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Shrine Of New Generation Slaves

1. New Generation Slave

2. The Depth Of Self Delusion

3. Celebrity Touch

4. We Got Used To Us

5. Feel Like Falling

Black Veil Brides

Wretched And Divine: The Story Of The Wild Ones

6. I Am Bulletproof

7. Wretched And Divine

8. Devil's Choir

9. Days Are Numbered

10. Lost It All

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Ah, so you DID go with Riverside. I'm telling you, after only 2 1/4 tracks I listened to on the way home, this is the album of the year. And it's February. And I have more stuff coming this week.

The whole album is fantastic, I've listened all the way through either 2 or 3 times now.

Just finished the first disc of Riverside and must say I am mighty impressed. I've heard snippets of Opeth, Kansas, Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Alan Parson Project, Dream Theater and even....Sade. Everyone needs to get this album if they like prog-rock. Oh yes, this is prog rock. Believe it all you doubters!

The second disc is instrumental.  

And don't you just love that first track?

The only complaint I have is why did they distort the vocals a bit on tracks one and three?  I just don't understand that, but luckily it doesn't ruin the song or anything.

I noticed the distortion too, I got a bit worried about that but it didn't stop my enjoyment. But hell of an album. The second disc was ok, sounded like Floyd noodling around. Not bad for one listen.

The first disc though? No duds here!!!

Nice find!

Just curious, was the video I posted for Celebrity Touch your introduction to Riverside?

Umm...yeah. Damn.

RIVERSIDE ... Two Thumbs up

Going into this with some lofty expectations after reading your comments below and listening to the AOTW.  I didn't care for the filtered vocal, much like RJ pointed out, but it wasn't as big of a distraction as it could have been if the music wasn't as good as it is. Jon forgot to mention the Tull-like flute in the 3rd track, not necessarily a bad thing in this context, although I gotta admit the filtered vocals is more of a problem here than before.  The keyboard work is freakin' cool though and the David Gilmour sounding geetar fits perfect!  Its very mid-tempo, much like the other album, which is kind of a cool change up in the prog world, nothing really frenzied or radical, but nice smooth time changes, great transitions when timing does change, cool bass work throughout as well.  Here's the rub, I like it, a lot, but not sure I'm ready to call it a purchase yet and I'm not sure why, need to hear it again...


BLACK VEIL CRIDES ... Two Thumbs who've heard it before

I seem to recall a Video of the Week post from this band that didn't wow anyone.  And so as the first track opens my mind goes straight to this...  More Nu-Metal and nothing really that sets it apart from any other new music out there.  And so it goes through track 10, and then the playlist continues...  You gave us 2 bonus tracks?  But alas, nothing about this band really is working for me, bonus tracks and all, this one gets put in the round file...


Sweet NMC post though!

Those "bonus tracks" were accidental.  I tried to post a couple of the dialogue tracks and somehow it got all screwed up.  Oh well.

no worries...  Curious though, what did you think of the Brides disc?  I sometimes think I'm being harsh on this style of music, but I keep trying to like it and I keep failing

I thought it was okay.  It's a concept album so probably better listened to in whole.  I didn't get the nu metal feel, I got more of an 80's feel, almost Motley Crue-ish around the time of Shout At The Devil, but maybe because of the spoken intro than the music.  I think it's fair, that's my final answer so far.  The guitars are pretty good.  I think the gang style choruses are probably what made me think 80's.

Black Veil Brides--Thumbs in da middle

This is familiar sounding. It sounds like whatever nu metal band you can toss this way. The musicianship is really tight though, got me some serious pummeling which I like. But the singer kinda annoyed me, he sounded auto tuned or something.

And c'mon. Did they have to pronounce "Eve" as "Ave" so it rhymed with "Way"? That was REALLY FRIGGING ANNOYING. Plus it made me laugh. Silly boys.

The last song gave me "it's been awhile..." vibes. Can't recall that damn song but it annoyed me since it seemed like it was played every hour on the hour everywhere. Yuck. 

Not a buy. Hey, Riverside is AWESOME! I went back and listened to the tracks here and loved it still. 


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