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by "let's show the ladies some love" Jon

Within Temptation-The Unforgiving (March 2011)

1. Faster

2. Fire And Ice

3. Iron

4. Sinead

5. Lost


Female lead European symphonic metal band. This is their fifth studio album and it really grows on you after a few listens. It's a concept album and, with the deluxe version, you can see what some of the songs are about by watching the included DVD. I really like "Sinead" for some reason it has an (get ready to cringe) Abba-vibe but it's much darker than that. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean (hint Niels!).    




The Pretty Reckless-Light Me Up (April 2011)















1. My Medicine

2. Light Me Up

3. Zombie

4. Goin' Down

5. You 


This album actually came out last year overseas and the US had to wait. What we've got here is a hard rock band, fronted by 17 year old Cindy Who. Great voice and I was stoked to hear this album after first seeing a video that I forced Niels to post. Good album, track #1 has a Led Zep vibe going on and track #5 is just a nice little ballad (the only one on the album). And to believe she could have been Hannah Montana....




You can take a listen HERE (since I haven't mastered the "click on the album cover" thingy). 




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I must say little Cindy Lou Who did good.  Actually she did real real good!  That was an impressive listen, I am downloading from the marketplace for a full listen as I type this.  If that pans out as I suspect it will, its off to purchaseville!


I don't usually buy a lot of records with female lead-vocalist's. I don't know, it's like those fine little voices belong's in pop-music, no wait...I don't wanna go there. I'll stop. 

I really like the first track. I do believe, i'd posted a video a few weeks back? Did you buy the album, before I posted the video? Just curious. Now, on the second track, is where it goes wrong for me. It does sounds like ABBA, well at least in the beginning, and ABBA's fine, but.... nah!! I'm beginning to think European Music Contest, and that's NOT a good thing!!! But the first song's good, though. Don't hold your breath for "Sinead" in VOTW ha ha ha!



Now, this girl is TOUGH, and sexy,'s that little girl from the Grinch-movie???!! Cool!!!

She sings like she means it, and I like that. Look out for another video in VOTW soon. Much better than Within Temptation!! "Zombie" is probably my favorite track. But "Goin down" is almost as good:  "I'm just sixteen, if you know, what I mean. Do you mind if I take of my dress". Holy s...!!!!!! 




Well, before you mock Sinead, watch the video. It might change your mind....

Within Temptation (Thumbs even)

This is just okay.  It really sounds like everybody else that does symphonic metal with a female lead singer.  I have no problem listening to it, it's just not that memorable.


The Pretty Reckless (Thumbs even)

Same story almost.  I had hope for this based on what Jon wrote, but to me this sounds more pop than anything else.  Not that that's a terrible thing always, but it reminds me of Pink or somebody like that.   The best track was the last one.

WITHIN TEMPTATION ... Thumbs at 51% up

I do like that FASTER track, pretty nice classic rock feel to it.  But I didnt like FIRE AND ICE, for some reason I was excited to hear this thinking it might a Pat Benatar remake, but alas, it was not to be, just anothe run of the mill new styled ballad.  For some reason I had the urge to find a picture of Sinead O'Connor and stand up facing people and rip it into pieces.  I dont know why though.  Not purchase material but worth keeping an eye on...

This has nothing to do with this thread, but I just wanted to comment on what you said about thinking it might be a Pat Benatar remake.  I do that a lot as well when I see song titles.  The latest one that has my mind clicking is a track on the forthcoming Eddie Vedder solo album.  The song title is Tonight You Belong To Me.  Could it possibly be a cover of the Paul Stanley song of the same name???????? you have to bring up Kiss EVERYWHERE?

Yes he does.  I have a secret contract with him.

Oh wait, you were talking to me...
That's kinda...weird.

My first thought was Music From The Elder in Scott's thread, then I remembered we weren't on that thread.  I'm getting old, I'll soon need medicine.

Great. Now with the Bon Jovi reference.


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