Classic Rock Bottom

I did this show a couple of years ago, so when you hear me say it is America's 236th Birthday, substitute 238th- on the day the Declaration Of Independence (my favorite document ever!) was approved and ratified.
Older than me, but I'm pretty damned independent too!
I had long had this idea for an opening set for a 4th Of July show, and I finally remembered to do it!
As you well know, it was July 4, 1776 when we declared our Independence from Great Britain.
Much had taken place here in the Colonies since the end of the French & Indian War, leading up to this courageous breakup with the then world's strongest power, England.
So naturally I will start off with a British band, lol!
All kidding aside, the opener was irresistible.
From Rock to Folk to Soul and things in between, it's Music about Revolution and the Aftermath, in this opening Chapter for Independence Day.
Listen to the words, think, and enjoy!
Here are the links to those Sacred Memories of 238 years ago, at Mike Pell Rockollections:
At Podomatic:

At Soundcloud:


Views: 85


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Comment by Mike Pell on July 1, 2014 at 7:54pm
The RULES of Jon:

Know your music.

Live your music.

BE your music.

But it was Tracey Chapman not Joan Armatrading.

I'll play her soon just to make you look good buddy!

Comment by Mike Pell on July 1, 2014 at 7:50pm
Nice going!
All the NEW shows I churn out and you pick a rerun, lol!
Actually you you spell it it Chapman, with Tracey in there too, lol!
Funny, you got it right when I originally did the show.
You know, I just got a new Neil Young CD and it is strange but interesting.
I may talk about it and play something from it- he recorded in one of those old recording booths they used to have at arcades, a rare booth from 1947.
USA USA USA USA!...I'm with you brother!!!
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 30, 2014 at 1:55pm

The sink is on the agenda for Friday.  Well, actually, a new countertop, which requires sink work.

Comment by Jon on June 30, 2014 at 1:48pm

Someone obviously has too much time on their hands. Other people went out, bought a snake and tried fixing the kitchen sink. That person failed, but luckily there's a plumber or two around. Now that person is taking donations, any $$$ amount would be appreciated.  

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 30, 2014 at 10:51am

This was the best comment:

Great songs Mike!  Loved hearing The Beatles (although they did not hang the moon), Elton John, the new one from Neil Young and Crazy Horse, and even the Tracy Chapman song.  But, I respectfully disagree with my buddy Scott on the Golden Pell recipient.  I'm going with the guy that helped steady John Sebastian while he was holding the ladder for The Beatles to hang the moon, Tom Paxton.  I absolutely loved I'm The Man Who Built The Bridges.  That's a terrific song.


I almost forgot, the Thunderclap Newman song is really cool too.


On a side note, remember that podcast I told you about?  It's called Coverville.  They did a 4Th of July show that made me think of something you'd do.  It was American artists covering British Invasion artists.  It was very cool, and here are just a few very nice covers they played:


Time Of The Season (Zombies) - Shaw-Blades (I actually have this album and had forgotten about this cover)

Waterloo Sunset (Kinks) - Jackson Browne and Ray Davies

Bus Stop (Hollies) - Material Issue (a smokin' good cover of a great song)

The Story In Your Eyes (Moody Blues) - Fountains Of Wayne (totally thought about you and your attempts to get me into the Moody Blues.  I've heard this original on the radio several times and I really like it).


They are no competition to you my friend, but some of the stuff they play is pretty darn good, as above.  Check it out at if you are interested. 

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 30, 2014 at 10:48am

This was Scott's post:

Like the Tracy Chapman tune!

Well we have full blown mystery on our hands.  You said the White albums version of Revolution was #2, I could've swore it was #9, but when I looked it up on Amazon it said #1.  hmmmm...

Thanks for the Crazy Horse tune!  Ive been wanting to hear this! Isn't it just like Neil Young to put a distorted geetar on a tune like This Land Is Your Land.  Awesome!

I get to beat RJ to the Golden Pell yet again!  This week it is Tracy Chapman, pretty cool stuff!

Great show Mike, but I gotta run run run run run run run run...

Comment by RJhog (Admin) on June 30, 2014 at 10:48am

This was Jon's post:

Never know those were the words to "This Land Is Our Land". Interesting.

Ok, could Tom Paxton been more arrogant? Did he really do all that stuff? I think NOT!

In one of the songs I could have sworn someone mentioned something about hell? Am I right? Can't find it now.  

Except for that last arrogant song, me likey!

Comment by Scott on June 30, 2014 at 9:59am

uhh....  OK.

Comment by Jon on June 30, 2014 at 9:52am

Armatrading, Scott.

Know your music.

Live your music.

BE your music.

Comment by Jon on June 30, 2014 at 9:50am

No, I listened back then. I'm sure if I hunt down the show, there will be spiffy comments from moi.

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