Classic Rock Bottom

Somedays I get bored and try to find stuff for cheap. Sometimes this means that I'll go to a site and just go thru page after page after page of cheap music, just to see if I find some sort of bargain. Most times it's crap, but there are those few occasions where you stumble across something.

Take this album for instance. Hell, it came out last year and I never heard of it. The album cover held promise, the small snippets of tracks I heard sounded halfway interesting so, for a measly five bucks, I decided to take the plunge.

You would think that I would have been turned off by the fact that it clearly stated that the case was damaged. You would think that I wanted a CD in pristine condition, but no. Plunge I did. 

Was the case damaged? You betcha! We're talking about someone taking this CD, tossing it on the ground and running it over with a steamroller. However, according to the CD description, the CD and inserts were fine. I'm trustworthy. 

Anyway, after removing the case shards and figuring that the case was indeed a lost cause, I grabbed one of my zillions of extra CD cases and made myself something that looked brand new. The CD and inserts WERE fine, so that was nice.

But who cares? What about the album? Was it worth it?

Sure, why not? If you need a southern rock fix, something akin to the Black Crowes, you might like this.If you like rock bands from Maine, you might like this. 

Yes, it's only a year old. Yes, it could have been posted in NMC if I had paid attention to its release date. Yes, it's being posted here since you probably haven't heard of this, therefore it's lost.

My rules.  

It's their second album.

Thanks For The Silver

1. Hammer Down
2. Moonshine
3. Writings On The Wall
4. Climb Down
5. Since I've Been Home
6. Broken Bones
7. Smoke & Fire
8. Nobody Knows
9. Thanks For The Silver
10. I Buried My Bitch's Car

Availability: Guess I got a deal since it's running around $14+?

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Love the album cover.

Not to sure about your methods but this is a pretty cool find!  Such a great retro feel and sound, not sure I get the same Southern Rock feel but I get the Boogie Rock of the Crows, at least early Crows.  I think I like this sound better...  I also here very small bits of ACDC and Nugent in the geetar tone and some chords being used in the riffs

The only tune I didn't care for was Moonshine otherwise this was a great surprise!  Need to look into these guys more...

Yep, definitely sounds a bit like the Black Crowes.  A couple of the guitar parts sound just like the Crowes.  I don't think the singer is as good as Chris Robinson, but he's certainly not bad.  This is a pretty good find Jon.  I can see why the cover may have gotten your attention, it's really cool.  You had to be pretty pleased when you listened to this the first time.


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