Classic Rock Bottom

Artist: Testament

Genre: Heavy Metal

Country Of Origin: United States 

Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Member: No

Album: Low

Meet The Band: Chuck Billy (Vocals)/Eric Peterson (Lead and Rhythm Guitar)/James Murphy (Lead and Rhythm Guitar)/Greg Christian (Bass)/John Tempesta (Drums)

Producer: Garth Richardson/Testament

RJ's Top 5 Tunes: 1. Trail Of Tears...2. Hail Mary...3. Low...4. Ride...5. Chasing Fear

Disclaimer:  All "facts" come from unless otherwise noted.

Since Scott is dabbling in Metal this week, we should too.  I give you Testament.  I give you Low.  Unlike the topic in Scott's discussion, there should be no doubt that Testament is a Metal band.  If you are a regular here, you know I'm not the biggest metal geek, I tend to prefer melody and hooks.  But I do like a bit of Metal now and then, and this is how I like it.  Low is one of two Testament albums that I own (the other is Dark Roots Of The Earth).  So I'm certainly no expert, but I like what I hear.  Especially the drumming.  There is the occasional double bass pounding, but it's really just aggressive drumming without the endless double strokes, and I think that's why I like it.  There isn't a lot online regarding the album, but here is what I could find:

  • Although Low only reached an abysmal #122 in the U.S. it traveled all the way to #39 in Sitzerland.
  • Low is the band's sixth studio album.
  • A music video was filmed for the title track, and if I can find it I will post it below.
  • The cool album cover was designed by Dave McKean, who also did the cover of Demonic and The Gathering.
  • I think that Trail Of Tears is possibly the best true Metal ballad that I've ever heard.

1. Low

2. Legions (In Hiding)

3. Hail Mary

4. Trail Of Tears

5. Shades Of War

6. P.C.

7. Dog Faced Gods

8. All I Could Bleed

9. Urotsukidoji (Instrumental)

10. Chasing Fear

11. Ride

12. Last Call


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I watched the video, something tells me you already know how much I will enjoy this album....

The title of the album perfectly describes my expectations for this ...  Low...  Well maybe not perfectly, Low may be too high.

And I wasnt dissapointed.  This is nowhere near the style of music I can enjoy, even the low key Trail of Tears turns into a "look how fast I can play my geetar" tune.  Urotsukidoji (Instrumental) showcases some imprerssive bass work no doubt, but the rest is just one big run-on song.

Sorry RJ, I dont mean to be mean, but this doesnt work for me at any level...

That's not mean bro.  You like what you like and don't like what you don't like.  I don't take offense.  I just offer up music, everyone is free to like it or not.  And that has no affect on my opinion of it.  When I'm in a Metal mood, Testament works just fine.  I would imagine if you were in that same mood, you'd be more likely to pick Megadeth or Sabbath.  

To me, this is a strange band. Because, on the one hand, if you listen to a song like "Trail Of Tears", you realize that the singer has a very good voice. Sooooo....why does he have to do all the guttural growling bull shit?? That ruins it for me. I could handle it in a few places, here and there. But here, it is far more prevalent, and it ruins it.

I could not even finish one listen. It's a shame, because there is talent here.

Sigh. I guess some folks are getting too old. Not Rjhog though, which is odd. I mean there's some CM vocals fer cryin' out loud and most everyone here hates that! This is right up my alley, in your face, loud, vicious and METAL. I don't think '94 was a particularly metal-type year, but this is one of the few good ones I can remember. 

Someone should post "The Ritual" which came out before this. Very much mellower than this, much less of an assault on those tender ears around here. 

Nice post! 

My ears are not old, they are fine tuned!

I just dont understand CM vocals when you can still ACTUALLY SING. There is plenty of great rock n roll where the singer actually uses their talents, instead of abusing their talent.


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