Classic Rock Bottom

42 Is The Answer To TabuLate, To Island and To Party (but no one knows what the question is)

Day 17
Dear Diary,

     Every once in a while something extraordinary occurs in the Universe. Today is one of those days. A new precedent was set. Read on, because these things don't happen very often. Jon pulled, yet another one of his shenanigans. No, there is nothing new there. Then, Scott made some preposterous accusations, singing the same old tune he always does. And this is where it gets interesting. However, before I tell you the whole story of the Hitchhiker, let me backtrack a bit, because a sufficient time has to pass to properly absorb this phenomenon. As I said earlier, Jon haven't made a single correct guess at this round. So, the answers were there for taking. And what did Scott do? He connected the Artist... Wait for it... With A Wrong Category. WHAAA!!! And just when I thought I've seen it all, he finds a new way to stump me. What should I do? Clearly, his answer doesn't deserve any points, but if I don't give him credit, I won't hear the end of it. So, here is what I'm gonna do, and let me be clear on this; it won't happen ever again. Not to him, or anyone else. I'm going to give Scott... 1 point. Mainly, because he's annoying, when he's all whiny. But... If by any chance he manage to win this contest, he better not win, by that 1 point. You feel me? BTW, you're welcome and don't you ever say I never gave you anything. How did the clues from the Rock section point to Alice Cooper and the one's from the Singers Gone Solo didn't, is beyond logic. However, what doesn't surprise me, is the standing:
Jon Tangos In The Night with 1950 pts,
Scott is Running Back to his familiar place, with 1501 pts, while
Everyone Else Gets Enough Rope to make 0's.

     Global News... Berenika Kuna, a human behavior expert from the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow, Poland made a scientific discovery in her "eye-tracking" studies about men who were born, with longer "ring" fingers. According to her, these said men, were destined to end up with a narrow waist and large breasted women. The anomaly of the digits is caused by the exposure to extra testosterone's inside the womb. Then she goes on, inconspicuously covering her tracks, telling us how longer ring fingers aren't the only side-effect, for those men. Oh no! Other predicaments include, being more muscly and athletic, having a powerful grip and better spatial abilities too. Poor guys... Give me a break! Any women who's blessed with an hourglass figure can pick and choose her mates. And here is the result of my unofficial "telepathic-research", on such woman: (While reading these thoughts, please use your feminine voice) "Makes me wonder... If his ring finger is longer than his middle finger, does that mean, certain other part of his body is enlarged, as well? Oh well, even if it isn't as huge as I think it is, he still got those nice long fingers. In other words, it's a win-win situation for a lucky girl, like me." Now, if anyone out there, with a degree in horny dudes in controlled environment can conduct a special, one of a kind "he-said-she-said-experiment" on the matter to figure out how many "daddy longfingers" swore to celibacy before marriage, we just might get to the bottom of this.

     Island News... The heat is on. I don't know who turned the thermostat to a full blast, but it's getting unbearable here, in more ways than one. I'm sweating like a pig, which is quite disturbing if you consider that there are no animals left on the Island, (if you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and read my previous entry) plus my batteries are draining faster than I have anticipated. They do give up heat in use, which is fine, but the heat from the sun is depleting the juice from the cells even faster. Where is that Bunny with a battery in her butt, when I need one? If this continues, I'll be stranded on the Island before I get to finish my CDs. Fortunately, I pay attention to dumb people. You can learn a lot from them. Some say, to extend the life of the battery, you got to keep them in the freezer. No freezers here, but I'm resourceful. And as genius as I am, I submerged the batteries in a crystal clear water from the springs. Good thinking, eh? Without water I can do, but I wouldn't last more than an hour without music.

Speaking of which...

click on the cover to hear the songs
FLEETWOOD MAC - Tango In The Night
3CD/DVD/LP Box Set ℗ 1987/2017

Fleetwood Mac was never "my thing". It was one of those artists my cousin worshiped. We both had group of artists the other made fun of. For me, it was Led Zeppelin, for him it was Deep Purple. I was Queen, he was ELO and so on, so forth. While the purpose of this exercise was to trash each others preferences with all our might, eventually we realized the silliness of the whole thing and we started to appreciate these bands. Not Fleetwood Mac, though. No. Sure, Stevie Nicks was one bad "mamma jamma", but other than that they had no appeal to me. I owned one double, best of LP from the Peter Green era and I was content with that. Until, TITN came out. I couldn't believe my ears back then, nor could I now. It must be a serendipity, if you ask me.

1. ALICE COOPER - Department Of Youth
from "Welcome To My Nightmare" CD ℗ 1975/1994

Alice Cooper and this album in particular, were introduced to me by my uncle who was merely few years older than me. Happens when there is a great age discrepancy between your grandma and her youngest sister. At one of my visits to his house, he would play (quite loudly, I might add) the song Department Of Youth. He said the song was about him and I. I believed him. Of course, I could pass for a youth at the time, but I doubt he would. Then again, you're only as old as you feel. Needless to say, soon after, his Mother stormed through the door, yelling at him and demanding to turn the music down. I was surprised she knew who Alice Cooper was. I didn't. She also told him, to take off that ugly Alice Cooper poster. I really loved the dynamic of his family. My grandma's sister was very strict and serious, however my uncle would brash her off like a flake from a shoulder pad. The arguing was quite entertaining. It was like watching one of those TV sitcoms. Finally, he pushed her out of his room, cranked the volume up and took the poster off. Not because he was obedient, but because he gave it to me... Along with a taped version of the vinyl. That cassette remained the sole source of the material I had, for many years to come. More precisely, until I found the album on a CD. There are probably few projects in the world similar to this, but none of them can measure up to the... How should I put it?... Macabre of the Welcome To My Nightmare.

