Classic Rock Bottom

Theme time!

I was going thru my stash and noticed that there were albums with the word "faith" in the title (or the actual title) so I figured I might as well go on a run of album titled "Faith" or with that specific word in the title. George Michael, anyone?

This is yet another one of those albums which I bought without having a clue what it would be. Heard some snippets around the web, plus it was part of Century Media's blowout sale earlier this year, so for a few bucks I couldn't go wrong. 

From Wikipedia:

"Eyes of Eden is a German symphonic metal band founded in 2005 by multi-instrumentalist and record producer Waldemar Sorychta. Sorychta initially chose Sandra Schleret as the singer, but she became ill and could not finish the recordings for the first studio album. She was replaced by the then-unknown 20-year-old Franziska Huth. The drum parts on the album were initially recorded by Gas Lipstick, but he was later replaced by Tom Diener. Alla Fedynitch was chosen as the bassist. Faith was released on August 20, 2007 in Europe and November 6, 2007 in North America. The band has not played any live shows recently and it seems that members have been working on side projects, including Franziska completing college."

"Waldemar Sorychta started Eyes of Eden by writing songs and assembling the band. They recorded the material with Gas Lipstick (HIM) on drums. Singer Sandra Schleret recorded most of the vocals of the album, but then had some serious health issues to take care of, so left the band before the album was finished. Eyes of Eden then appointed 20-year-old Franziska Huth to re-record the vocals on the album. Faith was released in 2007."

Sorychta has worked with Lacuna Coil and others, and there is a resemblance to Lacuna Coil on this album. However, maybe it's just me, but I swear she sounds like Pat Benatar. Toss in some orchestration (not overdone for those that hate that) and you've got yourself some European Goth Metal. I admit I like this genre as long as it's done well, and I firmly believe this is done quite well.

I read somewhere that one of the songs sounds like a Bon Jovi song which is funny considering what's coming next week. I would have no idea if one of the songs here sounds like Bon Jovi, guess all the Bon Jovi songs would have to let me know what song it is (and then see if I really care).

Is this type of music for everybody? Nope. I know some here will hate it. That's fine. I'm not out to please anyone but me. Plus, it was really cheap and you can't go wrong with that. I think. 

Listen to Rjhog's Grand Funk Railroad post and then this. Gotta love the contrast, featured ONLY here at CRB!


1. Winter Night
2. When Gods Fall
3. Star
4. Pictures
5. Dancing Fire
6. Sleeping Minds
7. Daylight
8. Man In The Flame
9. From Heaven Sent
10. Not Human Kind


Availability: Around $8. Don't you wish you took part in Century Media's sale??????

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I can see why someone would like this:

  • The band has a nice sounding vocalist.
  • The guitar work is pretty dang good.
  • It's easy to listen to.

But here's why it doesn't necessarily translate for me:

  • There is nothing here to differentiate this from the hundreds of similar bands.
  • It almost sounds like one long song.

Well, THAT doesn't show any faith!

I have faith that you'll make your greatest post ever next week (or later this week).

Crap. Now I have to produce so as to make sure not to let the minions down!

English my way!

This is kind of a weird listening experience.  I'm not sure the vocal and music style go well together, something is off.

I will agree with RJ that she is a nice sounding vocalist (I didn't get the Benatar connection though) and that the geetar work is pretty solid, but its not that easy to listen to for the reason I stated above.

I didnt hate it, but I didnt like it either.  This one is just kind of "eh" ...

I don't get the Benatar connection either, but every time I listen to this album she reminds me of Pat Benatar. There's something there that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's there I'm tellin' ya! It's there!


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