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Album of the Week #311 finds me in a New Wave mood.  And this album comes to my mind almost immediately when I think about that genre. 

The album was released in 1983 and was followed up by Toney Careys solo effort "Some Tough City", I believe the songs written here and the ones for Some Tough City were written around the same time but Carey found the differences in styles warranted a whole different effort.  Listening to the two side by side and it becomes obvious.  While both are great albums, they are miles apart stylistically.  Still, the track Why Me may transport you back to 1983 with its bombastic sound and electronics, its a killer tune!

If you owned the album you'll notice two bonus tracks that came with the cassette edition, Ive included them here...  Click the album cover to be transported back...

Side one

  1. "Static" – 4:04
  2. "King for a Day" – 3:57
  3. "I Won't Wake Up" – 3:46
  4. "Top of the World" – 4:34
  5. "Armageddon" – 4:20
  6. "Tranquility Base" (bonus track on cassette and CD) – 1:55

Side two

  1. "Why Me?" – 4:06
  2. "Power Tools" – 3:59
  3. "Send It in a Letter" – 3:52
  4. "Adam and Eve" – 3:36
  5. "Only You and Me" – 3:22
  6. "Ruby" (bonus track on cassette and CD) – 3:59

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I have two versions of this on CD, the regular version plus another with 4 bonus tracks, 3 of them "Why Me?" extended, instrumental and demo plus "Power Tools" demo. So there!

Weird, I never really thought of this as New Wave. I just thought of it as.........that album that had that really awesome song with the others not bad at all, but not awesome like that one song. 

I have that TC album you mentioned as well as a few others. Of course there's "Pink World" which is the Planet P OPUS, plus another, something about dancing, again I'm too lazy to look it up. Something about 1934. Go Out Dancing 1934 maybe.

For some reason, I group "Why Me" this with David Bowie's "Space Oddity" & "Ashes To Ashes" and Peter Schilling's "Major Tom" even though Major Tom isn't mentioned in "Why Me?".  Try it out, play all four songs in a row and see what I mean. You'll see. Oh yes, you will.

So is this New Wave? Ive always thought it was...

More prog to me, it's listed as Euro-Pop and Prog-Rock on allmusic.

I can't say, I remember this album?!

The first song tells me, that I'm probably not going to enjoy this. EVERYTHING about that song, bores the shit out of me!!!

Second song, and I'm like "Oh no!! This is exactly the kind of 80's music that I hate" The production, the singing, the lyrics, the guitars, the drum-machines, the keyboards.

I'm not sure, I can listen to the whole album. What if someone comes in through the door, finding me listening to this?!!! 

The singer sounds like Mike Tramp, which is VERY bad, If you're me, and I am me.

Third song is.........ydrkkkk!!

Fourth song....

I'll stop take song by song, and listen as much as I can, and give my final verdict, okay? Okay!!

Final verdict:

This was terrible!!! I hated every minute of this album...well, the minutes, I heard.

You made me, yeah, let's call it a fan of Steely Dan last week.

This week, you've made me feel terrible, while listening to this crap!!!

Worst album ever? Maybe not, but close.


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