Classic Rock Bottom


I had a lot of trouble deciding what albums to bring you this week.  I have quite a few to choose from.  I have the new Anthrax and Mastodon, as well as several others that I could bring you, but I can honestly say that I'm second guessing the "metal" albums that I have purchased lately.  It's not that they are terrible, but maybe I'm just going through a mid-life music crisis.  I'm kind of tired of the relentless head banging style of music that I can't really even sing along with in my vehicle.


So anyway, I've decided to go with Chickenfoot and Whiskey Myers.  Everybody is familiar with the supergroup Chickenfoot.  This is their second album, aptly titled Chickenfoot III.  I've seen a couple of comments on the site regarding the sneak-peeking of samples found on the internet.  I do that as well, but maybe for me, they don't do justice to this album.  I've only listened to it all the way through once, but I'm liking the good 'ole straight ahead rock and roll.  Give it a listen and let me know what you think.  By the way, this album cover is easily in my top 3 so far this year for Worst Album Cover.  The album packaging leaves a little to be desired.  It has no booklet for lyrics, yet it has 4 photo cards and some 3D glasses, and comes as a digipak with nothing to secure the CD.


Chickenfoot - Chickenfoot III




1. Last Temptation

2. Different Devil

3. Come Closer

4. Three And A Half Letters

5. Dubai Blues






Whiskey Myers is a band that I'm sure you are not familiar with.  They are a straight ahead Southern Rock band with a slight tendency to sound a little country.  I posted a similar band a while back (Blackberry Smoke), and I think the general consensus on that band was that it was not bad, but a little bit too "countryfied".  Well, Whiskey Myers is definitely a harder rocking band musically.  I love the guitar work and the songwriting (except for 2 duffers, which you will not hear from me).  The vocalist brings 3 personalities to work.  The first is that tendency to be a little too twangy.  The second is the ghost of Ronnie Van Zant.  The third is the "not yet ghost" of Chris Robinson (The Black Crowes).  The fourth track (9th track on the overall playlist) will definitely show you what I mean with the last statement.  Also, don't give up too early on the final track.  It completely changes at just passed the 3 minute mark and turns into my favorite part of the song.  And the last individual track note I'll leave you with is that "Broken Window Serenade" just might be my "song of the year".  I absolutely love it.  Give it a shot and respond with your honest opinion.  


Whiskey Myers - Firewater





6. Bar, Guitar And A Honky Tonk Crowd

7. Broken Window Serenade

8. Different Mold

9. Virginia

10. Strange Dreams






Final note:  I know this is slightly early, but I'm off today and this is my chance to get this done.  Click either album cover to listen to the songs listed above.

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Nope..won't listen until it's the RIGHT TIME to post this. Nope, nope, NOPE! And stop buying stuff I have!!!!
Ive listened to the Chickenfoot via my Zune Marketplace subscription.  This gives me full previews and download to my device.  My first listen was better than than the 30 second sound bytes from amazon for sure.  So I'm trending up on it, but will give it another listen before I reply officially.  Just wanted to affirm your position of this being better than some comments make it out to be.

CHICKENFOOT ... Thumbs up

Like Last Temptation, nice opener! I watched That Metal Show the other night with Samnmy on it and he talked about the vocals being more like Van Hagar, and thats really easy to hear on these tracks but really nicely done on Different Devil. He also mentioned Anthony's playing as being more open and accessible, it is for sure.  Satriani is sharp as usual!  They all sound tight!  This album is far more melodic than the debut. Clearly they really spent quality time on the song writing and song structures ... much much better!!!! This is my 4th listen and I'm in full purchase mode.


Whiskey Myers ... Two thumbs almost all the way up

Interesting band name.  Near my hometown is a very cool mountain gap that used to be land marked by a bar/country store named "Whiskey Mikes".  Its the only thing there besides the road to drive into the mountain and it's one of the most beautfiul places in South East Idaho. So thats my mental image going into this, and with an opening track named Bar,Guitar and A Honky Tonk Crowd its also appropriate.  Broken Window Serenade is very nice!!!  Musically its very poignant, it's pretty rare that the first listen of a song impact me that way!  Also liked the Strat sound he got in Strange Dreams.  This was a strong first listen but as much as I loved Broken Window Serenade  and Strange Dreams, the rest was kind of just barely above average.  Will defntely listen again though!

How 'bout Chad Smith?  I think his drumming is incredible on this album.

solid!  he's a great drummer, too bad he's dedicated to the chilli peppers, he'd be great in a good band!


Just had a thought about Chickenfoot though.  They released a special edition right after they released their debut, I may wait to see if they pull that crap again...

It probably won't have much added value.  The Fan-pack they released for this one had two bonus tracks, but they were both live tracks, not actual studio bonus tracks.  But who knows?

Thanks for this post, RJHog!

The Chickenfoot for me is a definite buy, although its a little softer than I thought. I'm sure there are more rockers on the disc. I remember hearing "Bigfoot" before, and it cooks, I think. Anyway, would have bought this without hearing anything first!

The Whiskey Myers is definitely "countrified", but I do like it! The guitar lead on "Different Mold" is smokin' hot!! I am playing this post for the second time right now, and plan on listening to it again today before moving to something else. Dont know if I'll buy this or not, but it is under consideration. NMC is my favorite "corner"!

I included Different Mold with you specifically in mind.  I knew you would like that guitar.

Chickenfoot--Thumbs Up

Listened to it today and liked, especially the latter part of the album, ESPECIALLY the last 3 tracks (that includes the "bonus" track). My favorite is "Dubai Blues" though, that song totally rocks. Kinda weird, I really liked the second from the last song on the debut and really like the second from the last (kind of) song on this album. I see a trend! 



Will get to Whiskey Meyers tomorrow.


Well, its not bad, but if I don't hear it again, I'll be fine. Best track is "Different Devil" and worst is "Three And A Half Letters". I listened to "Exile On Main Street" today and LOVED it, and I thought: "Man, I got to be more critical about what music I spend money on these days". I'm glad I DIDN'T buy this one, and I'm SAD that I DID buy the new Steven Wilson.



I can easily hear why you like it, RJhog. Dare I pull out the card "too american for me"?? Well, I guess, I just did. Again, it's not bad, but that's about it. The first track reminds me of Black Stone Cherry. The second track could had been on a Mellencamp-record, but not one of his best. I think our top-10 lists this year, will be interesting and not at all similar.

I don't really think one of the tracks stands out as the best, but there ain't a really bad one amongst them, like "Three And A Half Letters". 



New Steven Wilson way too mellow?
No, there are a couple of good mellow songs on the album, but that's about that. For an album that runs about 90 min., 15 min.'s of good Music is NOT enough. Have you Got it, Jon?


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