Classic Rock Bottom


Since I did them backwards, the Past is last, in these Past Present and Future shows.
And I discovered a remarkable song from a most unlikely source while gathering songs for this Series.
Why the song even mentions Parcheesi- a game I not only have forgotten how to play, but that it ever existed, lol!
This is a comfort Chapter, one to curl up and listen to on a Cold Winter's Day or Night.
It fits like a good old pair of shoes or gloves, with songs that should be familiar to you, and have a glow of both innocence and melancholy.
And isn't that the very definition of the Past?
I like how this Free-Form Episode turned out, even surprised myself when I played it back.
Hope you like it too!
One more last half after this and I close it out.
Here's the link as we are now firmly in the Past, at Mike Pell Rockollections:


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Comment by Mike Pell on January 31, 2014 at 12:19am
Each episode of the Series had a nice collection of eclectic songs and I really enjoyed doing them.
I thought people might be expecting me to do sort of Life songs, but I knew I would be off in a wildly different direction, lol!
And I knew weeks ago I would open a show with that Jethro Tull for the Past, to me too it was a perfect choice.
Hahahahaha...Rosemary Clooney was a nice lesson in football!!!
I knew of that song but never listened closely to it before.
Ah yes, I had to work the Beatles in there somehow, they are a staple alright!
But in fact, the song from The Carpenters is titled Yesterday Once More, which fits on 2 levels after the Beatles- I am nothing if not a thinker, lol!
My brother the Priest is a HUGE Ronnie Milsap fan and gave me all his albums.
My brother is a huge Country Music fan!
The Beach Boys did that song in 1968- I wanted the lyrics for the Past to stand out more, so I chose the almost 30 years later Brian Wilson solo album version, sung with his daughters.
Shows how truly good that song is.
While I love that song from The Boss, since I first heard it till today, I cringe when he sings, "He could throw that speed ball by you, make you look like a fool boy".
No bull modesty here, besides being a great hockey player, I was just as good at baseball- always made the All-Star team.
Why couldn't Bruce have sung the proper word FASTBALL???
NOBODY anyplace I've been calls it a speedball, that's maybe for people who never played or know nothing about the game.
It really bothers me!
I've caught guys like your friend from Junior High- had to wear a batting glove and stick a sponge in the catchers mitt to warm him up.
And the Classic Pell out today to Glory Days, but don't tell Jon.
Got a story to show what a cocky little hump I could be.
We used to play a game in the schoolyard called "Pitching In", just 2 guys one against the other, one pitched and the other batted until 3 outs- and then reversed.
The ground rules are too complicated, all our city ground rules were far more complicated than the Major Leagues I used to joke, lol!
In brief, with this game, the strike zone was a box against a brick wall behind you, a box filled with chalk.
If you swung and missed, a strike- if you took the pitch, then a quick check of the ball showed chalk and that was a strike, if not, a ball.
A terrific game for learning the strike zone, and because the ball was smaller and the bat thinner, a great way to become one better hitter.
To shorten this, up until a few years ago I used to offer to bet people they couldn't throw 3 MARBLES past me without my hitting one, LOL!!!
One at a time of course, and I used a real regulation wooden bat...and never lost!
It's that kind of cocky confidence that made me a better player.
To me, the worst thing about playing baseball was that I had to wait for 8 other guys to bat before I could go back up and hit, lol!
Didn't have that problem in Hockey...could play all day and night.
Thanks for the listen and writing,
Comment by Mike Pell on January 30, 2014 at 11:23pm

Good man, shoveling snow- be glad you don't work at a racetrack shoveling crap!

But if you have a snowblower...why not use it?

That's safer than you thinking of stuff, lol!

Oh wait, you lied! Hard to listen to music with the snowblower on, eh?

We had those pillars a couple of years ago, and I still miss them.

In fact, we had like trenches in WWI.


How is she, lol?

Yeah, again it's you- I don't know all the words to the Carpenters songs.

You know, I LIKE  Led Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker, and in particular" Livin' Loving Maid", lol!

I didn't watch, but they won for a live recording of a 2007 concert?
That's idiotic!

