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"Genius Of America" is the 1996 release from The Tubes, coming 11 years after their much-maligned "Love Bomb".

Those expecting something along the lines of "Outside Inside" might be a bit disappointed since this album veers away from the pop/dance feel of that album. Instead, this is mostly a straight forward rock album with geetar a-plenty. 

I don't believe there was much fanfare about this album when it came out. It's just one of those albums which I stumbled across while looking for music at a store, and it looked a bit interesting since it had a doughnut on the cover. How can you go wrong with a doughnut? 

Most of the original band is back, with new geetarist/keyboardist Gary Cambra in the fold. As of today, this is the last studio album The Tubes have put out but they do continue to tour.






Genius Of America

1. Genius Of America

2. Arms Of The Enemy

3. Say What You Want

4. How Can You Live With Yourself

5. Big Brother's Still Watching

6. After All You Said

7. Fishhouse

8. Fastest Gun Alive

9. I Never Saw It Comin'

10. Who Names The Hurricanes

11. It's Too Late

12. Around The World



Availability: OOP with prices starting around $9.

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The Completion Backward Principle and Outside Inside are two of the 80's most innovative and brilliant albums.  Because of these I'm always in for a Tubes listening session.

Never heard this one before though Ive seen it in the CD bins before...

Arms of The Enemy has a Monkey Time feel to it (except the chorus) and Fishbone had some Wongo moments, Who names the Hurricanes had an Outside Inside vibe ... don't deny it either, because they totally do!

This album is really quite good, and I don't know what to think with you posting two really solid albums in a row.  I'm a little confused at why you are displaying such good taste lately.

Was it worth it?  YES! 

2 in a row? I thought it was a whopping 3?

Oh yeah... 3, forgot about that Heart post

Hold on, it just dawned on me what you wrote. EVERYTHING I post is solid and displays good taste. What are you trying to say?

1. Genius Of America - Very nice tune right out of the box.  Not real heavy, but heavier than I was expecting.  I like this.

2. Arms Of The Enemy - Again, kind of heavy.  Diggin' this much.

3. Say What You Want - Did I say these tunes are heavier than I expected?  I won't say it again, but they are.  This song has a slightly funky bite to the verse.  Love the solo.  Another good song.

4. How Can You Live With Yourself - A ballad.  Not bad at all.  

5. Big Brother's Still Watching - Picking the pace back up, this is more of what I was expecting.  The guitar solos aren't long, but they are very good.

6. After All You Said - This is really laid back.  Not really a ballad to me.  It's easy to listen to.

7. Fishhouse - Again, more of what I was expecting.  I'm not really feeling this one.  I don't know, after the shredding solo, I'm liking it a bit more.

8. Fastest Gun Alive - This is my least favorite song so far.  It sounds like filler to me.  It does have an EVH"esque" geetar solo.

Okay, I'm tired of doing song by song.  Although I'm only somewhat familiar with The Tubes (my entire exposure to them has been The Completion Backwards Principle), I would say it is worth it.  This is not a bad listen at all.  Thanks for posting some decent material Jon.

"decent material"? What the hell does that mean?

Sorry.  I should have said "solid" material like Scott did.

EVERYTHING I post is solid. What are you trying to say?

The same thing Scott was trying to say.

What was Scott trying to say?

You got 3 in a row... Lets see how long you can sustain this run before we jump to anymore conclusions...

About what?


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