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from "hey, aren't these guys really old?" Jon

David Bowie--The Next Day (March 2013)


The album that seemingly came out of nowhere. The album that I was hesitant on buying until I read some pre-release reviews and bought into the hype. The album that I'm damn glad I bought.


1. Love Is Lost

2. Valentine's Day

3. I'd Rather be High

4. Dancing Out In Space

5. (You Will) Set The World On Fire





Golden Earring--Tits 'N Ass (May 2012)

Be honest here! Did you know these guys were still around and still putting out albums? Granted, this came out last year but it should be new for most everyone here. 


1. Identical

2. Cool As It Gets

3. What Do I Know About Love

4. Flowers In The Mud

5. Avenue Of Broken Dreams


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I was also a little hesitant on buying this album, and like you, I'm very glad, that I did. Did you buy the deluxe-edition, Jon? Two of the 3 bonus-tracks are as good as the best tracks from the album. Even though the first single was okay, and it have improved on several listenings, I don't really understand, why he put that out on single, because there are so many better tracks on the album. This is probably not for everyone, but if you like Davis Bowie's classic-albums just a little bit, this is so much for you.

GOLDEN EARRING - (I'm not sure. I think, I will listen a few more times)

To answer your question: No. I don't really remember what they released in the 80's? I remember the band-name, but not any music? Good name for an album! It's one of those albums, where I'm gonna go: It's not bad, but it's not any special good. It's okay to listen to, but probably not a purchase. "Identical" is actually a pretty good track. "Cool As It Gets" is a nice rock'n'roll-track, but it's also something, that I've heard a million times before. It reminds me a bit of The Alarm, who I was kind of a fan of around '84-'88. I think, I will listen to the whole album, unless you tell me, that these 5 tracks are the absolute best tracks on the album?

Yes, I have the deluxe version. I think I'm the only one here that liked that first song and still do.

Parts of  "Cool As It Gets" reminds me of a certain T Rex song. Are they the best tracks on the album? Don't know, I just picked some of the odd # tracks from this album, what I might think is good someone else might not and vice versa. The Bowie songs are all even # tracks.

David Bowie (Thumbs 80% Up) - I've never been much of a Bowie fan.  I like a few of his hits but only own one album.  So while this probably is not purchase material for me (although my mind is subject to change), I do like what I hear.  Especially Love Is Lost and (You Will) Set The World On Fire.  Maybe I like the latter more, but by just a hair.  This was a good listen.

Golden Earring (Thumbs way, way Up) - This is totally fantastic.  I don't own any Golden Earring albums either, but that's about to change.  Every song here is really cool, but I'd say my favorite is Flowers In The Mud, although Identical and What Do I Know About Love are real close.  Great find Jon.

Here's two really solid albums from Golden Earring ...

  • Moontan
  • Cut


Either would be my suggestion for a starting point

Will check 'em out.  I see the US release is a bit different for Moontan, but the MP3 version in Amazon appears to be the European release.  

DAVID BOWIE ... Two Thumbs down

I'm not a Bowie fan, so my expectations are low going into this.  Having read RJ's review, I am surprised he liked it though.  And the first song doesn't help me, it very monotone and boring in fact.  3rd track was blah. And the final two tracks do nothing for me either.  ON the bright side this was a 5 for 5 listen for me and my expectations have been met.  On the bad side, 5 of 5 were not good and my expectations were low to begin with.


GOLDEN EARRING ... Two thumbs needing to hear more 

Its been a long time since I broke out my Golden Earring discs.  Though I did purchase the remastered "Cut" disc a while ago (cool disc by the way).  Seems like "Moontan" was playing a lot when I was growing up.  My bro had that one and then I picked it up later when I moved away.  Cool As It Gets reminds me of T-Rex right away (Bang a Gong anyone?)  I couldn't get tracks 8 and 9 to load up, not sure why...  But I liked this one, the three tracks I heard were pretty darn good!  Need to listen to more to see if purchase is needed though


Nice Post!

Tracks 8 and 9 were really good.

T Rex, huh? Interesting. Very interesting.

Did you hear it too?

Ahem...from yesterday in response to Niels:

"Parts of  "Cool As It Gets" reminds me of a certain T Rex song."

I was waiting to see who would mention that certain T Rex song.

I promise you I didn't read that....

I vaguely recall reading something about Golden Earring a while back, but I didn't think much of it. I like GE a lot and have a half dozen or so of their very early albums going back to when they were called THE Golden Earrings (plural, with the "s").

I even have the original gatefold MOONTAN album with the topless burlesque dancer on it. Good band and really good LIVE.


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