Classic Rock Bottom

I've been on somewhat of a Progressive bend lately.  It happens periodically that when something strikes me I ride it out until something else pulls me away.  This time its hanging around longer than normal, and as a result I've really went into deep research mode.  Ive done things like spending time on Amazon updating my preferences, wish lists, and purchases all to make my recommendations stronger.  It was this activity that produced this discovery.

A German band named "ELOY", thats right "E-L-O-Y, Eloy".  These guys have been around since 1969 and this is the first time Ive encountered them.  And what a hidden treasure they turned out to be!  18 Studio Albums, various greatest hits volumes and even some box sets, all undetected by the average classic rock loving American!  If you know them, then step up and comment, we need to hear from you!

Here s a bit of info on the band...

Founded in 1969 by guitarist Frank Bornemann, the band has endured several line-up changes, with Bornemann being the only consistent member of the group. In the 1980s, after a series of major splits in the group, Bornemann pursued a more commercial direction. Despite attracting a large following in Germany, the band never gained popularity in the United States. However, in later years, former members of the band re-joined, and in 1998 released the album Ocean 2, a return to the classic symphonic progressive rock genre for which the band was well known.

Bornemann described the origin of the name of the band thus: "The name Eloy is based on the book 'The Time Machine' by H.G. Wells. Wells describes in his book the situation of mankind about 800,000 years later, and 'Eloy' is a human race in his story. The Eloy in Wells' story have made a new start with the help of the time traveler. In a way, it was a new beginning for the human race. German rock bands in the late 1960s played mainly covers from other bands instead of playing their own compositions. Record deals for German bands were absolutely rare and German bands generally were considered to be second class bands in their own country. At that time it was a strong effort for a German band to come out with only their own compositions. It was a start into an unknown future, and from this point of view, comparable to the human race in Wells' story. That is why I got the idea to name the band 'Eloy'."

When I concluded my research it was easy to see that an album named "Ocean" had the most favorable ratings and positive reviews.  So that was my starting point.  And so today, it is also yours ...  The entire album consists of 4 songs and since that's my typical posting, you get a Hidden Treasure bonus - 4 tracks and a whole album experience.

Check this out!



  1. Poseidon's Creation
  2. Incarnation Of Logos
  3. Decay Of Logos
  4. Atlantis' Agony At June 5th-8498, 13 P.M. Gregorian Earthtime

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This just isn't knocking my socks off.  But then again, I'm not into Prog.  The songs are two long.  I'm more of a radio friendly kinda guy.  

Musically it's okay.  I do like the bass work in the second track.  But it's unappealing vocally to me.  Too much accent.

But, in reference to the way you discovered this band, I'll say that's one of the great things about the internet.  There are plenty of bad things to say about it, but look at the music you can discover today that you couldn't really discover 30 years ago unless somebody you know happened to be a fan.

Agree on the internet topic.  Its been really great for fans, but probably not so great for artists with all the downloading and file sharing noise that happens.

As for this band and their style, I think we all kind of know each other enough to gauge how we respond, but every now and then we surprise each other.  This is not one of those pleasant surprises.  hahahahaha...


Wow this was great stuff.

I can't put into word what I truly feel, so I'm going to borrow some quotes from, since they sum up my feelings quite nicely and correctly:

Eloy created "their most striking album, a true classic of progressive rock history in Germany and abroad."

Totally agree.

"The band hits the perfect balance between heaviness and lightness: the riffs are solidly anchored, yet the music really floats.."

Damn straight!

I am stunned that I have never heard of this band before now. I gotta get me some albums!

So, what's up with you two and Eloy?  I've seen the word in your posts before (yes, I'm the only one that pays attention to this stuff).  So what gives?

What?  Are you claiming some form of collusion between Jon and me?  Why I oughta ... 

I thought I had made the word "Eloy" up. Maybe someone googled it and found that there's an actual band named Eloy?

Hey great comments Jon!  Glad I could finally showcase this band here on Classic Rock Bottom because I know no one on here has ever heard them before, that is until now, this very posting being the first time!  Eloy virgins if you will!  Anyway, when I discovered them I was thinking, "Hey!  I bet no one on Classic Rock Bottom has ever heard this band before", and sure enough I come to find out that not a single solitary soul on Classic Rock Bottom in fact never did.  True Story!  No crossies or take backs!

So thats why its awesome to get this chance to show all Classic Rock Bottom Bottom Feeders what a great German Progressive Rock band from the 70's sounds like.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to the band Eloy on this post right here on Classic Rock Bottom. I am glad you showcased them here, on Classic Rock Bottom, so other people, like me who has never heard of this band before, can get a chance to listen to 70's German prog, especially a great German prog band like this band named Eloy.

I am really surprised that all of us here, at Classic Rock Bottom, with our vast musical knowledge has never, ever heard of this band (they being Eloy) and I cannot thank you enough for posting this fine album on Classic Rock Bottom so all of us here, at Classic Rock Bottom, has a chance to listen.

I might have repeated myself with those two paragraphs, but I am excited to discover more of this band ccalled Eloy!


Freaks.  You two realize that I'm the only one reading this bullshit?

No way... Everyone listens to and reads all of our posts! everyone!!



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