Classic Rock Bottom

Last week In mentioned Atomic Opera and decided I might as well post their debut album from '94, "For Madmen Only", because that's exactly what you want.

In a nutshell: King's X lead me to Galactic Cowboys and both then lead me to Atomic Opera. Easy as that, thanks to the internet!

In a nutshell Pt. 2: If you like King's X and/or Galactic Cowboys, you'll like this album. That's why the internet recommends this. The internet is never, ever wrong. 

Chunky geetars, King's Xish harmonies, all the attributes of a great album. So says the internet (an me) and, again, we're both never wrong.

Sadly, they weren't able to top this album as far as I know. I haven't been able to find the followup "Penguin Dust" for a reasonable price, and the third album, "Gospel Cola", just can't match the debut. 

Nothing more to say. Let the music do the talking writing typing!

For Madmen Only

1. Joyride
2. Justice
3. Achilles' Heel
4. I Know Better
5. All Fall Down
6. War Drum
7. Blackness
8. December
9. This Side Of The Rainbow
10. New Dreams

Availability: Used copies start around $5. Get yours now!

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Replies to This Discussion

  • Definite thumbs up on this one.  I think it's better than Galactic Cowboys from last week.  The geetar work is really cool.
  • Standout tracks for me are All Fall Down (this song is really catchy) and December.
  • The production sounds a little weak.  But it could just be my ear buds and the sound level I am listening at. 
  • I would cut This Side Of The Rainbow.  Not cause it's a bad song, but the last 3 songs are kind of slow and three in a row is just too many.  

Nice pick Jon.

Just for the record, I did not forget this one, my post must've gotten lost on the inter webs somewhere because I typed it up and add hit the ADD REPLY button and its not here!!!

Unless, you Jon, yes you, removed it so you could bust my chops later!  Ya, that's it!


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