Classic Rock Bottom

It's time for some new music.  And I'll follow Scott's Prog offerings from last week up with some Prog of my own.  The first album I have for you is The Great Divide by Enchant.  Enchant is a Prog rock band with some religious lyrical themes, but it's not overbearing.  My interest in this band is strictly due to the vocalist, Ted Leonard.  He is the vocalist for Spock's Beard, but he was also the vocalist on an album I featured in this very forum last December (Thought Chamber).  I claim he sounds like Tommy Shaw.  Every single person that took the time to listen to that NMC and comment (both of them) disagreed.  I still think it, they will still disagree.  But it's Prog, so both of them should at least like that much of it.

And I'll follow that up with some Blues.  It's Joe Bonamassa's new album, Different Shades Of Blue. It's pretty straight forward, with nice vocals, well written songs and fantastic guitar playing. Check 'em both out.  I hope you like 'em.

Enchant (The Great Divide)

1. Within And Inch

2. The Great Divide

3. Life In A Shadow

4. Here And Now

Joe Bonamassa (Different Shades Of Blue)

5. Oh Beautiful!

6. Love Ain't A Love Song

7. Never Give All Your Heart

8. Different Shades Of Blue

9. Get Back My Tomorrow

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Enchant--about 3/4 thumbs up

The first track is VERY bass heavy. Not really good production on that one song, the others sound fine. Nope, still don't think he sounds like TS. Unlike other prog albums posted recently, this one isn't boring. Note that there are no balloons or flowers on the cover which means this album won't suck. You need to get rid of the "d" on that first track. This kind of reminds me of early Yes, especially the beginning of the second song. The only SLIGHT problem problem with this is that it really doesn't offer anything new. A lot of these prog bands nowadays are starting to sound the same. Minor quibble, it's listenable and it doesn't put you to sleep so I'll stick with my rating. 

Early Yes?  I didn't hear that ... 

I did....

Joe Bonamassa--Thumbs Up

Remember how the Kotzen album didn't have anything that grabbed me? This is the complete opposite. Actually expected something a bit mellower, but it's much heavier than I thought. Nice selection of songs, I liked them all. But does this warrant a purchase? I don't know. Maybe. 

All in all, a much better selection this week compared to the snooze-fest of last week. Of course my goodwill shall be ruined in a few weeks with the posting of the awful Foo Goo Fighting Dolls With Scraggly Hair And A Goofy Smile. Take what you can from me, and cherish it always.

ENCHANT ...  Thumbs half up

This keeps showing up in my Amazon "Your" feed.  Gotta agree with Jon on the opening track you selected, also not a very interesting riff, certainly expect a lot more from a band billed as "prog" ...  BUT ...  it did grow on me in a good way.  The Great Divide, not sure how to feel about this, it seems to bore me and then pull me back in.  Life In A Shadow is the first track I didn't care for all the way through.  Here and Now, what a great way to open the track!  Very cool keyboard work, but the tune falls down but gets better after the clock thingy.  I hear some prog, but I also hear some very slow temo'd tunes that seem to wander off and then grab back at you.  Not a purchase for me...

JOE BONAMASSA ... Thumbs Up!

Much better than his previous effort!  Not that his last CD was terrible, but it sounded similar to other blues albums, nothing new.  This is at least not a retread of blues, this sounds fresher.  Really clean production!  The sound is awesome!  Sans the horns on the second track this ones on the wish list but ay require a second listen before clicking the purchase button...


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