Classic Rock Bottom


by RJhog


I have three new albums for you this week, two from 2011 and one from 2010. I left the song Kaffur (Infidel) off of the Hurtsmile tracks and Undertow off of the Mr. Big tracks because they have been posted previously on CRB.  Click any album cover to listen.  Hope you enjoy.


Hurtsmile (S/T - 2011)


1. Just War Theory

2. Stillborn

3. Love Thy Neighbor

4. Painter Paint

5. Slave





The latest from Gary Cherone (Extreme, Van Halen) has teamed up with his brother Mark to write his most succinct record to date. The self-titled, HURTSMILE is a raw sonic sucker punch in the face! From the opening buzz saw riff of "Just War Theory" to the epic finale of "Slave" and "Beyond The Garden/Kicking Against the Goads", Gary continues to push and poke you in the ear with his lyrically provocative themes reminiscent of Extreme's critically acclaimed "III Sides to Every Story".

Mr. Big (What If...2011)


 6. Nobody Left To Blame

 7. Once Upon A Time

 8. I Won't Get In My Way

 9. I Get The Feeling

10. Unforgiven





2011 release from the Hard Rock supergroup, their first all-new original album the reunion of the four original members back in 2009. Sixteen years after the release of Hey Man, this new recording is set to bring Mr. Big back to their worldwide legion of loyal fans and compete in the current Hard Rock scene. Produced by Kevin Shirley (Aerosmith, Rush, Iron Maiden).


Black Sunshine (S/T - 2010)

11. Holy Gasoline

12. Once In My Life

13. Hell Yeah

14. Tears

15. Psycho Babble


from (click here to read the entire biography from amazon)

Black Sunshine was initially the brainchild of extreme sports icon Matt Reardon, one of the top rated free-skiers in the world. Reardon suffered a traumatic accident while competing at the World Extreme Invitational in New Zealand that nearly took it all away. Reardon fell after attempting a double back flip and tore the cartilage in his leg, which resulted in him undergoing 11 operations to repair the damage. During the recovery process he contracted a Staph infection that almost resulted in his leg being amputated.

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Unfortunally this is nothing like "Three sides to every story", Extreme's best album imo. It's okay to listen to, but I'm glad I did'nt bought the album, because I would'nt listen more than once or twice.



I like this one. I don't remember Mr.Big to be as good as this?! It might not be album of the year, but it's rather good. Just some good old no BS-rock'n'roll. I MIGHT buy this, but I'm not sure yet. I've "cheated" a bit, and listened to the album on YouTube, and as far as I can say, there's only one track, I don't like, and it's not among these 5 tracks.



For a while back, you posted an album in NMC, I don't really remember the name of that band, but it started out with a rather weak song, and then to my surprise the rest of the songs were great. Now, this is the exact opposite. Great opening number, with a great riff, and a Stone Temple Pilot-feel to it, but then it goes downhill, and I don't care for the rest of the songs.

HURTSMILE ... Thumbs Sideways

Love that first track, thats pretty slick!  And actually the next one too, and then it kind of went in to background noise mode.


Mr. Big  ... Thumbs slightly down

Im sure its just me, but I never got this band.  And I know Im alone when I say I dont care for the vocal style.  And the music is pedestrian at best.  But it was an ok listen.  Better than I expected.


Black Sunshine ... Thumbs down

eh....  I hear the STP in the first track Niels referred to, and then I heard Nickelback in the second, and third, and then it kinda faded into the background.


I heard Nickelback too. I just could'nt remember their name, when I wrote it

Hurtsmile--Thumbs Up

Really diggin' this man! I get a bit of an Extreme vibe with this but, strangely enough, no VH III vibe. How weird is that? I'll be buying this sucker!


Mr Big--Middle Thumbs

Paul Gilbert is a stud so I'm ranking this fairly high. Dunno though, Eric Martin doesn't sound that good, maybe the ravages of time.  


Black Sunshine--Thumbs 3/4 down

The band was fine but the vocalist sounds LIKE A BUNCH OF OTHER SINGERS. Geez, it seems I say that every week.

I'm diggin' this Hurtsmile! Somethine else I gotta get...WTF, eating is way over-rated.


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