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Since some tracks from the new Yes album will be posted in NMC shortly, I decided to grab another Yes album from my collection, something that is a bit lost. And forgotten.


And as this is my last Lost/Forgotten post*, it' comes with a few extras, which I'll get to later.


"Talk" was released in 1994 and would be the last album featuring Trevor Rabin and Tony Kaye. It also had the lowest chart peak of any Yes album since 1972, as well as the shortest chart run.**


"Big Generator", the previous Yes album, was a bit darker than the monster selling "90125". Maybe that's why it sold less? Dunno, but still like the album.


This album is much lighter than "Big Generator", but there is a bit of darkness in it as well. Could be that 1994 wasn't a good year for bands like Yes, because I don't remember any hype or airplay for this album at all. Maybe I wasn't listening to the radio and reading music publications at that time either.


Either way, I stumbled across this album a few years later and picked it up on cassette. I had never heard of it, but it was cheap so I gave it a chance and found that I really liked it. Might be sacrilegious to say, but I like this album a bit better than "90125".  


One of my favorite tracks, "Walls", was co-written by some guy named Roger Hodgson who was in some band that was pretty big in the 70's & 80's. It's one of my favorite tracks on the album because it's so uplifting***.







1. The Calling
2. I Am Waiting
3. Real Love
4. State Of Play
5. Walls
6. Where Will You Be
7. Endless Dream
   A) Silent Spring
   B) Talk
   C) Endless Dream
8. The Calling (Special Version)



Availability: You can get the original version for around $6, or you can spring for the remastered version featuring a bonus track (which is what we have here: extra #1!) for around $18.


MSoTW: Extra #2! Thanks to Niels, there are two (2) mystery tracks this week. The first if from Niels, the second is from my warped collection. Still waiting on the mystery artist from last week though....










*For July

**Thanks All Music!

***Not that I'm wimping out or anything


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Well, regarding last weeks mystery artist, I got it ALL wrong (pun intended).  It wasnt until I went back and meditated on the song that an entity I'll describe as "my internal Hypo Luxa" showed me the name of Pat Travers. Suddenly everything made sense to me.  You know... why my original guess was off and why the song was familiar.  Anyway...  I think whatever that thing was that spoken to me is what I'll go with, so now I'll sit back and await confirmation...

Every read a book series by John Jakes?
Hmmm...I was thinking of the first book in the American Bicentennial Series for some reason.

The first MSoTW is ESPECIALLY for MSoTW-Man. Have I found your cryptonite, MSoTW-Man????????


The second MSoTW......hmmm, they are DEFINETLY from Finland. They had some weird hair, didn't they?? Leningrad Cowboys, perhaps???? There's NO way, I can tell you, what the song is called. yksi kurtsi kaksi kolme, perhaps??


I gotta say, that a Yes-album right now, hits the right spot, because I REALLY like the new Yes-album!!!

MSoTW Man says:  "The first song is easy.  I'll use the same amount of lyrics to tell you the name of it as there was in the song.  It is called....


And secondly, I only speak English.  That's it.  I cannot be of any help in a foreign language.  I knew that you guys would stoop to a foreign language song to stump me.  It was your only inevitable recourse.  Yes, I do have super powers, but only in English.


Having said that, since I have let the entire non-English speaking world down, I will hang up my cape.  So all of you folks that speak English will have to blame Niels and Jon for my retirement.  

BAH!! Humbug!!!!!!!!! 

The first MSoTW is by an AMERICAN band!!!!!


Ok Niels...need some clues!


American band from when?

Are they still active?

How many members?


They still exsist. They have probably been around for about 25 years or more.

"How many members" Hmmmmm, that's a tricky question, because I have to say they started out with 4 members but I do think, they are a trio now, but it's one of those bands, where there's usually a few more members during concerts.



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