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My List of Bands Who Now Should Be in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Now that KISS and a few other deserving bands (I personally like the fact Cat Stevens got in) finally have been admitted to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, I have compiled a list of other bands that should be in. Feel free to add or disagree with my list. I tried to include a few that would be easy to overlook, but are pioneers.

Deep Purple-Smoke on the Water is the most played riff in the history of rock music. They have been around forever and tons of great songs and they had a lot of hits in the 70's.
Steve Ray Vaughn
Roxy Music (pretty much started art rock)
Ted Nugent
Dick Dale (one of the kings of surf music)
Jethro Tull
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Bon Jovi-I am not a huge Bon Jovi fan but Bon Jovi are still huge. They started out a hair band in the 80's and then when the music climate changed they still remained relevant when many others disappeared and they still can sell out arenas.
Yes-a real travesty here. They were on the ballot but didn't get voted in. One of the pioneers of progressive rock
King Crimson-another progressive band.The progressive bands get the shaft even more than hard rock
The Cure
Steve Miller Band
John Coltrane
Todd Rundgren
Willie Nelson-not really rock though some of the old renegade country has a bit of a rock feel. If you are going to allow some bands that aren't really rock, how can you not have the Redheaded Stranger?
The Moody Blues-This one annoys me to no end. These guys are great.
Procol Harum
The Cars
Def Leppard-tons and tons of hits
Cheap Trick
Herbie Hancock
Steppenwolf-Criminal that they are not already in.
Bad Company

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I am the Spacehog!

Oh, I know I'm in the minority here, but for me, Cheap Trick just does not belong. They are known world wide, have had a long career, and attained some success (but their success is more in the terms of longevity, not so much as gazillions of albums, and/or concert tickets sold).

And if I were RNR HOF King, Nirvana would not be in. I know they were one of the top bands of a sub-genre, but their limited music catalog, and limited length of career makes them not belong, in my opinion.

Agree about Nirvana and their longevity, but they kind of did spawn a short-lived craze, so guess you gotta give 'em that.

Personally, I don't think Huey Lewis & The News, Grand Funk Railroad, Golden Earring, BOC (and I hate that) have any chance of making it in, ever. MAYBE BOC, but a very slight "MAYBE". I've never heard of a band or artist say that they were influenced by Huey Lewis & The News. Cheap Trick has influenced quite a few bands/artists so I say they should be in.

You only have to be a band that I like to be on my list...

I am just throwing this out but what about Guns N Roses? They are in the Hall, but really they only have one truly epic album. I completely get what you are saying about Nirvana. I personally can't stand their music, but they more or less started a movement for a few years and I think innovators deserve consideration. It is sort of like my list including Dick Dale and Roxy Music. I am not a fan of either one that much but they were pioneers of genres or subgenres.

Deep Purple is the one that aggravates me the most. I had a typo in my list, I meant T.Rex and the MC5 is another one that gripes me. 

Van Halen and Black Sabbath are both in, you can click HERE for a full list.

Yes, Van Halen and Sabbath are in. Sabbath only got in recently though.

This is an enjoyable discussion. I do have a question for Jon. In your opinion, what bands has Cheap Trick influenced? I'm not doubting your statement, but just wondering.

And yes, I do agree Nirvana was influential...for a period of time (meanwhile, bands like The Beatles, Sabbath, Zeppelin, and many others...remain influential to this day. And I dare say their influence will continue for many years to come). But for me, grunge bands like STP, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and even Collective Soul would receive far more consideration than Nirvana.

Guns N Roses does belong, simply because "Appetite" was so huge, world wide. Yes, it's their only true classic release, but the fact that it remains on radio so much (too much some would say!), and the fact that it was a debut makes me feel they belong.

Both BOC and Grand Funk definitely deserve consideration, maybe even enshrinement. Between these two, I honestly feel Grand Funk was a little more influential.

Thanks Jon for posting the list. I just looked through it, and I'm glad to see three other artists that I felt belonged, but I did not know if they were in or not (until now). And that would be Aerosmith, ZZ Top, and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

But the Beastie Boys??? That's a tremendous "head scratcher" for me!!

The problem is the way it's named.  It should be the Music Hall Of Fame.  Then no one would have a problem saying The Beastie Boys should be in.  They may very well have been influential in their style of music, but not rock and roll (my opinion of course).  Wenner or whoever named it chose the wrong name for his organization.

Well.....License To Ill was a rap/rock hybrid I think. I just think everyone in the hall falls under the banner of Rock & Roll, but that's just me. Yes, even Madonna.  

That's a good point, Jon. He is not eligible yet, but what about Kid Rock in the future? He is sort of a hybrid too and has had a good run of hits and albums that sell well. 

Gordon, makes a point too. Nirvana was an influence on a subgenre but their influence arguably has limits. Thirty years from now will Nirvana be a true influence of any of the bands. Sabbath's influence is still felt over heavy music to this day and those early albums still sound heavy to this very day. That's true influence.

I am comfortable with BOC and Grand Funk both in the Hall and I actually like BOC better, but I agree Grand Funk was more influential.

I would personally say no to Kid Rock. Other than "Devil Without A Cause" there's nothing he's done that's really interested me. Plus, is he an artist that can withstand the test of time? In 20 or so years, will he or his music be relevant? hard to say.

Influence should definitely be considered, I don't know of anyone Kid Rock has influenced.

I would love to see BOC inducted, absolutely love them. I just have a feeling they won't and I can't say why. Grand Funk is a "no' to me, their music really hasn't aged well, at least to me. 

You mention Kid Rock and I shuddered to think of when Eminem is inducted.  


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