Classic Rock Bottom


















I actually had a different album picked for this week, but changed my mind at the last minute. Part of me thinks that I already did feature this album before, but can't find a record of it. So, if it was, then you'll just have to listen to it again. And if it hasn't been featured, then it's all good.


Just to get hate mail, threats and whatever folks want to throw my way, I must let it be known that I do not particularly like the 70's output from Uriah Heep. It just bores me.


The first Uriah Heep I ever bought was "Abominog", and that was because of the awesome cover. When I listened to it, I really dug it. So when the next album came out, I picked that one up as well ("Head First"), but didn't like it too much. Probably had something to do with the cover of a Bryan Adams song, which is actually funny (and you'll figure out why, all except for Rjhog). 


So, no more Uriah Heep for me. I was happy with "Abominog" and that was that.


Then, on one of of my many, many CD buying trips to Best Buy (when they mattered), I was drawn to the album picture above. However, something about the cover bugged just didn't LOOK like a Uriah Heep cover. And the album title? "Sonic Origami"? What the hell was that?


I went home and for some reason the album kept popping into my head so the next week I went back to BB and bought the album, but on cassette, since it was much cheaper. 


The rest, as they say, is history. I swear this album almost never left the car's tape deck for most of 1999. It just sounds like a band rejuvenated as well as much younger. Every track was (and still is) aces in my book.  


Even though the album as a whole rocks, there are some slower moments with "Question" the one song that gets to me for some you got a cover of a Survivor song which blows the orignal away (sorry Survivor fans!). 



Sonic Origami

1. Between Two Worlds
2. I Hear Voices
3. Perfect Little Heart
4. Heartless Land
5. Only The Young
6. In The Moment
7. Question
8. Change
9. Shelter From The Rain
10. Everything In Life
11. Across The Miles
12. Feels Like
13. The Golden Palace

14. Sweet Pretender


Availability: Around $10



MSoTW: With a little prodding from Scott, Niels got last week's mystery song. Who will it be this week? And it's so very easy........






Oh yeah, and just because it was kind of requested:


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I love this album. Listen to half and then the next day, listen to the other half. Then it won't seem as long.

Other than this, I've listened to Abominog and Sea Of Light.  Both are fantastic.

Yeah, both those albums are fantastic. Didn't see the followup to Abominog on your list, did you pick up Head First? They actually cover a Bryan Adams (actually Jim Vallance) song.

Nope, didn't get that one.  I picked up the first 4 studio albums from Amazon, but all the others came from the used cd store.


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