Classic Rock Bottom

This is the 200th L/F album I've shared with the unwashed masses, so it should be a time of celebration. I should also thank all of the one that listened to each and every one of those 200 albums, but I won't. It's not worth my time. I'm also posting this a day early, because I have better things to do tomorrow.

Instead, I'm going to celebrate by myself. Maybe I'll have another 200 albums to share, maybe I won't. I'll do what's right, at least what I feel is right. Right now I'm going to celebrate me, and you're not invited. 

What you can do is give this album a listen, it's the debut from Saigon Kick released in 1990. Someone on FB mentioned this band (I think) and I promised that I would post a Saigon Kick album (I think). 

From, here's the album review:

"Saigon Kick's biggest problem musically and visually, was not knowing whether they wanted to be Jane's Addiction or Def Leppard. The band tries desperately to please everyone and though they obviously fail, their 1991 eponymous debut still features very inspired songwriting and some amazing chops from guitarist Jason Bieler. In short, the record offers everything from U2-styled, socially-conscious rock ("Colors" to "Come Take Me Now"), raucous punk ("What do You Do," "Acid Rain"), ponderous pop ballads ("Love of God"), and even a couple of hilarious pop ditties: the neurotic "My Life" and the homo-erotic "Down by the Ocean." Mostly, however, the group shells out numerous heavy metal varieties, including classics ("Coming Home," "Ugly"), a "bad pop MTV submission" ("What You Say"), and even some Eastern-flavored, trance metal ("New World"). Whew!"

So.........I guess the reviewer likes it? I do, and that's all that matters.

I'd write more but I'm quite drunk now from all that celebrating.

Saigon Kick

1. New World
2. What You Say
3. What Do You Do
4. Suzy
5. Colors
6. Coming Home
7. Love Of God
8. Down By The Ocean
9. Acid Rain
10. My Life
11. Month Of Sundays
12. Ugly
13. Come Take Me Now
14. I.C.U.

Availability: OOP, a used copy starts at around $10.


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They definitely have a sense of humor, check out the booklet there should be some funny stuff. Well there is in this CD, I'm too lazy to grab The Lizard from the shelf.

New World - This song is a bit weird, but I like it.  It has an epic feel as the opening track.

What You Say - The "big sound" continues.  Still feeling epic.  Double tracked vocals are cool.  

What Do You Do - Don't like this tune.  Glad it's short.

Suzy - Better than the previous track, but not a great song.  Some nice geetaring though.

Colors - I like this one better, no particular reason, just a better sounding song to me.  Probably the most radio friendly song so far.

Coming Home - This is not the worst song I've ever heard, but it does nothing for me.

Love Of God - Dig the bass intro.  This song continues the double tracked vocals.  But it's not that good a song if you ask me.  Colors was better.

Down By The Ocean - Dang, they do more double tracked vocals than Alice In Chains.

Acid Rain - Is this a quick political statement with a cool geetar solo?

My Life - Surprise...Surprise.  More double tracked vocals.  Sounds like a Beatles/Cheap Trick imitation, but not really a good one.

Month Of Sundays - This track is heavier.  Not bad.  Killer solo.

*****Sidebar - Dang, this is a long album.  Album length, to me, is one of the biggest flaws of the CD.  In the 90's, bands tried to put too much music on one disc, just cause it would fit.

Ugly - He just said "green eggs and ham".

Come Take Me Now - Yes, please take me now.  By this time I need to go to...

I.C.U. - And have about 25 minutes of this album removed permanently from my brain.        

So, overall, it's okay, but too long.  Should be 30 to 35 minutes, save the rest for the next album.

For your 200th, I thought you'd enjoy some 100% true and very useful wiki facts...

  • Year 200 (CC) was a leap year starting on Tuesday.
  • "200" is the fifth episode of the fourteenth season of South Park, and the 200th overall episode of the series. It originally aired on Comedy Central on April 14, 2010. In the episode, Tom Cruise and all other celebrities who have been mocked by residents of South Park plan to file a class action lawsuit against the town, but Cruise promises to end the lawsuit if the town can get the Muslim prophet Muhammad to meet him.
  • 200 is the smallest base 10 unprimeable number - it can not be turned into a prime number by changing just one of its digits to any other digit. It is also a Harshad number.
  • An HTTP status code indicating a successful connection

Now that I've achieved a 200 to your playlist, lets get to it...

  • Kind of reminds me of Perry Ferrel vocally
  • The chorus of the second track feel very 60's-ish, not often, in modern music, do you hear multiple vocalists.  Reminiscent of Jefferson Starship (The Slick/Balin/Kantner edition) - not musically and certainly not sounding like them, its just a parallel
  • What Do You Do? isn't very good at all
  • I love a good bass riff to open a track every now and then.  Kind of like this tune, but the vocals don't work I think primarily because of the chorus.  Its just not very good, and the tune had such promise...
  • I'm sensing a theme vocally...
  • Colors was filler...
  • so is Coming Home
  • Love of God is a bit more interesting with the acoustic geetar in the background, but I'm only half way through this album and its starting to melt together.  14 tracks is definitely too long for this album!
  • Down By The Ocean is a bit on the Creepy side.  Nevermind, its a lot on the creepy side...
  • Acid Rain is probably my favorite so far and they cut it short!  What were they thinking?!!
  • My Life... uh...  doesn't fit on this album!  Totally wrong for the direction of the album.  So did they just throw tracks on to fill the disc up?
  • These short little riff filled tunes (Month of Sundays and Ugly) are where they should invest more time.  Clean up the vocals and leave the tunes... they are the better works on this and then they just end!
  • Come Take me Now, I feel that its over ...  I agree 100% ...  but no!  One more to go!  They're sequencing is not good.
  • ICU... eh

This had good moments, the first few tracks and those really short rockers.  But My Life was sooooo out of place!  It felt weird listening to it.  And by the time I got to Come Take Me Now, I was done, so ICU was just kind of there at the end, playing in the background...

Nice listen, nice post, but not a band I need to know anything more about...

Wow, Scott's trivia and review of the album was more interesting than the album itself, lol!

No it wasn't. I didn't even bother to read anything past the first line.

You have that remarkable ability to not go past the first line.

Now I wonder if you've ever read my blog posts past the first line, lol?

Uh...I'll take Jayne!

A Fine choice!

Maybe two choices, lol!



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