Classic Rock Bottom

Well, the contest is officially over, and we have 5 winners.  First I want to thank everybody who has contributed to this site, and I especially than those who have managed to finish in the top 5 here.  This Leaderboard will stay on the front page, but I'll probably move it to another location on the page.  I may even change it up from time to time to show who posts the most pics or videos or something like that. 

Without any further delay, the following folks just won a free prize:

1. Niels - you pick first.

2. Scott - you pick second.

3. Jon - you pick third.

4. Susie - you pick fourth.

5. OncChickPromotions - you get the final prize.

So Niels, as soon as you read this, I'll need to know which gift you pick.  Everybody else, please keep an eye on this thread.  When Niels picks, I'll ask Scott for his pick of the remaining prizes and so forth.
All I need from each of you when you pick is a private message containing your mailing address.  I'll try to have everything mailed by this weekend if I have everyone's picks by then.

Thanks again to everybody for participating.  This giveaway was designed to stimulate the addition of content from all of you Bottom Feeders, and I would say it succeeded.  Everybody check in on a regular basis and I'll do another giveaway soon.

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Oh, that's nice.

Well, I AM a Led Zeppelin-fan so I'll take the cofee table-book.
Cool... I'll take that Journey Live In Manila DVD
That makes Jon next, but I believe he has passed his third pick over to the next in line, so Susie, I need to know which of the remaining three you would like. The remaining three are:

Them Crooked Vultures CD

Jimmy Hendrix Live At Woodstock DVD

The Essential REO Speedwagon 3 CD set
Tis my good deed of the year!
Okay, so I'm a little late getting this stuff in the mail. I'm sorry and I hope you guys accept my apology. I have a half day off tomorrow afternoon so I will get the prizes in the mail then. Again, sorry it's taken me so long to get to the Post Office.
Hey guys, all prizes were sent out on Thursday of last week. Hopefully everyone will get them this week.
Has anyone received their prizes yet???
Nope. Not me.
I'm not surprised there. Yours has further to go and the postman doesn't like carrying anything that heavy. Hopefully it will be there soon.
I got my book now, and it looks GREAT!! Thanks a lot, RJhog. It's a very nice prize, indeed!!
Very good Niels, I'm glad it finally arrived. Scott and OneChick, have you received your prizes yet???
Got it!!! Have played it as well, good concert video! THanks!


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