Classic Rock Bottom

As promised, this week's pick is the 1992 release from UFO, "High Stakes & Dangerous Men".

This was the first full-album release from UFO since 1985's "Misdemeanor", which was not particularly well-received. Pete Way is back in the group with Laurence Archer supplying geetar with this being the only studio album on which he did so. 

It's not a bad album and it's not an album you hear much about. It has to be better than "Misdemeanor", right? That's an album I haven't listened to for almost 30 years even though I have the CD, still wrapped. I'm scared to give it a listen. 

Considering this came out in '92, there really wouldn't have been that much of a market for new UFO. However, three years later Michael Schenker was back and "Walk On Water" was met with very positive reviews.

Also of note (to me) is the album cover. Mine doesn't have the pointy sticks and the layout of the land is different. I'm guessing someone had a problem with an album cover featuring pointy sticks. Maybe they thought the youth would get the wrong idea and overtake the world armed with those pointy sticks. Tipper Gore probably had the problem.

High Stakes & Dangerous Men

1. Bordeline
2. Primed For Time
3. She's The One
4. Ain't Life Sweet
5. Don't Want To Lose You
6. Burnin' Fire
7. Running Up The Highway
8. Back Door Man
9. One Of Those Nights
10. Revolution
11. Love Deadly Love
12. Let The Good Times Roll

Availability: OOP, price for used starts at around $34.



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  • This is one of the 3 or 4 UFO albums I have not managed to purchase.  And for 34 bucks, it will most likely stay that way.
  • I like the progression of Mogg's voice.  It definitely sounds more mature here.  I even like it now, although it does sound to me like he has had a mini-stroke or something (referring to the sound of his voice on the band's latest album).
  • You may not believe this, because everybody considers Schenker such a god, but I prefer Vinnie Moore's playing.  I just like his style and tone.  But the playing on this album is more than adequate. 
  • The songs Borderline, She's The One, Don't Want To Lose You and Love Deadly Love are my favorites.
  • This is a fine album.  Like the typical UFO album, it is very strong rock music.

Nice post.

This album doesn't look familiar nor does it sound familiar.  Maybe I should go back and read UFO's wiki entry to get all the "facts" ...

Here's the wiki facts about this album in entirety (excluding track listing and personnel)

High Stakes & Dangerous Men is the thirteenth album by British hard rock band UFO, released in February 1992.

Consider yourself schooled about this album now...

My Notes...

  • Kicks off with a bit of hillbilly rocker.  The slide geetar wasn't expected but it was a pretty OK track.  Moggs voice sounds great though.
  • Got kind of lost in tracks 2, 3 and 4, especially 3.  Sounded very dated, not bad, just period pieces
  • Burnin' Fire has my attention again. I like this one.  Mogg's voice is in top form on this.
  • Love the bluesyness of Back Door Man and the guitar effect make it hauntingly cool -probably my fave so far
  • One of Those Nights...  very poppy, not a style that screams UFO, but I like this tune too
  • Boss is right Love Deadly Low is up at the of the list for best track
  • 34 bucks?  nah...  BUt this was a cool listen!

Nice post

I love this record. I was able to get the remastered version a while back. Mogg's performance is as good as at anytime in the UFO history. Laurence Archer kills on this record. Glad you got it Jon.

He's alive!

But until yesterday, my computer speakers were dead. Finally got some new ones, and I'm back to being able to listen. I got some catching up to do.

Just glad to see you're okay bro.  

Well, thanks man! Since I could n't listen, I did n't post any comments or anything.

I will say I'm pissed at myself for waiting too long...Alter Bridge played a smaller venue in Atlanta this past Saturday night, and it sold out before I purchased tickets. Stoopid iz as stoopid duz.

Man, you should've gone to that.


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