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Due to circumstances beyond my control, this will be the final Lost/Forgotten album.

With that out of the way, this week's pick is the 1985 release from Asia, titled "Astra". This is a bit of a departure from the first two Asia albums in that it's more of a rock album, with a little prog. Plus it also has Mandy Meyer (Krokus, Gotthard)on geetar instead of Steve Howe.

Even with the song "Go" reaching #46 on the charts and the video getting extensive airplay on MTV, the record company cancelled the tour to promote this album due to lack of interest.

Before this album, John Wetton had either quit or been kicked out of the band for reasons unknown. He was replaced by Carl Palmer for the "Asia In Asia" concert but left in 1984 and Wetton was back in. 

In 1986 Asia disbanded only to resurface again in 1991 with John Payne & Geoff Downes. This incarnation, with a myriad of different musicians, released five albums between 1992-2004. In 2008 the original members released their first album in 25 years and two more have since followed. 

This is my second favorite Asia album (the debut being #1, of course) and I really don't know why. Maybe because it's more "rocky". Something about it grabbed me when I first heard it and I still enjoy it to this day. 

The only thing I don't like about this album is the voiceover on "Countdown To Zero". It's a bit tacky. 



1. Go

2. Voice Of America

3. Hard On Me

4. Wishing

5. Rock And Roll Dream

6. Countdown To Zero

7. Love Now Till Eternity

8. Too Late

9. Suspicion

10. After The War


Availability: So, you can spend around $7 just for this album (not remastered) or you can splurge and spend around $11 and get "Asia Gold" which includes remastered versions of the first three albums as well as b-sides and the two new tracks on the "Then & Now" comp. Your choice. 




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You need to explain that first sentence about this being the last lost album.... What's up with that ?

Something that I have no control over is coming up and this will be the last....

I actually own this album, but this is the first time I've sat down and listened to it.  My take on it is that it's very decent, but not great.  I think the second half of the album is better than the first half.  And the best song to me is Countdown To Zero (like Jon, I could live without the voice over) followed closely by After The War.  Suspicion is really good too.  Nice post Jonster.

I'm totally confused about who played on this album ...  oh well, I've always wanted to hear it because the album cover is cool.

1 - GO : This was the single and its always been an "eh" kind of song for me.  Its sounds much better sitting down and giving some focus to it.  Would've loved to hear more of the crunchy geetar than the heavy keyboard sound, that would have made it a much better tune

2 - VOICE OF AMERICA : I like the anthemic quality, but it would be so much more powerful with some punch to the drumming and the overall drum sound.  They sound under produced and it really throws me off.

3 - HARD ON ME : This isn't that good, hopefully were not getting to the filler this early in the album.

4 - WISHING : Where was this drum production earlier?  They still don't sound great but at least they fill the song much better than the opening 3.  Like the simplicity of this song.

5 - Rock and Roll Dream : Not sure what to make of this, prog?  Or just a jumbled mess?

6 - Countdown to Zero : I like this, the geetar work is unexpected.  I guess that's what happens when you bring in a new player.  And the voice over stuff was OK, it didn't add anything and your probably right, it would've been better without it.

7- Love Now Till Eternity : eh...  That's all that comes to mind

8 - Too Late : More cool geetar rhythms, and nice back beat and bass work.  But vocally its uninteresting

9 - Suspicion : Probably my favorite on this album.  Love the musicianship and keyboard work.  It doesn't sound cheesy and has a nice geetars underneath it all

10 - After The War : Kind of cool tune, nice closer.  Again,  cool and melodic geetar work

This is not purchase material for me.  But the weird thing is I really like all 4 of the new releases from the original band members, they are all very strong and full of songs like this.  But there is a real unevenness about this one.

Last note:  Cool album cover!

Really the last note:  This notion of this being the last lost album due to circumstances beyond your control is at best absurd because you've barely tapped into your collection in the 18+ months we've been doing this.

The really truly not-kidding last note:   OK, I got nothin' else I just wanted to annoy you one last time, because I cannot annoy you anymore due to unforeseen circumstances.

This is not as good as their debut, but it's not a bad listen. Maybe, I'm just a fan of John Wetton's vocals. He could sing the phone book & I would still probably listen. I agree with Scott, there's an inconsistency in their style on this album. I wish the guitar work was little more prominent in some of the tracks. While there is some great guitar work on this album, can't help but wonder what it would have sounded like with Steve Howe. Nevertheless, good post John!

If this truly is Jon's last LFAOTW, I can always say "I heard his last show!"



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