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Have a confession to make: I really like Pseudo Echo's version of "Funkytown".


Whew. The cat's out of the bag and I can FINALLY live my life in peace.


What I really liked about the song was the totally, awesomely cool geetar solo. When I heard it I was thinking, "Hey, these guys should put out a rock album with more totally awesomely cool geetar solos!"


Guess they thought so too.


This week's album is the followup to 1987's "Love An Adventure" (which, I must stress, contains the awesome "Funkytown") titled "Race", released in 1989.


I'm liking these short, choppy paragraphs!


Anyway, I dunno. I've really tried to get into this album but just never have. You would think that after numerous listens I would find something I like, but I don't (except for maybe the beginning of "Runaways", but then I get this sickly "Neverending Story" flashback with the next song).


Actually, I'm listening to it again and the last song started off with some potential.....


I read somewhere where this was the band's "Van Halen" album, so I picked it up years ago. 


Hey, I'm actually liking that last song.......


But there's no Van Halen type stuff I'm catching here. It's pop rock, plain and simple and a departure from their previous dance rock stuff.


Decent geetar solo with that last song.....


They do look like they're ready to rock on that album cover though.


Don't get me wrong though. This isn't a bad album in the Poison/Bon Jovi/Knights In Satan's Service type of bad. It's just not what I wanted or expected.




1. Fooled Again
2. Over Tomorrow
3. Caught
4. Imagination
5. Don't You Forget
6. Runaways
7. Searching For A Glory
8. Take On The World
9. Metropolis
10. Eye Of The Storm




MS0TW: Might as go back to the really easy songs so that everyone has a chance to guess... 



Availability: OOP but can be found for around $5.








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"Knights In Satan's Service" That's funny!

MSoTW sounds very much like Eric Martin, so 'ill say: It's Eric Martin. 

Your close, but I think MSOTWman can bring this one home!

Wow, the beginning of "Fooled again" sounds very much like Van Hagar, and then it sounds a bit like Steve Lukather, and then it sucks!!

I do NOT like this type of music, maybe I did once for 2 minutes in '85 or something. It sounds like a soundtrack from a lousy Stallone-movie from the '80s.  

"Eye of the Storm" was a great album by Roger Hodgson, but now I know that it's also a crappy song by a crappy band.

Thank god for Grunge!!!

Dale Bozzio of Missing Persons?  Nice!!

Well Niels, you got the vocalist right.  Question is, do you know who the bassist is.  He's pretty famous, and I'm pretty sure you like his main band's music.  I actually posted an album of the week by them per your request.  It's strange that MSoTW Man even has this album, because he's not necessarily a fan of Japanese artists.  But due to the supergroup nature of the band, I picked it up.  I saw that Mr. Martin was involved, but the other superstar is the reason I bought the album.  Oh well, I'll give you some time to figure it out.

You are TOO powerfull, MSoTW Man. We need some kryptonite, or whatever weakens you.

No, I'm lost???? My request? Chigago????? Elton John????? Japanese artist???????? 

Think of a band you like that has Brad Gillis in it, but it's not him on this album.
Gee...THAT won't give it away considering it's not Ozzy. Would have told him to watch "Boogie Nights", but that's me.
Somewhere in that comment is a Mr. Big joke, but I'm gonna leave that alone...
Yeah there would be! My hint was the lead singer is BIG in Japan..
I'm confused!!! Night Ranger? Mr. Big?? Damn Yankees??? No, I guees it was only Jack Blades from Night Ranger in that band. See, how confused you can get, when you only use your memory instead of THE INTERNET!!!!!!  
I'm with you 100% on using the head, NOT THE INTERNET. Not that I'm pointing fingers or anything...


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