Classic Rock Bottom

First weekend of the month again, so time for another anniversary album, this time the 30th anniversary of Toto's followup to the mega-selling and Grammy winning "IV".

This was actually going to be a double post with two albums from 1984. Both playlists were built and titles, album covers were found and I was set.

Yet something was bugging me. I had this sneaky suspicion that I had already featured one of the albums but when I checked the listing of albums we had posted here throughout the years, I couldn't find it. But it still bugged me and right before I was getting ready to start with this post, I checked the Lost/Forgotten archive and found the album. It wasn't posted on this site, but on tjhat other site that will not be named. Wonder if anyone would have noticed?

So, this is dropped back down to one album this week. Other than the 30th anniversary of this album, this is also being posted in tribute to Fergie Frederiksen who passed away on January 18th.

When this album came out, I didn't like it. Even though "IV" had a ton of mellow songs and this one was more hard rock, nothing really grabbed me. I guess the record buying public felt the same since this wasn't a huge seller like the previous album, or maybe they were expecting "IV: Part II". I swear I listened to this album once when it came out and that was it. 

After this album, I could care less about Toto. This changed when I heard "Stay Away" on a radio station during a smash or trash type segment, one where the listeners decided if the featured song(s) would ever be played on that station again. i believe it got a "trash", but I liked it because it rocked hard so I bought the album which was supposedly Toto's comeback attempt. I don't believe "The Seventh One" was a huge seller, at least compared to "IV", but I like it. 

After "Isolation" came "Fahrenheit". If people thought they had lost it with this week's album, they sure as hell didn't buy "Fahrenheit" which is not a good album at all. It's jaw dropping bad. I don't know if I revisit it I'll feel differently considering I listened to it maybe a year ago. I dunno, maybe it's just me with that album.

As for this album, I made a mistake back in '84. This is really a very good album and would make it in my top six Toto albums:

1. Falling In Between

2. Kingdom Of Desire

3. Toto

4. IV

5. Hydra

6. Isolation 

7. The Seventh One

and so on with "Fahrenheit" dead last.     


1. Carmen
2. Lion
3. Stranger in Town
4. Angel Don't Cry
5. How Does It Feel
6. Endless
7. Isolation
8. Mr. Friendly
9. Change of Heart
10. Holyanna

Availability: Cheap!

For those wondering, the other album this week would have been "Vices" from Kick Axe. Thems the breaks!

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There is a box set with the first 7 studio  It's 31.99, some sketchy reviews regarding quality.

Yeah, I saw that one and it is VERY sketchy. To be safe, I would get this one HERE it's $20 for 5 albums which isn't bad bu you'll then have two IV's.

Saw that one too.  I'll give it some thought.  

This is a cool cool album, I would love to own it on CD, but I think I'm holding out for the remaster someday.  I have Holyanna on the Love songs compilation which is remastered and the difference is unbelievable!

But this is top to bottom great. 

if you want another greatest hits disc with remastered songs, check out Essential Toto. There's two version, one a single disc with 14 songs and a double disc with 32. I have both and they sound very good.

When you were young, were you ever told "if you don't have anything good to say, then dont say anything at all" ???

Well, that's why I was n't going to comment...but then I thought, "well, it's me, so I'm going to give my opinion anyway".

I just can't get into Toto at all. The keyboards are so prevalent in the mix, and it's such a poppy keyboard sound, that Toto does not even rank as a real rock n roll band to me. I'm glad all you guys like it, but I just cant dig it at all. I know I'm in the minority, and that's ok with me.

They've had a solid career, but they'll never be a purchase for me. I know a lot of people talk about Luthaker being a great guitarist, but I can't listen to all this jangly, poppy, girly diva keyboard crap just to hear some guitar.

Shame, really. But that's ok. Just wait for this coming weekend. You want geetar? YOU'LL GET GEETAR!

I await your next awesome post, sir Jon! Me likey geetar, as youse know. Me dont like keyboards unless they be heavy, B3 Hammond sound! Some piano is ok, but not the poppy keyboards...they make me feel like I been runnin' through...umm...poppy fields.

What's wrong with running thru poppy fields?

I'd rather stop and stay awhile.... 


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