Classic Rock Bottom

Oops, forgot something last week.

See, I had something all typed up and ready to go and I did something and lost everything. So I did a quick typing job and the first sentence should have read "Due to circumstances beyond my control, this will be the final Lost/Forgotten album THIS YEAR."  Silly me!

So we're celebrating 1983 throughout this year, something like an album a month from that year, and my first choice is the debut album from Streets featuring Steve Walsh (Kansas), Mike Slamer (City Boy), Bill Greer and Tim Gehrt. 

Walsh had left Kansas in 1981 and formed Streets. "1st" their, um, first album did have a top ten hit with "If Love Should Go" but the album still didn't sell that well. In 1985 they released their second album "Crimes In Mind" and a year later Streets was no more and Steve Walsh along with Billy Greer were back in Kansas. 

This kind of sounds like Kansas, and then again doesn't. Some of the songs have an 80's sound to them especially with the drum machine stuff, but it's not that bad of an album. Then again, it's not too hard to figure out why it wasn't a monster success.

Decent for a listen I guess and it won't bore you.



1. If Love Should Go

2. Move On

3. One Way Street

4. Lonely Woman's Cry

5. Everything Is Changing

6. Cold Hearted Woman

7. So Far Away

8. Blue Town

9. Fire

Availability: New from around $14, used from around $8. 





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1. Scott, I told you so.

2. That movie was on a couple of weeks ago and I watched most of it.

3. I'll check back in after listening to this.  My wife says we're going to the Mall, which isn't too bad, since FYE is going out of business.  Maybe I'll find a great deal.

Ah, Mike Slamer. Good guitarist, indeed. And good hips. Not on him, though. Was'nt Kelly Labrook her name? Very nice!!

Le Brock.  De-freakin'-licious!!!

This was a pretty cool album!  Easily the best Lost album you've posted this year! 


Seriously, the guitar sound on the album is really cool, the riffs were pretty special as well.  A few of them reminded me of Sparks of the Tempest, which is one of my favorite Kansas guitar riffs and sounds they've ever done.  But beyond that its overall kind of middle of the road.  The songs were good, not great, the keyboards were too 80's at times, and not enough like Kansas at other times.


But I still enjoyed it.  Nice post Jon!

Wow, this is definitely 80's.  It's not bad, not great, kinda like you described.  Sometimes he makes me think of Lou Gramm and Foreigner, and other times he makes me think of Kansas,  and still other times I get a Jimi Jameson's Survivor vibe.  Not a bad post at all.

Probably One Way Street is the best song, but I do remember hearing that opening track before.


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