Classic Rock Bottom

by "2 for the price of 1" RJ

Ricky Warwick is the lead vocalist for Black Star Riders, in case you didn't know.  He has just released two albums simultaneously.  They are packaged together, but they are two separate albums, with one being "electric" while the other one is "acoustic".  I just thought this might need some explaining for some of my devoted listeners...Click the top picture for the electric album and the bottom picture for the acoustic album.

Ricky Warwick - When Patsy Cline Was Crazy & Guy Mitchell Sang The Blues

1. The Road To Damascus Street

2. When Patsy Cline Was Crazy & Guy Mitchell Sang The Blues

3. That's Where The Story Ends

4. Gold Along The Cariboo

5. Tank McCullough Saturdays (Electric Version - Bonus Track)

Hearts On Trees

6. Presbyterian Homesick Blues

7. Psycho

8. Said Samson To Goliath

9. Schwaben Redoubt

10. Disasters

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The one with the really long title which I really don't feel like typing: Thumbs 3/4 Up

Nice listen. Reminded me just a smidge of BSR, mostly it sounds like a nice hard rock, bluesy album. The one thing I had a small issue with was that the songs seemed to all sound the same (except for the last one), but the second go-round they didn't sound a much alike as the first time. I really like track #3, kind of a rockabilly, country (yuck) vibe. The song makes me wanna have an old-fashioned gunfight. Notice I said old-fashioned so the PC police don't call the authorities. purchase because I don't think it's something I would listen to a lot. 

The one with the really long title which I don't feel like typing so I typed a longer sentence describing why I don't want to to type it...  Thumbs half up 

I like that opener, the bass line is really good.  His vocals really don't deviate from the BSR albums.  Maybe thats expected but I was hoping to hear a little more range or some differences that separated him from BSR.   Second song also had a great bass line as the hook.  I bet he really missed Gorhams geetar work int he recording process though!  Third song really has a 70's "Ghost Riders" vibe without the guitar work though it fell flat for me.  Cariboo, hahaha, nice spelling!  But here he tries to replicate the Lizzy dual guitar work, again he should have stepped away from that, its not his TM anyway, but...  the tune is good.  The acoustic closer was also quote nice. But I will say this...  He didnt step away from BSR enough, maybe thats a calculated move or maybe thats just all he's got, but as much as I love the two BSR albums this is lacking that "sumthin sumthin" that BSR has.  Nice effort and a nice listen, but like Jon, I dont see this as a go to album so a purchase would likely gather dust for me..

The one with the shorter title that I don't want to type since Scott typed something longer than what I originally typed so I now have to type something even longer than what he typed but now he'll probably type something longer than what I've typed here just so he can say that he typed something longer than I typed: Thumbs 3/4 Up

It's kind of like the review for the other album above, but the fourth song is the one that's more country (yuck) and it really isn't that bad. Maybe it's more of a drinkin' song than a country (yuck) song. I do like the part that makes me wanna dance, it's such a jig Jiggy, I guess. Both of these are better than I expected but I didn't expect them to be horrible. But.....still no purchase because it's not something I would revisit much.

The second one with the same far too long title that takes far too long to type so Jon and I typed way longer descriptions of why it was too long to type but Jon thinks he has to type a longer description that I can so now I have to ramble on here a bit so that my description of this album with a way too long title to type is much longer than what Jon typed. Holy crap this title is so long the first song is over before I finished typing why the length of the title is too long to type, so there...  Two Thumbs 33 1/3% up...

Well now that I'm tired of typing, this will be short, unlike the album title.  I did like the second set opener, but then it drops off pretty quickly for me.  Whats a Schwaben?  Whatever it is this feel like its meant to be a sing along with an Irish flavor, it was OK.  I liked this more than I thought I would, this guy is pretty good but hes better in BSR.  


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