2. URGENT - Pain (Love Is A Victim)
3. URGENT - I Can't Take It No More
4. URGENT - Running Back
5. URGENT - Extra, Extra
6. URGENT - Give 'Em Enough Rope
from "Thinking Out Loud" CD ℗ 1987/2011

Can't say I heard of this New York City band and their Tom Allom produced album, Thinking Out Loud, until it got a remastered reissue. Regardless of my obliviousness, the Island experience wouldn't be the same without it.

INDEX (To keep track of things. Also, the clues for the next weeks selection are here. Do you know; What's Coming To You?)

500 pt
300 pt - 1979 - STYX - Cornerstone
800 pt - 1981 - ZZ TOP - El Loco
200 pt - 1983 - ELO - Secret Messages
600 pt - 1984 - HOBO BLUES BAND - A Vadaszat
1000pt - 1985 - DIRE STRAITS - Brothers In Arms
100 pt - 1987 - FLEETWOOD MAC - Tango In The Night
400 pt - 1988 - STATUS QUO - Ain't Complaining

300 pt - 1973 - NAZARETH - Razamanaz
100 pt - 1975 - BIJELO DUGME - Sta Bi Dao Da Si Na Mom Mjestu
500 pt - 1981 - RAINBOW - Difficult To Cure
800 pt - 1982 - MAGNUM - Chase The Dragon
600 pt - 1983 - THIN LIZZY - Thunder & Lightning
200 pt - 1983 - KISS - Lick It Up
1000pt - 1983 - NIGHTWING - Stand Up And Be Counted
400 pt

200 pt - 1980 - RUSS BALLARD - Into The Fire
600 pt - 1983 - PRISM - Beat Street
300 pt - 1987 - TRIUMPH - Surveillance
800 pt - 1987 - URGENT - Thinking Out Loud
100 pt - 1987 - ANDY TAYLOR - Thunder
500 pt - 1988 - DOMINOE - Keep In Touch
400 pt - 1990 - LAOS - We Want It

400 pt - 1984 - VAN HALEN - 1984
100 pt - 1984 - BON JOVI - Bon Jovi
800 pt - 1984 - SCORPIONS - Love At First Sting
200 pt - 1987 - WHITESNAKE - Whitesnake (1987)
300 pt
1000pt - 1988 - EDDA - Valtozo Idok
500 pt - 1992 - DAMN YANKEES - Don't Tread
600 pt (Instrumental clue - He came back with his last instrumental album. If I tell you more, it'll be too easy to guess, but sooner or later you'll figure it out)

300 pt - 1980 - JUDAS PRIEST - British Steel
400 pt - 1980 - BLACK SABBATH - Heaven & Hell
800 pt (It is the first and only LP I stole from a record store. I'm not a proud violator of the law, but I learned to live with my transgression)
200 pt - 1981 - GIRLSCHOOL - Hit & Run
500 pt - 1981 - SAXON - Denim & Leather
600 pt - 1981 - GORDI - Pakleni Trio
100 pt - 1982 - IRON MAIDEN - Number Of The Beast
1000pt - 1988 - CACOPHONY - Go Off!

300 pt - 1975 - ALICE COOPER - Welcome To My Nightmare
800 pt - 1983 - DIO - Holy Diver
100 pt - 1985 - REVESZ SANDOR - Revesz Sandor
600 pt - 1990 - KEN TAMPLIN & FRIENDS - An Axe To Grind
500 pt - 1993 - DORO - Angels Never Die
400 pt - 1993 - VINCE NEIL - Exposed
200 pt - 1994 - BRUCE DICKINSON - Balls To Picasso

100 pt - 1980 - MSG - Michael Schenker Group
300 pt (OK folks, are you ready for this? He's been inducted to Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame... Twice)
400 pt - 1987 - GARY MOORE - Wild Frontier
800 pt - 1989 - JON BUTCHER - Pictures From The Front
200 pt - 1990 - LITA FORD - Stiletto
600 pt - 1992 - JOHN NORUM - Face The Truth
1000pt - 1992 - MARTY FRIEDMAN - Scenes
500 pt - 1994 - YNGWIE MALMSTEEN - The Seventh Sign

500 pt - 1982 - DR. FEELGOOD - Fast Women & Slow Horses
600 pt - 1991 - MARK WOOD - Voodoo Violince
800 pt - 1996 - ARS NOVA - Goddess Of Darkness

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Britney Spears

Def Leppard--High n Dry

Jimmy Page. No, Eric Clapton. No, Neil Young. Ok, one of those three.

Britney Spears? Interesting choice. Album title?

You think I know one?

Uhmm... Is this a trick question?


Oops, Jon did it again!

I'll only give you one guess since you were so nice to me this week...


I know, it's Christmas and it's much more rewarding to give than to receive. Make sure you tell everyone, how nice I'm... Just in case I haven't made the Santa's nice list, yet. There is still couple of days left. I have to make a good impression on him.

How about you? Do you have an album title that goes with your guess?


Urgent sounds a bit like Loverboy. It kind of grows on you especially when you're doing work around the house and it keeps looping. Really not too shabbby. 


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