Doors...from well before that movie- when that kind of music was still considered underground, and a secret between a small amount of us, almost a secret society, who had FM radios, later stereos, and listened to the hip DJ's on the dial!
We were hearing this new amazing stuff every day!
And have known about that sexual reference to the mother for a long time too.
In the course of a song, you can hear a guy have a mental meltdown!
Truthfully, I had forgotten him killing his brother and sister though, until I heard it while playing it. 
You are right, it doesn't sound dated at all, and never will to me.
Thanks for the listen and writing, overlooking your smartass remark above, lol,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 29, 2012 at 8:52pm

Mike, I listened to this today at work, but it got a little crazy, so I'm just now commenting.  I believe I'm gonna withhold the Golden Pell this week.  Not because I didn't like your choices, but because I knew all but one track, and although it was okay, I don't think it should get the award.  Of course, I can't remember which song it was.

As far as The End goes, I think of two things specifically when I hear that song.  The first is the movie Apocalypse Now.  That scene (I think it's the opening scene) where Martin Sheen is laying there, looking at the fan while the song is playing.  Very cool.

The second is from my time in college at  UGA.  I went out drinkin' one night with a good buddy.  After everyplace closed and neither of us had scored, we headed back over to his place to crash.  He turned on the CD player and this song started playing.  I was laying there on the couch with the room spinning and hearing the song for the first time.  It was very surreal, but I remember it.  It seemed like that song played the rest of the night.  It could have been my altered state or maybe the freakin' thing was on repeat, but I swear it went on and on and on and on.  Anyway, that's the first time I ever heard it.

Comment by Jon on June 28, 2012 at 5:10pm

Just curious, when you played "The End" was that time for a potty break? That would fit in as a dj's potty break type of song.

I don't know if I heard "The End" before, but back in '79 I was asked what I wanted to do for my birthday and I said I wanted to go see "Apocalypse Now", so the whole family piled into the station wagin and away we went. 

Well, since that song was featured prominently in the movie (even though I didn't get the last part, since I was still young) it struck a nerve with me and I went out and picked up the soundtrack and maybe a few years later that Doors album. Everytime I hear that song, I always remember that movie, and it is still my #1 favorite movie of all time.

Oh yeah, you played other stuff was good but doesn't compare to "The End". I also didn't know about that airplane song and that it was done before PP&M. I learned something new from an oldster!

But still..."The End". Yummy. And one final thing...that whole album does not sound like it came from 67. Maybe it's just me, but it has never sounded dated at all.

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