Classic Rock Bottom


Continuing on with the latest theme, this week we've got the 2004 release from Tears For Fears, "Everybody Loves A Happy Ending". 

There's a coule ways to look at this: One one hand, some could say that this came out 9 years after the last TFF album, while others could say this came out 15 years after the last TFF album and I guess both would be right.

Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith split during the making of "The Seeds Of Love" which was released in 1989. In the 90's Roland released two albums under the Tears For Fears moniker, "Elemental" in 1993 and "Raoul And The Kings Of Spain" in 1995. So, as you can see, both thoughts are correct. 

Tears For Fears has always been interesting and a favorite of mine. Their first album, "The Hurting", was synth-pop. The followup, "Songs From The Big Chair" was a pop album. Next came the aforementioned "Sowing The Seeds Of Love" which was part psychedelic, part R&B and part jazz and also contains one of the greatest songs from the 80's, "Sowing The Seeds Of Love". With that song, you could hear the obvious Beatles reference.

The two albums released in the album, while not horrible, were a bit of a letdown. However they are worth picking up because there are some very good tracks on both albums.

All this takes us to their last(?) album. Quite geetar-driven, but not heavy. And, instead of a Beatles reference on only one song, it's scattered all throughout the album. Also interesting is the use of the backward drum fill on "Closest Thing To Heaven", seemingly a nod to "Sowing The Seeds Of Love". 

if you have all their albums, listen to them in order. If not, get 'em!









Everybody Loves A Happy Ending

1. Everybody Loves A Happy Ending
2. Closest Thing To Heaven
3. Call Me Mellow
4. Size Of Sorrow
5. Who Killed Tangerine?
6. Quiet Ones
7. Who You Are
8. The Devil
9. Secret World
10. Killing With Kindness
11. Ladybird
12. Last Days On Earth





Availability: Used from $6+.

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First ... Was it worth it?  Oh yeah!
Second ...  Put the song SHOUT out of your mind before listening, this band is way more than that.

Very Beatles-esque.  Hard to get any better than Seeds Of Love and along with the Beatles sounds there's plenty of Seeds of Love moments as well.  The hand claps on "The Closest Thing To Heaven" are reminiscent of Seeds of Love and they even give you the backward phaser drum fill Jon mentions just in case you missed the connection, and if you missed both, then your not a fan and someone should post The Seeds of Love as an album you must hear!

Call Me Mellow is another obvious homage to the Beatles.  Still a very nicely done track!  The Come Together drum fill on Who Killed Tangerine is awesome!  And more hand claps that are smartly used throughout this listening experience, and such a welcome addition to this bands style of music.  They never seem overused or out of place.

Secret World is really good!  Killing With Kindness, classic!  And the closer, Last Days On Earth is very cool, low key and perfectly melodic.

With each track the album feels like it just getting going and then it ends and leaves you wanting more, thank goodness I can listen again!

I previously downloaded this and cant for the life of me remember why I didn't follow through on a purchase.  But I will be fixing that very soon!  

Top 5 post Jon!

Yep, extremely Beatlesque.  I'm not totally blown away by it, but I think it's a very solid album and post by Jon.  It's a much better album than I would have figured before listening to it.  And I answer Yes, it was worth it.  I think every Bottom Feeder should give it a listen (except for maybe Niels, it would probably bore him).

For me, the second half of the album was better overall than the first half.  Really, starting with Who Killed Tangerine?  That's probably my favorite track.  But the entire second half was very good.   The intro to Secret World would have been a great intro to an early 80's TV Drama like Dallas or Falcon Crest.

Maybe just me, but Ladybird was the final track...I didn't get Last Days On Earth.


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