Classic Rock Bottom

This is a risky posting on several fronts...

  1. Nobody on here has responded kindly to instrumentals
  2. Ditto for Jimmy Eat World


Shame really, both are very important to my musical world.  So this week it is what it is!  And it is Good!!!




First up is Scale The Summit.  I'll give you only 3 tracks to ease the pain of listening, heres a little background for anyone who hasn't clicked out of here yet...


Scale the Summit maintain a professional standard of musicianship. Each member thoroughly rehearses his part of each song before the band enter the studio to record an album so they can record it immediately, and during each live performance they play every song exactly as it was recorded. Letchford estimates that most of the material remains the same between pre-recording rehearsals and during recording, even though the group do make alterations to the songs as they go sometimes.

The band call their style of music "adventure metal", a term which Letchford states originated from how listeners on the Musician's Institute campus told him and Levrier that they felt the music was taking them on a journey. Until their first album was released, the band were often told to get a vocalist and that they would not survive without one; Letchford admits that even if there were auditioning vocalists who were exceptional in their own talent, he and his bandmates were set against the idea of having a vocalist to the point that all prospective members for the position would be turned down. However, lacking a vocalist enables the band to transcend the songwriting strategy that most bands with singers have to use to accommodate the lyrics, which has been noted as being more difficult. Without ruling-out the possibility of side projects that have vocalists, Letchford has stated that Scale the Summit's own music will never feature such things as guest vocals


1 - Odyssey

2 - The Olive Tree

3 - Willow








Ladies and Gentlemen...  JIMMY EAT WORLD!!!


4 - Appreciation

5 - Damage

6 - Lean

7- Book of Love

8 - I will Steal You Back






by  "I'm right about this one" Scott


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Jimmy Eat World (Thumbs Even)

Jon's commentary was funny.  RJ loves that episode of Seinfeld.  That first track almost has a country vibe to it.  But as it goes on it definitely sounds very "poppy".  Same with the second tune.  Neither are bad, but they belong on pop radio.  I have one album by this band.  It has a song called Pain on it, and I like that song.  Seems like that older stuff is "angrier" than this.  Third track shows that the youthful angst is not here.  

I like the fourth track.  Totally disagree with Niels.  Like that guitar lead too.  

Okay, I've got this totally mixed up some how.  I know track one was right, but it's actually the 5th track that I really like, not the 4th, so scratch what I said about disagreeing with Niels.  I got the songs mixed up.  Basically, this is an average listen.  I definitely don't totally dislike it, although it's a bit more pop sounding than I care for.  

even?   Even??  EVEN???  Wow, I'm shocked, I thought this would get universally panned.  Awesome!  Now I almost feel bad for not liking The Smithereens ... almost


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