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Still back in the 70's this week!


With this week's pick and last week's pick, it's kinda like a "albums before they hit it big" type of thing. Not that I meant to do that, it just turned out that way.


This week's pick is from 1974 and is the third album from Styx titled "The Serpent Is Rising". It's also by request and I honor all requests, at least when I feel like it.


Dig the picture?  Check for the price tag. Look how the album is a bit worn at the top and right side. It's classic, man!


Anyway, this album came out months after Styx II (remember "Lady") but I don't recall hearing anything from this album then or now. And I probably wouldn't have heard it on the radio when it came out anyway since I was listening to other stuff.


This isn't a bad album at all, typical (not in a bad way) hard rock/prog from Styx as well as baroque music. That's right, baroque music. Cool word. Just say it over and over. That's what everyone on this site is after buying all this music people keep on bringing up.




There's also something here that sounds really familiar. Think George Lucas. 


A couple album after this Tommy Shaw joined the band and things starting turning around.......



The Serpent Is Rising

1. Witch Wolf

2. The Grove Of Eglantine

3. Young Man

4. As Bad As This

5. Winner Takes All

6. 22 Years

7. Jonas Psalter

8. The Serpent Is Rising

9. Krakatoa

10. Hallelujah Chorus (From Handel's "Messiah")




Availability: Well, the single CD is going for $30 since it's OOP. So, why not just purchase "The Complete Wooden Nickel Recording" which has the first 4 Styx albums nicely remastered and at a bargain price of around $16?


MSoTW: Niels won last week! This week I just grabbed something. Nothing special, was going to do something else and forgot about it. 





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Never seen, or heard, this album before. I like the cover art for sure. RJHog has it right on track number 4 (about the Plexiglass toilet)...what in the world were they thinking when they did this song? Especially the vocals! Sounds like a kindergarten class singing, or something.

But I do appreciate a good laugh, Jon...are we all going "baroque" with our music addiction?

"Broke" is more like it.


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