The Grammys do suck, that's why I don't watch- they are as clueless as the R&R Hall Of Fame!

This is funny:



Beatles, Ronnie Milsap and Brian Wilson were all really nice.
However, after venting on the Grammy stupidity, I thought I was going to mellow out and then you hit me with Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce. Why? WHY??!!!!!!!!



I remember the Grammy for Best Hard Rock/Metal performance that Jethro Tull won- people were otraged!

As to how many damn times does Bruce have to say "allright", you are right.

I counted, and he said it precisely twice more than would be just about right, lol!

So this was your favorite show out of this bunch, except for about 4 minutes?

Well I'll take that.

Hope you found people those willing to listen as you vented more on the Grammys, lol!
Thanks for the listen and writing,


Comment by RJhog (Admin) on January 27, 2014 at 10:32am

Another nice collection of songs Mike.  This one was quite good.

Jethro Tull, as always for me, works better one song at a time.  And this was a perfect choice.  

Rosemary Clooney was the only artist and song I have never heard.  It was an interesting song.  And a nice lesson in football.

Of course, you have The Beatles.  A staple.  And a song by the same title from The Carpenters.  She had such a great voice.  

I'm glad you played Ronnie Milsap.  He surely had some great songs.

I thought you had another staple with the Beach Boys, but you said it was Brian Wilson.  Did the Beach Boys do that one as well?  It seems like they did and that's the one I'm familiar with.

And you closed with a terrific little tune from The Boss.  This song always reminds me of one of my best buddies growing up.  "He could throw that speed ball by you, make you look like a fool boy".  That was my friend.  When we were in Junior High, I could barely play catch with him because he threw the ball so dang hard.  And in school, he either struck everybody out or hit the batter.

I'll give the Classic Pell out today to Glory Days.

Comment by Jon on January 27, 2014 at 7:53am

I am fine, thank you. Shoveled snow earlier. I just keep snowing. Got piles of snow, piled high. High snow. The piles at the end of the driveway are at least 5 feet tall. Kinda cool looking, makes me think of snow pillars. What sucks is that is should eventually melt and then no more pillars. All that work for nothing. Yes, I could have used the snow blower, but I like shoveling. It's manly. Plus it gives me time to think of stuff, like my past. Or not. Actually, it makes me think of nothing. I listen to music while shoveling. I don't know why I lid about thinking about things. I try not to think of things. I just do. I do it until it's done. Do it/done. That's my motto. Actually, I have no motto. I lied again.  

YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY PARCHEESI???? She had a son, I think. Don't recall his name. 

More Carpenters! Amazing that we shunned them back then, yet we know the words to the songs. By "we" I mean "me". 

You know, one thing has been bugging me, and I shall type this as the next song plays. 

These were the nominees for best rock album of 2013:

Black Sabbath – 13
David Bowie – The Next Day
Kings of Leon – Mechanical Bull
Led Zeppelin – Celebration Day
Queens of the Stone Age – …Like Clockwork
Neil Young With Crazy Horse – Psychedelic Pill

Now, I have nothing against Led Zeppelin (unless it's "Heartbreaker"/"Living Loving Maid"), yet they wond for rock album of the year? This was a live recording of a 2007 concert. How in the hell did a live album win, much less from a show over 6 years old? I don't get it. The Grammy's suck, they are clueless. At least Daft Punk won some stuff, that's a really good album.
Beatles, Ronnie Milsap and Brian Wilson were all really nice.
However, after venting on the Grammy stupidity, I thought I was going to mellow out and then you hit me with Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuce. Why? WHY??!!!!!!!!
This WAS my favorite show. Actually, funny I mentioned the Grammys and you played Jethro Tull who won the Grammy for Best Hard Rock/Metal performance back in '89. I like "Crest Of A Knave" but 15 years later, the folks who pick the winners still have no clue. Damn, Bruuuuuuuuuce just angers me now. How many damn times does he have to say "allright". 
Ok, take off the last 4 minutes and this was my favorite show out of this bunch.
Now I have to vent more on the Grammy for those willing to listen. That will be nobody.

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