Classic Rock Bottom

Let's Keep The Ball Rolling in Fair Territory for this Salute To Baseball with this next-to-final Half.
It is Week 3, and 3 is a big number in Baseball, as well as in another institution, and we will briefly explore the Spiritual Side of Baseball.
When you make your first visit to a Major League Ballpark there is nothing that prepares you for it.
You are initially struck by the colors- a beautiful orange and green that is breathtaking.
Then it is the size of the field.
How can only 9 men cover it all?
Yet the ball is rarely ever out of their control, and even then it is only for mere seconds!
For the Seventh Inning Stretch, it's a true Mixed Bag- Rock, Pop, Gospel, Poetry, Comedy, Ballet (HUH?)...even a bit of Rap!
Give a listen, there are few places where you can hear all that in less than a half hour, lol!
Here are the links, and even if there is no joy in Mudville I want you to be happy, at Mike Pell Rockollections:
At Podomatic:
At Soundcloud:

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Comment by Mike Pell on October 16, 2014 at 12:34pm
It is real nice of you to follow along with this Series and let me know.
Pretty good for a guy who's not that big a Baseball fan.
Maybe you are, or maybe there is still something in us that draws us to Baseball.
I am gonna go 9 innings, reaching it in the next episode.
But I did 6 parts so I had to cheat...hey, I should have played Jimi Hendrix's If 6 Was 9, lol!
That's right, a base hit off Abel from Cain, Cain pitches, Satan pitches and Jesus is pitching!
Baseball re-writes Scripture!
"Rap?  Your branching too far out...."
Oh I knew I was gonna catch hell for playing that, lol!
I've apologized for it, but am still hanging my head in shame with a bad taste in my mouth, lol!
From you, the Golden Pell to Cosby.
Fair enough!
Thanks for the listen and writing, and stay in the batter's box, lol
Comment by Mike Pell on October 16, 2014 at 11:37am
That's the first time you've ever heard that full reading about Casey?
I've read it, but Hopper goes over the top with it, lol!
Keep The Ball Rolling by Jay and the Techniques was their 2nd biggest hit, and Life Is A Ball Game by Sister Wynona Carr was something I accidentally found and thought it would work with Nat King Cole.
That's how things come together on the Free-Form show!
Seems like we all watched TWIB.
And Mel Allen and Rap, I've already apologized for that, lol!
Golden Pell to Michael Franks for Baseball, and it was the best in there.
As I said, smooth and more than a little saucy in the lyrics.
Again I ask, "Who else could do 3 creative hours of Baseball Music and a bit of other things?"
But it knocked me out, and I have no idea for next week, lol!
Thanks for the listen and writing,
Comment by Mike Pell on October 16, 2014 at 11:16am
Hahahahahaha...Dewolf Hothead- it's Hopper!
YOU are the Hothead...oh wait, maybe it's ME, lol!
What the hell is the CM voice?
Never noticed Michael Franks sounded a bit like Al Stewart, but if you say so.
Yeah, I used to watch TWIB all the time, and Mel Allen was familiar to me cause he called Yankee games.
Rap? Mike played rap?
Yes, and I said I have now lost all credibility- I did so because I knew I didn't have much time (was saving it for the 2nd half which I KNEW would run long), and that song was easy to cut into and talk over.
It was Rap and it sucked, but I'll never forgive myself, lol!
Oh, Jay & The Techniques was the first song, and a hit.
Until you mentioned him, I never thought of Chris Berman, he annoys the crap out of me!
It was just a spontaneous thought, and a funny one, since I was gonna say "go all the way back" anyway.
Yes, Nat had a smooth voice. and I am just catching up to it lately.
If I haven't heard it, it's NEW, lol!
I leaned heavily on Terry Cashman because he has a great album you should get as a Baseball fan, called Passin' It On: America's Baseball Heritage In Song- 21 tracks, mostly excellent.
And did you know in its early days and for quite a while, it was Base Ball, two words?
Good line about " Fred Cashen, Brian Cashman. Lot's of cash in baseball"
Nice show eh?
Who else could do 3 creative hours of Baseball Music and a bit of other things?
Don't answer, lol!
Thanks for the listen and writing,
Comment by Scott on October 14, 2014 at 9:23pm

You know for a series that wasn't suppose to go 9 innings, you're getting dangerously close.

A base hit on Abel from Cain?  So it wasn't his offering that God was displeased with, it was his pitching!!  Now I'm just totally confused, Cain pitches, Satan pitches and now Jesus is pitching.  Who knew baseball was so spiritual and evil at the same time!

Rap?  Your branching too far out....

G-Pell goes to Cos!

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on October 14, 2014 at 9:47am

That's the first time I've ever heard that full reading about Casey.  Cool.

I liked the songs Keep The Ball Rolling by Jay and the Techniques and Life Is A Ball Game by Sister Wynona Carr.  Those were both neat.

That last think you played with Mel Allen was quite weird.  Jon's right about TWIB.  And it was a great show.

Golden Pell to Michael Franks for Baseball.  That is one groovy song.

Comment by Jon on October 14, 2014 at 7:50am

Such a shame that some other people that listen to this won't like the Dewolf Hothead version of "Casey At The Bat" because of the CM voice. Their loss.

Michael Franks sounds a bit like Al Stewart.

I used to watch TWIB all the time. Guy had a great voice. 

Rap? Mike played rap?

The first song was pretty good, I must be in a spunky mood. Maybe I'm froggy because of last night's rain out. 

What, you're channeling Chris Berman? Sorry, but he does it better. Nice try, but leave it to the experts.

Doesn't Nat have such a smooth voice? Smooooooth, like a fine bottle of Pruno.

Are you on a Terry Cashman kick? Haven't you been playing him a lot recently or am I thiking of someone else? There's Fred Cashen, Brian Cashman. Lot's of cash in baseball.

Nice show!   

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