Classic Rock Bottom

Okay, let's see, what I can find this time. Right now, when I'm writing this, I have'nt got a clue witch video's I'm going to post this week, but let's say 5 new, or kind of new video's and 3 classic, where they all perhaps have some cheesefactor:




Another song, I've heard recently on Kerrang Radio. A Scottish rock band with a song from their 2009-album, "Only Revolutions".


Soulspell is a heavy metal(??!! Is it aggesive enough for you, Jon??!!) project. Much like Ayreon and Avantasia, Soulspell features guest musicians from other bands to portray characters in a metal opera. This is from the 2010-album "The Labyrinth of Truths".


No Doubt About It” is the brand new video from Swedish hard rockers BONAFIDE which comes off the band’s new EP, “Fill Your Head With Rock – Old, New, Tried & True”:


The Blackout is a "post-hardcore/hard rock" band from Wales, formed in 2003. This is from their third upcoming album titled "Hope".


Times of Grace is an american metalcore duo, formed in 2008, with a song from their new album called "The Hymn Of A Broken Man".


This video/song takes me right back to the spring of 1988. "Seventh son of a seventh son" was the last Iron Maiden-album I bought.


And this takes me back to the 90's. Produced by my favorite 90's producer, Brendan O'Brian.


Anybody remember Warlock? Dora Petch, or something in front of a german band, or was it just she, who was a german? Can't remember. Any cheesefactor??

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BIFFY CLYRO ... .75 point
Before I even push play I had to check on this unusual name, and I found it on  No kidding!

  • bif-fy [biff-ee] –noun, plural -fies. Chiefly Upper Midwest and Canadian Slang .  A toilet or privy.

So with that I'm hoping this is better than the name, cause I got alot of poop jokes that could apply.  hahaha...

Give them credit right off the bat!  Pretty catchy tune!  The performance video is shot pretty nicely and the song is actually quite good.  Kind of has a Foo Fighters feel to it, actually it has a real strong Foo Fighter vibe.  Liked ths one alot actually, Nice find Niels!  .5 on the tune and .25 on the vid!

SOULSPELL ... 2 points
Nicely written tune, very melodic and textured really really nice!  I really like the girl singer and girl guitar player, look like sisters maybe?  And they are rockin' the blue eye shadow realy nice too!  Remove the dude singer and this would be much stronger!  I will definitely look in this band!  1 point for the song and .5 for the video, I didnt even mind the early 90's style CGI, cheesy but it didnt even factor into my enjoyment of this one...  Aw screw it! Lets go 2 points, this song made me feel good too!!

BONAFIDE ... 1.5 points
Straight into an AC/DC riff and knock-off tune!  Like it!  Old, New, Tried and True?  This has 3 out of those 4 qualities, it's certainly not new. They even play the Gibson SG and use the similar filters as Angus.  Like the vid too, rock and roll band doing what rock and roll bands do, giggin' and knockin back a few!  Solid tune and liked the band!  .75 for both tune and vid!

THE BLACKOUT ... too ridiculous to rate
Nice start here too, cool riffs and lots of energy.  Until they started singing and then it went downhill.  I didn’t even mind them giving me the bird until the tune failed and they started acting like idiots! And is it really necessary to use the F-word in your songs?  It cheapens you, your band, and makes the tune seem desperate.  To use the word you need proper context!  And this songs doesn’t have that!  As for the video, they did nothing to help themselves out image wise, in fact they looked like a bunch of fools and ended up insulting my intelligence.  Moving on quickly...

TIMES OF GRACE ... 0 points
Not my style of shredding, and do I need to mention the cookie monster vocal?  Why Yes, yes I do!  I wonder if all these cookie monster vocalists will shred their vocal chords soon!  Moving on before the video ends, just not my style...  0 points

IRON MAIDEN ... 2 points with 1 cheese point
Just so you know I rated this before I even watched it and gave it 1 cheese point for 80's hair styles on the students.

JACKYL ... -1 point and a cheese factor of 7
Did that old dude fart or was that supposed to be the chainsaw?  I'm going with the fart. Screw the tune!  It's far more enjoyable to watch this and think that the old guy farted his way through the song!  Seriously... a horrid tune and more ridiculous video with lots of cheese because of the outfits the singer dude wore and stupid chain saw solo, really!!!???.

WARLOCK ... -.5 points with a cheese factor of 10
Don’t remember this band but Dora Petch sounds familiar.  Gotta get points for being a very hot Lita Ford look-a-like right?  But the song is boring and tired.  The band stage act and look is 100% plagiarism.  But I gotta say I like this much better with the mute on!  Dora looks like she needs some exploring!

Doro Pesch people!


I actually owned the a Warlock album and it sucked. But the album cover was kinda cool!




Biffy Clyro--(a spiffy zero)

Doesn't do anything for me, probably because, as Scott mentioned, it sounds like the Poo Poo Fighter Dolls. Last 20 seconds of the song was pretty cool. And are they really that popular? Really?


Soulspell--(1 point)

OK, the song and video aren't bad but would like to hear the whole album since the song seems to be part of a story (hell, it's an opera!). By itself it's not bad but seems to be missing something. I've heard of Soulspell but picking up an album is way too expensive here.


Bonafide--(1.5 points)

Like the song, video was simple. Got the AC/DC vibe, but interesting some of the shirts they were wearing (Accept, Thin Lizzy and...Sausages?). Mix of a lot of classic bands in the music. Plus they seem like fun guys, should send them an invite to come over and drink and eat and stuff. The drummer at the end looked like he wanted to whack the singer which was funny.


The Blackout--(.50 points)

If I heard the song on the radio, I would like it better. I lke the song actually, but the video kinda sucked because I wanted to pound the crap out of the blonde haired dude. He annoyed me and I don't know why. Some of the anitcs of the rest of the band annoyed me too because I'm old and don't like what the youth of today are up to because they're all evil. Especially that blonde dude. Kick him out of the band and I'll by a post-blonde dude album. Again, I like the song. Oh, and there's using the middle finger and then there's using it TOO MUCH. Come along with me on a drive down to Detroit and I'll show you how much is the proper amount of middle finger usage.


Time Of Grace--(.5 points)

Song not too bad, video was kinda cool. Not really a lot of CM vocals, Scott's just weird.  


Iron Maiden--(1 point)

Probably my least favorite Iron Maiden song. Video was silly, but silly in the right, 80's way.


Jackyl--(1 point)

Yes, the song is goofy. However, this is not a bad band at all. It's just a good ole party band that put out a party/novelty song. 


Warlock--(-2 points, cheeziness 3)

Song sucks. That's all I have to say about that. Except for the lightning and the drumstick twirling, I didn't experience too much cheese. But this video did make me feel constipated. Did I miss the Motley Cruise? Also, not that the actual song is less than 3 minutes but feels much, much longer.  












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