Classic Rock Bottom

What CD's or DVD's have you recently purchased?  And it doesn't have to be classic rock.  Let us know about any purchases that you think are worth sharing.

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The friend of mine who owns a record shop is running a clear-out sale on his CDs to make room for a couple of CD collections he has recently purchased. I stopped by today to see what I might be able to pick up.

There were a number of things I would've liked to have picked up but with funds limited, I just got a couple albums. 

I got the extended edition of the Fates Warning album Inside Out. I only had it on cassette before and this CD edition has the album, a bonus CD and a bonus DVD disc. Cost: $2

I also grabbed a copy of the Blind Guardian live album Tokyo Tales. For $2 bucks, I figured adding another live release of theirs to my collection isn't a bad thing.


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