Classic Rock Bottom

This week we're back on track with the rest of the peeps with the 1986 release from Fates Warning, "Awaken The Guardian".

This should be an interesting listen for those that are only aware of Fates Warning and their progginess since there's very little prog here. However, it is a fascinating listen when you compare the THEN to the NOW. 

Think of a heavier Queensryche, with John Arch kind of sounding like Geoff Tate. This was also Arch's last album with Fates Warning. Subsequent releases found the band leaning more and more to progressive rock, especially on "Pleasant Shade Of Gray", "Disconnected" and their latest, "Darkness In A Different Light".

It's a very raw-sounding recording, no gloss here. Not something you would have heard on the radio back in '86. Still, it's an interesting listen especially considering the THEN and NOW.

Awaken The Guardian

1. The Sorceress
2. Valley Of The Dolls
3. Fata Morgana
4. Guardian
5. Prelude To Ruin
6. Giants of Lore Heart of Winter
7. Time Long Past
8. Exodus

Availability: The remastered version with bonus demo & live trakcs along with a DVD can be yours for around $12.


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I just realized what you were doing with the (9) in the title...clever.

Yep! Came up with that all by myself!!!!!!!!!!

I bet Connie came up with it and you are just taking credit.

She knows NOTHING!

You are absolutely right, there is no gloss on that recording.  The production is rough and sounds extremely dated.  But hey, that's not always a bad thing.  Especially if the music is good.  

That being said, I just couldn't seem to get into this at all.  Maybe it's those high pitched vocals.  He does sound like the old, old Geoff Tate at times.  But I don't think this is as good as old Queensryche.  Actually, come to think of it, I'm not crazy about old, old Queensryche.  I prefer the Rage/Mindcrime/Empire era myself.

Musically it's okay.  I like the guitars.  But I don't think this would ever be listened to more than once if it were in my collection.  I prefer the vocalist they have today.  Nice post though, glad I got to hear it.

The (9) in the title I get it!!  OK no I don't...

Predictably this doesn't work for me.  I may be the only one on this site that leans as far towards AOR/Melodic Rock as what mostly appeals to me, so this style has to be very special to really work in my mind.  This simply does not..  There are some redeeming qualities here though ...  ok never mind no there's not.

So, for me, I'd much rather listen to this than say...Peter Gabriel, or Genesis, or Toto, or ELO, or ELP.

I do hear the Queensryche/Geoff Tate vocal sound....and I do like Tate and QR...but, for whatever reason, this guy's vocal style does not grab me. It's not really his voice...he has talent. But it's more his style that I'm not into that much. I'm ok with the production...does not sound bad at all, especially for this time period.

I dig the very first track musically...but right off the bat, the singing just kind of annoys me on this cut.

After two listens through, I think the best cut is track number two, "Valley Of The Dolls". I really like the pace of this song, and the drums are top notch. I'm getting that energy burst I just CRAVE so much!! The really high register of the vocals works better for me on this tune. Some nice tempo changes on this one.

Track 4, "Guardian", has a very nice, slow picking intro. And a really nice lead at the beginning, when it kicks in. But overall, as the track continues, it starts losing my interest.

Track 5, "Prelude to Ruin", is one of the better tracks to me. And the last track, "Exodus", is pretty good. I like the slow down that happens at about the 3:25 mark. Shortly thereafter, a nice lead section...maybe the best overall lead on the album.

Over all, not bad, but not good enough for me to "seek it out". Glad to hear it.

Try this one, Gordon. It's with a different singer, but it's more prog yet you do hyave heavy geetar!

Thanks Jon. This sounds pretty best as I can tell. Unfortunately for me, the servers we have here at my company are ancient. And for whatever reason, videos just do not work well. It takes probably 6 to 7 minutes to watch a 4 minute video.

It starts, plays for a little, stops for a little, plays a little more, stops a little more. And even when playing, the music is often "broken up and distorted" to the point where I just usually give up. It's why I have not spent anytime checking out Niels videos.

But now, I'm off for a ride on a big ole jetliner. No, not going to listen to Steve Miller, I'm gonna go listen to 707 again!

707 is dead. I had to kill it due to space constraints.

Aww man!! "Re-install" 707, and dropkick the Toto...and Peter Gabriel...and whatever other mistakes found it's way onto this Classic Pop Bottom web site!

Damn, am I going to have to start pledging my allegiance to internet radio???

Or just tune in to Grooveyard Records Radio???

No, don't do that!

Listen to THIS, it should make you happy.


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