Classic Rock Bottom


Okay, so I'm totally breaking the rules here.  I have a surplus of 2011 releases that I want to share with you, so this week I'm bringing you a total of 6 new albums to judge.  I've grouped the heavier albums by the modern bands together (the first 3 albums) and the lighter albums by the classic artists together (the last 3 albums).   Also, I've put a single asterisk by my favorite track on the album, and a double asterisk by any track that I'm considering for my Top 10 Songs of 2011.


Don't worry about me, if you can't find time to listen to them all, I won't be offended.  But I had to get these out there and at least give you the chance to hear them, just in case you find something you like.  To that avail, I've made it quite easy for you to pick and choose.  I made a separate player for each album that is linked to the album cover.  So if you don't want to hear them all, just click your preference and give it a listen. 


I'll give the best album cover award for these six albums to....Pagan's Mind.


Fair To Midland - Arrows & Anchors (2011)


Fair To Midland is, according to Wikipedia, an American Progressive Metal band.  Arrows & Anchors is their fourth full-length studio album.  They have also released one EP.  Jon and I have touched on this band briefly, as I posted their previous album as an AOTW after Jon had posted a song from that album as a mystery song.  Quite honestly, they don't sound like any other band.  That may be a good thing or a bad thing, who knows.  Anyway, I like 'em, and the second song below is one of my favorites of the year.


1. Heavens To Murgatroyd

2. Amarillo Sleeps On My Pillow **

3. Rikki Tikki Tavi

4. Golden Parachutes

5. Bright Bulbs & Sharp Tools





Pagans Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy (2011)


Pagans Mind is a Progressive Metal band from Norway that was founded in 2000.  Heavenly Ecstasy is their fifth studio album.  And, that's all I know.  I picked this up for no real reason.  I just thought I'd give it a try.  For me, it falls somewhere in between great and terrible.  In other words, it's okay.  I do like the song Eyes Of Fire pretty well.



1. Eyes Of Fire *

2. Into The Aftermath

3. Walk Away In Silence

4. Follow Your Way

5. The Master's Voice





Kyng - Trampled Sun (2011)


Kyng is a trio from southern California.  I bought this based on some of the sound clips, basically just taking a chance.  I don't love it but I don't hate it.  I don't know much about the band but at times the vocalist makes me think of Chris Cornell from Soundgarden.



1. Falling Down

2. Pushing And Pulling

3. I Don't Believe

4. The Roses

5. The Beauty Of The End Shorelines Pt. 1 & 2 *





Proto-Kaw - Forth (2011)


Proto-Kaw is an American progressive rock band.  It's basically a re-formation of the band that proceeded Kansas.  It features Kerry Livgren, who, if you don't already know, wrote Carry On Wayward Son and Dust In The Wind for Kansas.  While there are not any songs quite as stupendous as those, this isn't a bad collection of music at all.  I like the guitar work, and there is even some flute work that reminds me of Jethro Tull a bit.



1. Daylight *

2. Pilgrim's Wake

3. Pollex

4. Lay Down

5. Utopian Dream





Daryl Hall - Laughing Down Crying (2011)


I'm sure you all know that Daryl Hall was/is the main vocalist for American band Hall & Oates.  This is his 5th solo album and his first studio solo album in about 14 years.  It's very typical music you would expect from him, a touch or rock, soul and R&B.  The big thing for me is that he has actually written original music here.  I'm so tired of these aging rock stars putting out covers albums.  Kudos to DH for this.



1. Laughing Down Crying

2. Eyes For You (Ain't No Dobut About It)

3. Save Me *

4. Crash And Burn

5. Problem With You





Lindsey Buckingham - Seeds We Sow (2011)


Other than one cover, the Stones "She Smiled Sweetly", we get all original music from LB as well.  But unlike Daryl Hall, this dude has been busy.  This is his third original studio solo album in the last 5 years.  Awesome.  Take one listen to Illumination and tell me that would not be a perfect song for the Mac.  I'd go as far as saying that if it were a FM song, it would probably be a hit. 



1. Seeds We Sow

2. Illumination *

3. When She Comes Down

4. One Take

5. End Of Time

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He was sent to his room without having any dinner.


Second offense will be a written warning.


Third offense will be Biebermania!

Not the "P" word I thought you were referring to, which is why I couldn't remember saying it.


So why not finish off a Fleetwood Mac listening-fest with this?  So far Im 2 for 2 in liking what Im hearing, so lets see where this one takes me ... ... OK, I'm back after listening, and this one makes it 3 for 3.  Loved this, I hear a nice hybrid of his more quirky side with his very keen pop sensibility.  I like the end result very much.  "End of Time" was easily the best song you posted, at least it was for me. 


Fair To Midland--Thumbs Up

Maybe it's just me, but there's some funny stuff here. And a song about Riki Tiki Tavi? Seriously? How could you go wrong? I'm thinking of making this a future purchase. Much better than their first one which had glimpses of coolness.


Pagans Mind--Thumbs in da middle

Did nothing for me until the last track. Rest was just typical power/progressive metal, nothing too special. The geetars weren't that great. 


900 more to go....

Kyng--Thumbs Down

Started off ok and then just go bad. There was some light at the end of the tunnel at the end of the last song, but nothing to warrant a buy at all.


Proto-Kaw--Thumbs 3/4 up

I dug this but won't buy anytime soon. I still go back to their first album and judge everything by that. This one is a lot mellower, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It just needs a bit more spunk.




20, 167 more to go....

It's Lindsey so it has to be a bit strange, and it was. Nice geetar work as always, nice weirdness as always. Not a buy but a solid listen.


So, here's my ranking:


1. Fair To Midland


3. Lindsey Buckingham

4. Daryl Hall

5. Pagans Mind

6. Kyng



and that's that!

PROTO~KAW ...  Two Thumbs Up

Ive no issue with this band lyrically or thematically.  Musically they are sharp as ever, sax and all! I hear what you referring to with the exception of Tull, a flute doesnt make it a Tull influence.  Im gonna pull this down from the Zune marketplace and go over it all, looks like a purchase for me...


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