Classic Rock Bottom

More Love songs for the approaching Valentine's Day, and ALL will have Love in the title.
And I managed to free-form it all the way to the last song of this chapter, with songs that BEGIN with the word Love!
So with the exception of the very first song of the hour and the ending one, I hit what I shot for.
Probably means little to you, but it was a nice challenge for me, and I will somewhat continue it next week.
I say somewhat because I haven't done next week's show yet, so we shall see...or hear, lol!
There is an interesting opening set here, mainly because it includes a song I might not otherwise play without that first-word challenge I gave myself.
If you think it is wimpy, I apologize...but I agree with you, lol!
The other songs are solid rock though.
After that, I'll redeem myself further by getting a bit bluesy with a couple of songs that go so very well together.
And the closer is a classic that says what I wanted to say.
I wish you all a Happy St. Valentine's Day (yes, it derives from a saint!), with the main squeeze you have- or thinking positively, the one that is surely coming  your way!
Next week, I'll drop the positive crap and go in a very different direction for a Valentine Hangover.
If you have ever been burned, crushed, or devastated by Love, I hope you'll join that would include everybody, lol!
Here's the link to flowers, candy and some Rock & Roll, at WLSO.FM:

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Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 11:00pm


A guy wearing a hat and a gal wearing a helmet!
Actually Tennile is pretty hot, and she looks better when she changed that hairdo.

Showing some good leg...definitely would have been a Love The One You're With qualifier, lol!
Thanks, that was a trip,


Comment by Scott on February 10, 2011 at 7:19pm

ok, I have no idea what memory I'm working off of, but I got this all wrong.  I could swear she dueted with KC in the very early 80's, but I cant get the songs right.


Oh well...  take advantage of that RJ, it doesn't happen very often!  hahahahahahahaha

Comment by Scott on February 10, 2011 at 7:13pm
Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:44pm

Scott, you knew more than me about them.

And I am grateful you mentioned Do It To Me One More Time- hell, I want to hear that now!

I may never have thought of that song again in my life.

And KC and the Sunshine Band would only keep me awake IF I thought of them, lol!

But what the hell, I may find a reason to play them someday.



Comment by Scott on February 10, 2011 at 6:36pm

I sleep well knowing that I dont know much about Tenille and KC and the Sunshine band, know what I mean? 


And yes, I'm watchin'!

Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:30pm

but I thought Scott knew what he was talking about...but now I know he doesn't...:-)


Oh man RJ, that's cold...hahahahahahaha!

He's waiting for a screwup from you now, gonna jump on it...hahahahahaha!


Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:27pm
Good God Scott, do you realize what you have done?
People all around the world are going to read and believe your misinformation!
Just like me!
Your bad alright...hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah forget it, and get in line behind me for all the things I say.
Like maybe my interpretation of the Doors' The End, lol!
Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:17pm

Nice going Niels, you got it!

So many times I can't list my faves, because I have so many of them.

And it gives me a headache, lol!

Thanks for stopping by with your comment,


Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:14pm

RJ (continued)...damn I wrote so much I got cut off, lol!

That was the Chambers Brothers, a single in fact, that came out after The Time Has Come Today.
The single is mono, so I played it from the album.
It is an awesome tune, but one I have only re-discovered in the past couple of years, never liked it more than I do now.
I had high hopes for playing All You Need Is Love to close the show, couldn't wait to do so as I was so sure it would work perfectly, and for you it did work.
And that my friend, is the greatest reward I get doing these shows!
As for the song itself, that is the one the Beatles did on worldwide TV in 1967 on PBS, at least that was the station here in New York, Channel 13.
I saw it in black & white, and I remember laughing and thinking it was genius when Paul launched into She Loves You at the end.
But I thought it was just a long fade since they were doing it live with members of the Rolling Stones, Donovan and many others sitting in front of them.
Imagine my surprise when less than 2 weeks later I heard it on WOR-FM the SAME way!
RJ, they DID hang the moon, lol!
You had to BE there then!
They never failed to surprise.
It wouldn't be the first song to "title drop".
That was done quite a bit in the 50's.
In fact, Bo Diddley mentioned Bo Diddley both as himself and a song I couldn't count them, lol!
If that was a great show, then so was your writing to tell me bro, lol!
Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 6:11pm
Apparently Scott is the Early Bird, lol!
Wow, seems like I got this show right- but looking over some of the songs I still haven't played, the best may be yet to come.
Those 3 I opened with I figured people would know.
No kidding, Love Her Madly is your second favorite Doors song?
Hit a home run on that one then.
But The End is a very strange song, one I could never play for Valentines.
It's my interpretation, but listen to it- it's a guy descending into madness, who kills his father and rapes his mother.
The lyrics, "Father...Yes son...I want to kill you...Mother...I want to...", and the music goes into the sound of violently thrusting sex, until slowing down with a climax.
It's a damn GREAT song though, lol!
Again, I have a vague memory of The Captain & Tennille having a show but never watched it.
But a good call on that one?
Man, I had to think twice before playing it, and I thought you guys might give me the heckles for playing it, lol!
Here's another from you guys I could have written, and I can only nod with a knowing smile:

Love The One You're With was actually my motto back in college.  Except the part about if you can't be with the one you love.  I didn't really love anybody, but I sure as hell loved the one I was with, no matter what night of the week it was...

Now the the Bonnie Raitt tune was fairly new, and I didn't think too many folks knew it, and she sure can play and sing, but the Ten Years After song I did expect you to know, but maybe that's just because I've lived with it so long- ah well, it keeps things interesting.
And it was a cool segue, Love Me Like A Man into Love Like A Man!
That was the Chambers Brothers, a single in fact, that came out after The Time Has Come Today.

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