Classic Rock Bottom

Going into this final stretch of the Harvest Moon Ball, it occurred to me that we had done a lot of Dancing.
But I hadn't paid any attention to those who won't, can't, or just plain don't want to, Dance.
So that calls for a musical acknowledgement of the NON-Dancers!
Of which I, in my now 15 years sober state, am becoming a proud member, lol!
Plus, and this happens occasionally, I will have TWO endings.
Ending A is satisfactory and makes perfect sense.
I thought of it as I was gathering songs for the shows.
But Ending B, well I couldn't abandon that one.
I knew that was the one to end with from the first moment I thought of doing this Harvest Moon Ball.
Besides being a catchy tune, I ask you to please listen to the lyrics of that final selection.
They superbly express my wishes for ALL of you.
This was a lot of fun for me, and I hope you had a ball at the Ball!

Here's the link to the end of our happy little Dance-a-thon, at WLSO.FM:


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Comment by Mike Pell on October 22, 2010 at 11:58am
Dear Scott,
See, there's that important element of surprise again, with the McCartney song.
It's the opening track on the album Memory Almost Full- a good start for him, and I felt a good start for me and Part 4, plus it led into where I wanted to go next.
I hate to beat it to death, but that is the main thing lacking in today's radio...nothing they do SURPRISES you, it is all so predictable!
I have to confess I have only listened to one of the CD's of the Eagles' Long Road Out of Eden straight through, and I liked what I heard.
Maybe luckily I picked the right one, lol!
Now that I know it gets rotation at your house I have to go back for the other one.
Sometimes it is nice to just listen to an album, but I am always thinking how I can use it on a show- it can be exhausting, so that means I need to step away and throw on a re-run!
So you folks and your beautiful state of Idaho (send potatoes!) have really been harvesting!
Well if I can impress you with a radio Harvest Moon Ball, I did alright!
I love Winter, love the Fall too, it's become a close 2nd!
I should be outside now.
I tell you, once it hits Halloween, before you know it we are in a New Year!
Thanks for listening and letting me know I did pretty good,
Comment by Mike Pell on October 22, 2010 at 11:37am
Dear RJ,
You used that word expertly...and yes, that was an eclectic mix of tunes, lol!
Happy you enjoyed it, and it's what makes free-form so much fun.
I treat listeners as adults, and felt they could handle Ella Fitzgerald/Louie Armstrong.
Phil Collins is a very funny and likable guy, I like him a lot and agree he could make the jump to acting easily.
So you have Long Road out Of Eden, but it is 2 CD's and you can forget that many songs.
I thought it fit, and now I know I shouldn't send it to you, lol!
Michael Martin Murphy's Dancing In The Meadow is NOT British Folk, he's American, a Texan in fact.
He's the guy who did the horse song, Wildfire, when he was known as Michael Murphey- don't know why over the years he added the Martin.
I've been listening to some British Folkies for Halloween, and it just sounded like that to me.
Certainly didn't sound like a Texan, lol!
Sorry if I misled you, and you were sharp enough to get it when you wrote "I was thinking it was sort of American something, not Bluegrass".
You are one helluva smart listener!
Glad you hadn't heard the Drifters' song in a long time, that makes it all the better.
That beautiful last song I played is Feet Of A Dancer by Maura O'Connell (I lean to the Irish, lol!).
I first heard it when the numbness wore off after Sept.11, 2001, and I was able to listen to music again.
I always think of 9/11 when I play it, as the lyrics go so well with how we were all feeling.
If you want, listen to it again, and see how those words can relate to those sad days.
I didn't play I Hope You Dance, honestly I am not familiar with it.
The Dance by Garth Brooks would have been a worthy addition, and I had it right next to me for the whole series.
But is such a beautifully sad song in its way, and with the direction the shows went in, I never did find I spot I felt it would fit.
Maybe if I had done another hour...!
Never mind my show, GREAT comments my friend,
Comment by Scott on October 22, 2010 at 11:11am
Mike, nice series... I enjoyed all four parts. I could easily predict the Genesis tune from your note, but the McCartney song was a real nice surprise, I have not heard that particular track nor the CD it was pulled from. Now I'm gonna go listen.

Long Road Out of Eden is a very good release for the Eagles. Albeit, disjointed and lacking unity among the 4 remaining members (IMO), Eden has some very strong individual tracks. It gets some rotation at my house anyway...

My home state of Idaho just completed their potato harvest so its back to school for the rural kids and time to get ready for winter. I suspect we'll all do the same in some way, after all, there is only 2 months left til Christmas...
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on October 21, 2010 at 11:15am

My comment contains song titles and artists names, so please don't read it until you listen to the show.

Mike, that is quite an eclectic collection of tunes (I hope I used that word correctly). It's a great mix.

The Ella Fitzgerald/Louie Armstrong song was really cool. Two great voices.

And you played my song. I love the part in "I Can't Dance" where he says "I never knew so much could happen just shooting pool". And he's so funny in the video. I think Phil Collins could definitely have a career in acting.

The Eagles tune surprised me. I own that album but don't remember the song. I thought all along that might be Glen Frey's voice, but I wasn't sure. I like the song, it's very nice.

The "Dancing In The Meadow" song by Michael Martin Murphy was neat as well. You said it's English Folk, which I'm not familiar with. I was thinking it was sort of American something, not Bluegrass, but whatever that song "Man Of Constant Sorrow" is. I just don't know the genre I'm thinking of, but I like the song.

Of course, The Drifters I haven't heard in forever, so that was a great choice.

The last song, I didn't catch the title or the artist, was nice. It made me think of another song that I'm surprised didn't make this series (at least I don't remember it being played). That song would be "I Hope You Dance", I think by LeAnn Womack maybe? And one other song that just struck me is "The Dance" by Garth Brooks. I know you can't play 'em all, but those would certainly have been worth additions.

Great show Mike.
Comment by Mike Pell on October 21, 2010 at 10:46am
Well that would be one very good!
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on October 21, 2010 at 10:34am
I only have one song jumping out at me before I listen, and it is "I Can't Dance" by Genesis. It's a great, great song, so we shall see...

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