Classic Rock Bottom

For Bobbo


Since I already hit 1989, I am contractually obligated to go back to 1985 and post something from that year. By doing this, my obligation to the 80's is now complete. Maybe I'll post something from the 80's sometime in the future, maybe I won't. It all depends on how I feel. 

There were three albums I picked for this '85 post. All three sat in front of me and I went back and forth on what to post. One was a "kinda maybe" post, one was a "well, they've never been posted on this site yet" post and the other was "man, they fell HARD" post. The first one really didn't have a chance (maybe I'll do a Wishbone Ash type series with that artist), the second was about 99% ready to be posted but was pulled back at the last minute for what ended up as this week's posting, "Stay Hard" from Raven.

Yes, I understand that some people here just do not "get" Raven. They don't get the brilliance of "All For One", which was posted here awhile back. They won't get the raw brilliance of "Wiped Out" or "Rock Till You Drop" either. Too heavy, maybe. Too raw, maybe. Just not their type of music, definitely. 

Well, here we have the start of Raven's downfall. After "All For One" they signed with a major label and when a major label gets it's hooks into you, they want sales. They want music for the masses. At this time, they wanted metal anthems, because that's what sold. Something that would be easily digested on the radio. Forget your previous brilliance, now it's all about money. We want you to sell out!

And that's what happened. Sure, it's still a bit raw, but a majority of these songs are anthems. But not really good anthems. There are moments where it is raw, but it's way too polished. Listen to this after listening to any of their three previous albums and you will see the marked difference. 

After this came "The Pack Is Back" and that was basically it for Raven. The album cover was tacky, a majority of the songs were REALLY tacky (a cover of "Gimme Some Lovin"?) and the fanbase went on to bigger and better things.

Luckily, Raven discovered their roots or mojo or whatever on their last album, "Walk Through Fire", but it was way too late since a majority of their fans were long gone. Between "The Pack Is Back" and "Walk Through Fire" they did release quite a few albums and there are some good tracks on each of those album, but it didn't make a difference to the public.

Wait. Maybe the record company was right. This album reached #81 on the top 200 album chart. I was wrong. Record companies rule!



Stay Hard

1. Stay Hard
2. When The Going Gets Tough
3. On & On
4. Get It Right
5. Restless Child
6. Power & Glory
7. Pray For The Sun
8. Hard Ride
9. Extract The Action
10. Bottom Line



Availability: OOP. A used CD sells for over $100. New? Around $340. Wow.    


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My comments on individual tracks:

1. Worst song ever.

2. Cool riff - bad song.

3. Better song, not great.

4. Another bad song.

5. Why am I still listening to this.

6. I'm contractually obligated.

7. Easily the best song to this point.  Sort of a Judas Priest feel, though not as good.

8. Back to terrible.

9. Cool song title.

10. Great bass intro, nice riff, horns?  What a combination.  Thankfully, no vocals.

I would be at peace if you never, ever feature Raven again.  Thank you.

Wait. You like horns? I can give you a Raven album with plenty of horns! It would be my pleasure!

  1. Gee this isn't overtly sexual in anyway.  Its an awfully stupid attempt at being ... what are they trying to be anyway?  RJ's right this song is terrible in so many ways.  Raven is off to a bad start
  2. Billy Ocean did a better song with the same title than this and I didn't like that one either.
  3. Better opening beat and riff, but then he starts singing.  Is it in our contract to skip tracks?
  4. Who signed off on recording this stuff?  I would hate to see what didn't make the cut!!
  5. ugh...
  6. I'm speechless.
  7. Judas Priest feel?  Don't hear it, all I hear is an out of tune vocal and song that refuses to end!
  8. 9.  10.  sorry had to skip to the horns, had to hear to believe it.

Other thoughts...

  • There's people out there that like this band?  Hard to imagine that
  • Thus quoth the Raven!  NEVERMORE!


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