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New Music Corner#27 (The Damned Things, The Black Keys & The Gaslight Anthem)

I'm running out of albums from 2010, and when will there be any good releases in 2011?

Hmm, we'll probably soon find out. Until then, here's 3 albums, that I'm sure you have heard of before, I know for a fact, that RJhog's got one of them, so let's start with that one:





1. Handbook for the recently deceased

2. Bad Blood

3. Friday Night (Going down in flames)

4. A Great Reckoning

5. The Blues Havin' Blues


The "Heavy Metal-Supergroup" consisting of members from Fall Out Boy and Anthrax with their debut-album released about a month ago. They say, that they are influenced by Thin Lizzy and Led Zeppelin. Can you tell?





1. Everlasting Light

2. Next Girl

3. Tighten Up

4. Howlin' for you

5. She's Long Gone


A few weeks back, I had a song/video from this album in VOTW, and RJhog asked if anyone had that album, and I said no, but went out and bought it so here it is. 







1. American Slang

2. Stay Lucky

3. Bring It On

4. Orphans

5. The Spirit Of Jazz


You could say, that this band sound a BIT like Springsteen, and some might say, that it's a good thing, but I think they ALSO sound a bit like The Alarm. Remember them? I liked The Alarm in the 80's, so some of this album sounds good to me. Do you like it?



You can listen to all 3 albums, or some of them, by clicking here:.

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Your right Niels, I already have The Damned Things, but I'm really glad you posted Gas Light Anthem and The Black Keys.  These are both items I have given thought to purchasing.  Now I'll get a better sample before making my decision.  I've heard one song by each of them and I like them both.  I think American Slang is a very good song, and it does remind me of Springsteen.  As a matter of fact, it's one of the 10 songs on my Best Of Classic Rock Free Sampler CD (IMHO) thread.  I'm looking forward to checking these out.  It may be Monday or Tuesday, but I'll report my thoughts, as usual.

The Damed Things--Middle Thumbs

Turned the thumb down because of the FOB connection, and then turned it a little more down when the last three songs didn't do anything for me. And I must have missed the Thin Lizzy and Led Zeppelin influences? THe five songs weren't horrid like some other band on this list, but they weren't something new, something that didn't sound re-hashed. 


The Black Keys--Down Thumbs, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay Down

Horrible. Made me wince like I wince when accidentally hearing something from The White Stripes or Poison. Horribly unlistenable.


Gaslight Anthem--3/4 Down Thumbs

Don't see the Springsteen similarities at all. This sounds like The Proclaimers or other bands of that ilk. It's not my cup of tea, but it's much, much better than The Black Keys. It's not somethig I would buy, not something I could listen to more than once.




Nice job Niels (except for that one pick which made every orifice on my body spout blood)!    




Sounds serious!! I hope you will recover.
No worries. I have Bactine and duct tape.

THE DAMNED THINGS ... (Thumbs barely up)
Where have I been?  Never heard of this.  Kinda cool album cover though.  I doidnt care for thre Fall Out Boy vid the other day, but I'll give them credit for hooking up with a cool band for this.  I liked the first two tracks, but then I lost interest with the next three.


BLACK KEYS ... (Thumbs wayer down than Jons)
I think RJ owes you a refund!  I cant finish listening to any of these tracks.


THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM ... (Thumbs down the normal way thumbs go down)
I didnt hear the Springsteen connection. But I didnt hear anything I liked here anyway. 



Even though were running out of new releases, its still fun to listen to something new, even if I dont like it. 

Great Post Niels!

The Damned Things (Thumbs Sideways)

I have this one, and I think it's fairly good.  It rocks, that's for sure.  However, my only real complaint is that none of it really sticks with me or makes me want to listen again and again. 


The Black Keys (Thumbs Sideways)

I didn't like the first song at all, and I was afraid I'd be in the same group as Jon and Scott on this one.  But hold on a minute, the next four songs were not that bad.  Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's the greatest album ever made like some of these reviews that they get in the mainstream...but I think it's better than what Jon and Scott seem to think, unless I'm misunderstanding their comments :-)


The Gaslight Anthem (Thumbs Up)

This is really good.  That first song is just so damn catchy.  I'm very surprised that you guys didn't hear the Springsteen influence.  That's the first artist I thought of the first time I heard this, and that was before I read a single review claiming the same thing.  But anyway, like we always say around here, music is very subjective, and who knows what somebody will like or not like.  That's the great thing about this feature.  I also thought the guitar playing was very cool, not way out front and in your face.  It kind of sneaks up on you.  I think I might purchase this one.


Thanks for the post Niels. 

Big Black Keys Fan -
Kinda like the Gaslight Anthem Band .... Yes I hear a little Springsteen in them.


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