Classic Rock Bottom

More Love songs for the approaching Valentine's Day, and ALL will have Love in the title.
And I managed to free-form it all the way to the last song of this chapter, with songs that BEGIN with the word Love!
So with the exception of the very first song of the hour and the ending one, I hit what I shot for.
Probably means little to you, but it was a nice challenge for me, and I will somewhat continue it next week.
I say somewhat because I haven't done next week's show yet, so we shall see...or hear, lol!
There is an interesting opening set here, mainly because it includes a song I might not otherwise play without that first-word challenge I gave myself.
If you think it is wimpy, I apologize...but I agree with you, lol!
The other songs are solid rock though.
After that, I'll redeem myself further by getting a bit bluesy with a couple of songs that go so very well together.
And the closer is a classic that says what I wanted to say.
I wish you all a Happy St. Valentine's Day (yes, it derives from a saint!), with the main squeeze you have- or thinking positively, the one that is surely coming  your way!
Next week, I'll drop the positive crap and go in a very different direction for a Valentine Hangover.
If you have ever been burned, crushed, or devastated by Love, I hope you'll join that would include everybody, lol!
Here's the link to flowers, candy and some Rock & Roll, at WLSO.FM:

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Comment by RJhog (Admin) on February 10, 2011 at 5:42pm
I didn't remember KC being on Do It To Me One More Time, but I thought Scott knew what he was talking about...but now I know he doesn't...:-)
Comment by Scott on February 10, 2011 at 5:35pm

Hey Mike,


I second guessed my self on that "Do It To Me One More Time" tune.  It is in fact a Captain and Tenille song, it was "Please Don't Go" that she dueted with KC from the Sunshine band with.,  My bad!

Comment by Mike Pell on February 10, 2011 at 5:31pm
Nice to hear you were looking forward to this one, and it seems I scored with my slapshot, lol!
I see a couple of things you guys have written that I cannot improve on, only agree with.
Here's the first one:
I've had a couple girlfriends who I loved when they walked out the door, I loved them even more when didn't walk back through it!
Man, I know that feeling!
I've lived with 3 women (not at the same time, separately, lol!), and I'll be damned if I knew they were gonna leave me.
And leave me stunned and crushed.
Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember that The Captain and Tenille had a TV show- I never watched it, I was into radio then, now I hardly ever listen to the radio.
And I heard Do It To Me One More Time, but I never knew KC was on it, in fact I didn't know WHO did it, lol!
Do It To Me One More Time will be in my Sex & Making Babies series, lol!
That Naked Gun 2 1/2 scene is hysterical, loved Leslie Nielsen in those movies.
But how did you get it word for word? You must have the script!
I was pretty bad about that Love The One You're With stuff, I can remember waking up not knowing where I was, or who she was...and what the hell I could have been attracted to, lol!
Gruesome stuff!
Oh yeah, I knew what I was saying about Bonnie with Sexy and Road Tested.
That's terrific, you say "the band that hung the moon", and I call them The Greatest Band That Ever Existed, lol!
I tell you, I couldn't wait to end with that song!
There's more coming, but the other side of love.
Thanks for the listen and the writing, I really appreciate it and it keeps me trying to play music in a smart way,
Comment by Niels (Mod) on February 10, 2011 at 9:30am
I can't resist "beating" Mike, to the answer of RJhog's question, and say, that it's Paul, that sings "She loves You"  in the end of "All you need is love". Actually one of the 5 best Beatles-songs imo.
Comment by RJhog (Admin) on February 10, 2011 at 9:20am

Somehow Scott always beats me to it.  I thought I would get to it first, but oh well.  I'll read his comment after I make mine.


Such and excellent show.  Three songs that are very familiar to start it, three unknowns (for me), and closing it out with the most classic of classic bands.


Love Her Madly is probably my second favorite Doors song, right behind the epic "The End", which could possibly be construed as a perfect song for next weeks throwdown. 


And I used to love The Captain & Tennille.  I remember watching their show many times.  Now, I can't say their music is still something I strive to aquire, but it never bothers me to hear one of their tunes, so good call with this one.


Love The One You're With was actually my motto back in college.  Except the part about if you can't be with the one you love.  I didn't really love anybody, but I sure as hell loved the one I was with, no matter what night of the week it was...


Great guitar and soulful blues singing by Bonnie Rait.  The Alvin Lee tune was cool, but I really, really liked the one you played by The Chambers Brothers (at least that's who I think you said it was).  Awesome tune.


All You Need Is Love was a great way to close the show.  My absolute favorite part of that song is at the very end when someone sings out  "she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah" kind of slowly.  I don't know which Beatle that is, but that, in my opinion, is brilliant.  Was this possibly the first song to sort of "title drop"?  I have no idea if it is, but it's very cool.


Great show bro!!!!

Comment by Scott on February 10, 2011 at 8:54am

After part one I was looking forward to this...


Ive had a couple girlfriends who I loved when they walked out the door, I loved them even more when didn't walk back through it!


Was there any other band that milked their hit song the way that The Captain and Tenille did?  I remember TV shows, appearance on every other show, and all over the radio.  She even had a pretty big hit with KC form the Sunshine band, remember that one? I think it was titled "Do It To Me One More Time" ... Now that sounds like another valentines day song to me!! ...  hahahahaha


The Stills track brought this to mind, its from The Naked Gun 2 1/2 movie...


Lt. Frank Drebin: You know, sometimes I envy you and Edna. You have the same person every day for over 30 years. You wake up, eat with her, sleep with her. Make love to the same woman.
[Ed looks increasingly disgusted as Frank goes on]
Lt. Frank Drebin: You spend every possible waking moment together, while I'm out running around with a bunch of 20-year-olds who only want a good time and cheap sex sex sex. Girls who can't say no. Girls who can't get enough. "More, more, more. It's your turn now to wear the handcuffs... "
[Ed starts foaming at the mouth... literally]
Lt. Frank Drebin: I just want love, Ed.


Kind of gives perspective on the "love the one your with" line now doesn't it?  hehe


Sexy and Road Tested?  hahahaha, I wonder if you caught that later! 


I suspect its appropriate to end with the band that hung the moon! 


Great show and great summary!

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