Classic Rock Bottom


Continuing our celebration of the 45th Anniversary of 1967 & The Summer Of Love, a return to its birthplace, San Francisco.
I'll begin with the FIRST actual hit song to come out of the San Francisco Rock scene.
Bet you haven't heard this one in a long time!
Then some familiar-name bands from the Bay Area, including the one, in my opinion, that best bridged the Progressive Rock gap with mainstream Music.
And I'll end this episode with some groups you may have heard OF, but never heard PLAY.
Including the Beau Brummels, Moby Grape and the Chocolate Watchband.
Some excellent music in this one, so give a listen.
Oh...and this Series would not be complete without at least one mention of a Love-In, lol!

Here are those necessary links, your choice, to Mike Pell Rockollections:

At Podomatic


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Comment by Mike Pell on September 7, 2012 at 12:52am
First of all a question...shouldn't this be Part 10, lol?
I expected people would know Incense and Peppermints and Whiter Shade of Pale, and dare I say it...The Cowsills too!
I have been meaning to do that set about phasing for a long time, and finally got the chance, and to play two excellent songs in the process.
Like you with your picks for Album Of the Week, or Forgotten one, etc., sometimes we pick them for ourselves.
We kinda hope others will like what we chose, but it really doesn't influence our pick much- it just keeps things interesting for us.
That was the case with Painting Box, I really just played that one for myself.
So I was almost flabbergasted to see you chose it for The Golden Pell, lol!
I never for a moment thought it was in contention!
I believe I said it was my favorite Incredible String Band song, and it is, so I again have to applaud you for your openness to ALL music.
And this sounds cool to me, "yet another new song that's totally old."
Yeah bro...totally, lol!
Thanks for listening and writing, I await your free-form thoughts on my free-form choices for the next two,
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on September 6, 2012 at 2:45pm

Playing catch up again.

You played a couple of familiar tunes in this one, Incense and Peppermints and Whiter Shade of Pale, both good songs in my book.


The rest was new to me.  The phasing thing was kind of cool.  It was definitely a technique that I'm not familiar with, so it was interesting to hear that bit.


The Golden Pell is going to The Incredible String Band for the song Painting Box.  I really liked this one.  There is some incredible string work on this tune.  The vocals are cool too.   Very nice pick and yet another new song that's totally old.

Comment by Mike Pell on September 2, 2012 at 1:17pm
Sorry, this one got away from me.
I don't know much about The Outfield- ya can't know them all, lol!
Yes I played  KBC on a 4th Of July show where all songs had "America" in them.
I have seemingly lots of vinyl stuff by Grace Slick which I haven't played in years.
Mainly because none of it ever really grabbed me, although she can, lol!
Blind Faith and all Doors? Good man!
I'll think of more...although there is still NO Surrealistic Pillow...damn that's surreal!
And there is nothing perverted about making the shorter throw from third base to first, lol!
And it's a shorter walk in at the end of an inning.
Comment by Jon on August 31, 2012 at 7:25am

Yeah, The Outfield sucks rat farts.

A show here? Don't remember hearing KBC on a show, maybe you need to do another dedicated to members of Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship. I had a Grace Slick solo album back in the 80's, "Welcome To The Wrecking Ball" and haven't been able to get it on CD which sucks since I think I liked it.

Have Blind Faith and all Doors so I'm set there!

"playing the INfield"? Pervert?

Comment by Mike Pell on August 31, 2012 at 1:01am


Nice breakdown, not you of course, but that listing!

Although you may be headed for one, lol!

I actually played the KBC Band on a 4th of July show I did, wonder if you heard that?

Is RJ right, do you hate the Outfield?

I don't even have an opinion on them...but I do prefer playing the INfield, lol!

Comment by Mike Pell on August 31, 2012 at 12:56am


As I wrote to Jon, the picture (and it's from a book), came out not so hot.

First time I tried to scan something with this fairlly new printer.

And I don't know if I have your address, unless it is something that doesn't indicate your Scottness, lol!
Send it to me privately, alright?

Comment by Mike Pell on August 31, 2012 at 12:51am
I scanned and sent the picture, came out not very clear.
Maybe if you zoom in.
You say half the crowd left when Outfield was finished and didn't stick around for the Starship?
No taste, lol!
Although I once was at a concert where Robert Palmer was the 3rd act, Kinks were 2nd.
I love the Kinks, but people were talking...I was with a girl but I was getting pissed and telling them to shut up.
After the Kinks finished Palmer came out with a suit and tie.
I wasn't into him at the time, but we gave his music a chance and after two or three songs cut out.
I like him more now...but coming AFTER THE KINKS, LOL?
You still should have a good half dozen Dylan albums including Blonde on Blonde, but if you don't like him I get it.
There are others I could name- Super Session, Blind Faith, ALL the Doors, etc.
But you HAVE Tapestry!
Proud of you!
But if you can, check the album called Tapestry Don McLean put out years before as his first album- not rockers, but not a bad song on it, all literate and lyrically meaningful.
Again, proud of you my man,
Comment by Jon on August 30, 2012 at 7:07pm

Ok, here goes:

Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship, Starship, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship with Hot Tuna and KBC band thrown in somewhere and I'm sure a ton of other stuff.

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on August 30, 2012 at 8:58am

Scott, now we know why Jon hates The Outfield.

Comment by Scott on August 30, 2012 at 7:18am
Cc me on that picture postcard please!

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